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Everything posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. http://salutsunderland.com/2011/12/leon-osmans-unwanted-accolade-as-cheating-finds-a-new-level/ Mentions in dispatches for Avin! Think its a bit harsh myself, Ossie isnt the type of player to take a dive. I think he probably felt the impact of the fresh air kick hitting the turf and honestly did think it was another player clipping him
  2. We havent been playing 4-5-1 for a while now, or at least we hadnt been until Cahill was dropped and Ossie came in behind the striker against Swansea Cahill has been playing as an out and out striker in a 4-4-2
  3. This!! Sorry haf just wanted to agree with you on something !
  4. Compared to Moyes every single one of them Felli is a quality player and if a club like us is going to make that kind of outlay then he was exactly the right kind of age ie we either get years of service out of him so value for money or we sell for a big profit Bily has played out wide for Russia on numerous occasions so that argument doesnt really stand up and surely even the biggest Moyes critic would have to admit that whilst he hasnt got every transfer right, what manager in the history of the game has, his recored is pretty impressive
  5. Lol got to admit I was thinking exactly the same thing
  6. erm Kyle Walker, Glenn Johnson, Micah Richards , I love Hibbo but cant really go along with that
  7. Totally agree It would be completely counter productive because we would then have to buy at least one LB if not two to replace Baines, probably some money would be skimmed off towards the bank and so we might end up with an extra couple of grand for a forward who would then get no supply as our only creative player had already been sold
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/dec/19/wolfsburg-everton-diniyar-bilyaletdinov Wolfsburg supposedly in for him
  9. I 100% agree with Moyes Drenthe was superb when he came on but then he does things like the wayward pass at City that cost us the second goal We all know Drenthe's qualities going forward but whats wrong with trying to get him to improve the defensive side of his game?
  10. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/11-12/rumour-mill/19970.html Miami Dolphins owner Stev Ross , allegedly!
  11. http://www.nsno.co.uk/everton-news/2011/12/january-takeover-in-the-pipeline/
  12. http://www.nsno.co.uk/everton-news/2011/12/blues-turn-to-free-agent-andrews/ Have we really sunk this low?
  13. I actually gave it to Saha because he looked much more likehis old self yesterday His touch an link up play was superb throughout and he was unfortunate not to get himself a couple of goals today Maggie looked great in the opening 25 minutes but then faded badly and should have been replaced earlier, Drenthe unboutedly had a massive impact once he came on and if he had come on at half time we may well have won, however he wasnt on the pitch long enough to be MotM IMO
  14. I would have to say I agree with him to a degree Whilst I am glad he is coming back I definitely think people are looking at it through rose tinted glasses. When he was here last time he did do well in patches and I do think his sheer presence will give the place a lift. But I dont think he was anywhere near as good as people seem to think. There was some games when he was totally innefective and I will never forget that sitter he missed from a couple of inches out I really hope it works out for him but Im not getting too carried away
  15. http://www.sportsvibe.co.uk/news/football/everton-prepare-to-make-8m-move-for-highly-rated-rangers-striker-14296/
  16. I would prefer an Assistant Manager who knew what he was talking about! Even I can see Tolis isnt ready yet
  17. lol the few times I have seen him come on he has looked like an Argentinian Brett Angel
  18. http://www.bluekipper.com/players/something_fishy/3606-mounir_to_goodison.html
  19. I agree it is a massive problem To be fair though Vaughan was even more injury prone than Saha and Yakubu was a waste of space because he couldnt be arsed playing for us anymore so we dont really miss either of those 2 Beckford drove me nuts because he brought nothing to the table apart from the odd goal but I think Velious can do that anyway and Moyes was probably hoping the gamble of bringing in Denis would pay off........it hasnt! Its clear we need a forward but weve needed one for years and there in lies the problem
  20. Excellent post, couldnt agree more No disrespect to Haf he is clearly a passionate Evertonian but at the moment if he burnt his toast in the morning it woud either be Moyes, BK or Cahill that was to blame
  21. Lol so you think Im being harsh yet you agree? Im not saying he is a bad player, far from it in fact, but he is clearly not yet ready Its true the service up to him was poor, however he didnt help himself. There was next to no movement from him all night.. Woodgate might as well have bought him a packet of crisps and a can of coke and told him to go aand wait in the car he was that effective. At every set piece if Velios tried to take up a decent position Woodgate or Shawcross would just come and move him along he just wasnt strong enough to hold his ground I do think the lad has a lot of potential and as Ive said before the only way he is going to improve is with minutes on the pitch but at the moment I just think uts better for him to get those minutes coming off the bench
  22. I think he proved again on Saturday, quite categorically, that he is not yet ready to be starting games
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