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Posts posted by gethinO


    That's a pig's mentality, mate. Whoever is involved ought to put themselves above such things and they didn't. Utterly tasteless.

    As much as I love it as a Welshman whoever that's leaked that to twitter is an idiot. I think it's brilliant they celebrated like that as it's what every Welsh fan did but if you're part of the national team then you have to be a bit more professional than that and keep it to themselves.
  2. Hodgson has to unleash his inner Mike Bassett at Half time...


    Have you heard what the crowd are fucking shouting? "Fuck Hodgson!" "Hodgson's a cunt!" "Hodgson's a bastard!" "Hodgson's a wanker!" They shouldn't be fucking shouting at me, they should be shouting at you, and do you know why? Because it's fucking half-time, and we're fucking 2-1 down to the fucking Icelanders! What the fuck's wrong with you? Get your fucking fingers out! Where's your bottle fucking gone?

    And fucking pay attention you cunt, when I'm fucking talking to you! If you don't wanna wear the shirt, fucking take it off! There's thousands of kids out there who'd die to put that fucking shirt on. Get back on the fucking field, show those bastards what you can fucking do, or you can fuck off home on the fucking plane! You got that?

  3. What are you English feeling about this one then? Comfortable win or is it a case of them defending for their lives and sneaking a goal from a Gunnarsson long throw? I can't see them attacking much so you'll need to be much more clinical than you were in the group stages. No time to piss about in the knockout stages.

  4. Really can't see Wales having the quality to beat Belgium at this stage.


    But I hope they do B).


    (Sheep shagging out voters but I still remember the Ratcliffe, Southall, Van den Hauwe days so can't help but have a soft spot)

    I am ashamed we voted out and am incredibly worried that we have done so. Some French people weren't too happy either and wanted answers as to why we did so. I could only agree with her anger. And yes we'll always be sheep shaggers regardless :yay:


    Your notions on how Belgians estimate their national team are as misinformed as your notions on chocolate.


    Edit: I deleted the rest of my comment, because I don't want the discussion to go this way. Just keeping that bit up here ^

    I'm not going to argue on here about the match like two children. May the best team win on Friday.
  6. Bale is one of the only things I like about Wales. TBF I have nothing personal against the Welsh, but purely because all the media are telling me that the welsh people are so amazing because so and so, makes me just dislike the living daylight out of em, and I don't even know any Welshmen :D I hope they lose next Friday, even if their opponent weren't Belgium.

    The media can write what they want but we've waited 58 years to qualify so I'm sorry if we enjoy ourselves and actually behave. We can get a bit excited so we tend to sing a lot but it's all good natured fun. Don't really like Belgium either if i'm honest. You think you're much better than you actually are. We'll just have to stuff you like we did last time. Maybe Nainggolan will actually know which we you score this time rather than head it straight to Bale. We don't fear you and have you're number.

    Edit: Your chocolate is also overrated - just like your national team.

    Wales 1 Belgium 0

  7. Something about Bale irritates me. I think it's the "look at me being all humble with my inferior team mates" vibe that I'm getting.


    Yes Gareth, we know you play for a huge club and are your teams best player... we know that you play in Spain because you have gone all Beckham with your silly hair do and little streak of hair dye. Maybe if you move to Man United you will get a short back and sides

    I love him. Being the most expensive player ever and playing for Real Madrid he could easily be a bit arrogant and big headed - but he's not. He loves playing for Wales and it's fantastic. Quite opposite of what we had with Giggs. Brilliant player but didn't play any friendlies or seem that passionate about his country.


    Less than 5 years ago we were ranked 117th and now we're in the quarter finals of the Euros. Coleman deserves massive praise for the work he's done. Gary Speed started the process of transforming the team and Coleman has done a wonderful job.

    I agree about Bale actually not playing that well but then again he's scored 3 and has 1 assist in 4 games so he's had a huge influence. That's what world class players do. Ramsey has been terrific and so has Joe Allen. James Chester and Ben Davies have also been sublime. I was lucky enough to have a ticket for the match on Saturday and it was just surreal seeing us there. Belgium will be incredibly tough but we've had the upper hand in recent matches so they'll know what we're capable of. No fear, enjoy the occassion and go for it. Come on Cymru!

  8. "I'm a teacher" doesn't impress the ladies eh? :P

    Ha! Could say that! When I say I'm a teacher the conversation usually ends within a minute. If I say I'm a pilot there'd be a queue waiting to interview me....

    Need a change of career I think. Can't say I'm enjoying it really but I suppose the grass is always greener.... I'd like to go into work in a morning actually enjoying what I do rather than it be something I have to do to pay the bloody bills. I suppose everyone is in the same situation. I absolutely love my 6 week paid summer though. That can stay please.

  9. Ok, rare attempt at sanity and maturity to get back on topic.


    Driver of a hgh speed, pressurised, aluminium tube, usually carrying upwards of 400 people (but occasionally freight) around the planet.


    Which reminds me - time to get dressed as I am off to Bombay in a few hours.

    I'd love to be a pilot. Not so much because of the actual job but just answering people when they ask you what you do with "I'm a pilot' is the coolest thing ever.

  10. Heads up lads. You finished second behind a very good team... On a serious note though we were awesome tonight. Best performance I've seen from a Wales side in terms of absolutely dominating a team. Allen and Ramsey were superb and then Bale won it for us in the end. Awesome team spirit and we'll be bloody hard to beat. Off to Paris on Friday night now. Got a ticket. Cymru am Byth!

  11. Embolo looks awful...

    Didn't play well did he? Having said that it's been that sort of tournament so far. No one has really stood out due to every team playing fairly defensively. Hopefully it will liven up in the last 16 as I can't really say I've enjoyed watching any match (apart from the Wales vs Slovakia game).

  12. My boys school arewatching it too.


    Wales are the worst team in the group imo, England and Russia will beat them and go through.

    Slovakia are no mugs and I thought it was a great win to start off. Are Russia really that good though? I fancy us to beat them. If you look at our team it's a very solid team.

    Hennessey (Premiership - Palace number 1)

    Gunter (Championship - Reading captain - played in Prem before, 68 caps and a good defender)

    Chester (Premiership - didn't play much for WBA but I really like him. Reads the game well and you can see he was at the Utd academy)

    Williams (Premiership - Swansea and Wales captain - absolute rock)

    Davies (Premiership - Plays well as the left sided one of the 3. Very good player)

    Taylor (Premiership - Solid left back and regular for Swansea)

    Ledley (Premiership - Vital for out team and does the basics very, very well)

    Allen (Premiership - Probably our most important player apart from Bale. He's in great form and was awesome vs Slovakia)

    Ramsey (Premiership - quality player with that bit of class)

    Bale (La liga - world class player)

    Robson Kanu (Championship - Reading - probably the weakest part of our team as we have no real quality striker. Kanu works hard and is a bit of a cult hero with the Welsh fans.)


    That's a very good team compared to many other nations in the tournament. Our players play at a high level. I'm not comparing with England as you've obviously got better players but I would argue that's a better team than Russia.

  13. England will win by 2 clear goals. That's not me being patriotic, I'm not that arsed but they just will.

    We'll see. England should have beaten Russia by 2 clear goals as well but failed. I think we're a better team than Russia. In the words of Kevin Keegan "I would love it if we beat them!"


    Was supposed to be leaving work at 12:10(I'm a primary school teacher) but now have to stay and watch the match with the children in my class which I'm nervous about as I tend to swear a lot during football matches. I swear in a typical Everton home to West Brom type of game so imagine what I could be like in and England vs Wales game. If we score I'll have to try and hold it together somehow. Not ideal by a long way but at least I'll get to see it I suppose...


    Can imagine it now....

    Parent: Did you get to see the match today?

    Child: Yes I did but Sir shouted "Fucking get in" when Bale scored that free kick...

  14. England will twat Wales on Thursday, without a doubt.

    Ha!! By twat do you mean by a few clear goals or just England will win? It will be close. There will be one goal in it and with Bale in our team I'm confident he'll be the difference. I'd bite your hand off for a draw though. One thing about this Welsh side is the spirit and togetherness is unbelievable. We'll be up for it and confidence will be high after the Slovakia game.

    Prediction: England 0 Wales 1 (Bale)

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