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Posts posted by gethinO


    Stayed in Conwy and saw the castles in both places last August. Loved it!

    Glad you enjoyed. Conwy's nice - loads of good traditional pubs there and on a sunny afternoon it's beautiful. Love Caernarfon in its own little way as well. Spent most of my childhood growing up there and the people of Caernarfon are 'characters' so to speak!!
  2. Gethin. Originally from a village called Botnewydd, 2 miles outside Caernarfon in North Wales. Went to Bangor University which was a bit too close to home so living in Cardiff now since 4 years (right opposite the Cardiff city stadium - been to watch them once but felt nothing towards them so haven't been again... Mind you it was a freezing and wet Sunday afternoon in December and they drew 0-0 against Sheffield Wednesday. By far the worst game I have ever seen!)

    I'm Welsh first language as you probably guessed from my name and I'm now teaching in a Welsh Primary School in Cardiff. I still don't know if I like teaching or not after four bloody years. Looking to stay in Cardiff for the distant future as it's a lovely city with so much things to do here compared to my previous home in Bontnewydd (bank manager would disagree though...) Still like visiting to see the old parents and I suppose with a teacher's holidays I'm able to do it easily.

  3. From a Welshman's perspective I'm not too scared of that squad as I know Hodgson will pick your Milner and your Henderson no matter what happens. On the other hand there's ridiculous potential there if he plays the correct players in the best suited formation. Wales have been lucky so far regarding injuries with Ledley the only one who will possibly miss the start. Bale plays in the Champions League Final so the whole of Wales will be crossing everything that he'll come through that one unscathed. Looking forward for the showdown!!

  4. Has Jose stated he will stay in the prem? I can see him going to psg if the United gig doesn't happen. If he has confirmed he is staying in the prem we are a viable alternative. I've always remembered him saying years ago after a game how he wished Chelsea supporters where like evertons. Can't see it myself and think it's between pellegrini, de boer and koeman

    Yeah, you're probably right but stranger things have happened. Here's the link about him wanting to stay in England.


  5. I honestly think there's only three clubs Mourinho would join and that's Man Utd, PSG and Everton. I think he has stated he wants to manage in England which would put Utd and Everton ahead of PSG. I think he's waiting to see what happens with LVG at Utd. If they sack him I think he'll go to United. If they don't, I honestly could see him agreeing to join us rather than wait another year for the Utd job. We'd be able to offer him a huge budget and a nice wage I'd imagine. It is a bit of a chess game at the moment. If Mourinho goes to Utd then it will be De Boer or Koeman who are second and third choice. If Van Gaal stays, then I think we'll make a move for Jose who is number 1 on our list. I expect nothing to be sorted until after the FA Cup final where hopefully all the above will have been decided. Imagine getting Jose though. What a statement that would be.

  6. Not voting. I hope every single one of them from board members, coaching staff and players are embarrassed tomorrow night at their award ceremony. Swigging on expensive champagne earning their thousands every week whilst we as fans have to endure that sort of drivel on a football pitch week in,week out. Awful.

  7. Well, that was a fun way to spend an evening. I'm not angry. I'm just embarrassed

    I'm past both if I'm honest. I feel nothing really. The last 10 games the same. No anger, no frustration, no embarrassment, nothing. And that really hurts as I'd never thought I'd say that about Everton.

  8. Kenwright still here worries me big time. He has no ambition whatsoever and the wanting Moyes back really worries me. Moyes had 10 years ffs - not unfinished business at all. Imagine how flat we'd all be to see Moyes announced and Bill with his arm around him thinking he's appointed the best manager in the world. Kenwright needs to go as he's holding us back. This is a new start for Everton football club with Moshiri at the helm so if he's as big of an Evertonian as he mentions then step aside and let Moshiri take us forward. I just hope Moshiri Is firm with him as otherwise we'll see his influence again with Martinez still here or Moyes back.

  9. It's absolutely ridiculous the reaction on twitter and Aldridge agreeing with a fan that he should be put in prison just shows what an absolute tool he is. As has been mentioned above, they've got away with some horrific challenges over the years, none more than Mr captain fantastic himself but those have just been brushed under the carpet I take it? I despise them, they're bloody horrible the lot of them. I hope we get a new manager in who has a bit of a nasty streak about him and put a stop to the complete bottle job that we've been doing against for the last 20 years.

  10. The thing is I'm not even angry anymore. We're 2-0 down because of shite defending against Liverpool and I should be raging - but I ain't. This is what I've come to expect now and it doesn't really hurt me anymore. He has to go as I want to start enjoying watching us play again.

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