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Posts posted by gethinO

  1. New Goalkeeper - Bernd Leno (Bayer Leverkusen) 24 year old German International. Currently their number 2 behind Neuer. Available for around £15 million. Would be a great keeper for the next 10 years.

    New Manager - Frank De Boer (Ajax) Getting good reviews as a manager in Ajax and relatively young at 45. Was a quality defender in his day so would sort our defensive frailties. Good knowledge of the game and the coaching at Ajax is always top notch. Would probably bring Jaap Stam and Bergkamp with him who are (no offence to both of them) huge upgrades on Dennis Lawrence and Dunc. Stam as a defensive coach and Bergkamp as an attacking coach. Imagine Bergkamp coaching Rom... Mouth watering prospect. Teaching him the art of movement and where to position himself when we attack. Just making him a more intelligent striker. Bergkamp (for me) is one of the best players we've seen in the prem. Attributes wise, he wasn't outstanding. Didn't have pace or brute strength, wasn't particularly good in the air either. But what he did have was a football brain. He was 2 seconds ahead of everyone else. The way youngsters are taught now, it's all about speed and strength and football intelligence is definitely something that's lacking. Ooh and Stam was a hard bastard and would actually criticise them if they're at fault instead of all this positivity nonsense we're seeing now. Jaap Stam would be what Shaun Edwards is to Wales (for you Rugby fans). Defensive mastermind who's philosophy is if you miss a tackle then I miss a tackle. There's a wall of shame at every Monday meeting in the Wales camp and anyone who missed a tackle or made a costly defensive error will be on the wall. They then have to explain their thinking in front of the rest of the players and coaching staff. It's a bit old school but it works and none of them want to be on that wall. There's nothing like that under Martinez and his staff. The players know if they make a mistake they'll still be called phenomenal in the post match interview. Imagine if we had a wall of shame this season? Thinking about it, we wouldn't have enough walls would we? The season we've had. Probably have to stick the team photo up there! Bloody hell Everton!

  2. And without meaning to go down to big a rabbit trail, here's the Cornish crest. It reveals the importance of fishing and mining, shows our national bird (Cornish chough), The fifteen bezants relate to Richard, earl of Cornwall, and king of the Romans. You see this crest when you enter Cornwall from England.



    And here's a snippet of our language, almost identical to Welsh (Geth the Welshman would recognize 'heddiw' and 'bara' immediately :) ). Anyway, thank you to EU for respecting our cultural heritage in a way that the English have never done.


    The similarities is amazing really. It's great that you have your own language and it's definitely something taken for granted sometimes. In Wales it's 19% of the population that speak Welsh and I feel quite proud to say that it's my first language. However unless attitudes change that percentage is going to go down and down. Oh an by the way heddiw means today and bara is bread!

  3. By calling him "raw, very raw" that gives me the impression that he has a lot to work on

    I think we have a good idea what sort of player he'll be. I imagine he'll be keen to please, maybe a bit too much so we'll see some good stuff but I also expect to see some poor things. He'll be quick and sharp but I'm not expecting much in terms of technical abilty - first touch, finishing, passing and so on. Looking forward to seeing him though.

    Got up to season 6 and then it started getting really OTT. 3/4 characters were dying an episode and noone seemed to care? There were no repercussions for them killing people.


    In the first season, you were lucky to see 1 or 2....then it became so frequent, it was annoying.

    Thought exactly the same thing. Watched seasons 1-5 all together and really enjoyed them. Watched the first of season six and had a break of about 4 months due to it being a bit over the top. Finally finished them on Wednesday and on the whole it was a very good series. Some great characters and twists along the way.
  5. Think tomorrow could be a very busy day for us. Quite out of the blue really but looks like Niasse and Bolanos are coming in. Strong rumours that Eremenko is all but done as well and Howard is off apparently. Looking at Diego Lopez. All rumours mind but could be quite exciting tomorrow.

  6. Liverpool reacted when Rodgers lost his way and his ideas failed him. For me, Martinez is in a similar position now (if not worse) and the way we're leaking goals left, right and centre I'm genuinely worried that we'll be dragged into a relegation fight. There's just no game management there at all. At one point in the 1st half when it was 1-1 (and we were going through at that point) about 9 of our players bombed forward including Jagielka leaving us very vulnerable to a counter attack. What's going on? Use a bit of common sense and compact the midfield, defend as an unit and basically tell City come on then break us down. There was none of that at all. Moyes was too negative, Martinez is too positive (in every aspect). We need a middle ground to get the true potential out of these players.

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