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Everything posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. I agree, the two are completely unrelated. Even if we tried to buy Jo they would ask for Lescott we say piss off no problem! I doubt City would pull the plug on any deal just because they couldnt get Lescott. They are desperate to get rid of him and at the moment we are the only club showing any interest
  2. Why not? If City buy a fraction of the players that they are linked with then there would be no room for Jo, especially considering they already have much better options than him in their squad as it is, and the only club that are daft enough to pay even half the amount that City bought him for are City themsleves! So a loan could well be in the best intrests of all concerned. If we did get him for the season I would hope that someone explains to him that he has got to put in an occasional performance away from home as well as at Goodison
  3. I wouldnt mind him as cover but I still prefer Hibbo. I would much rather see us go out and buy an attacking right back such as Fani or Glen Johnson but if thats not going to happen then yeah I would take him
  4. Its being reported in the Daily Post this morning that Moysie may attempt to sign Jo on a season long loan next season. As we are desperately short upfront and dont appear to have the money to go out and buy a forward I suppose it wouldnt be a bad move Maybe with a good preseason under his belt Moyse could get something out of him http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/everto...92534-23692660/
  5. In a statement today Robert Elstone said that we definitely wont be breaking our transfer record so I think we can safely say that Moutinho will not be coming to Goodison, well not to play for Everton anyway! Would love to have seen him playing for us but I guess its not to be, looks like the Arshavin saga all over again
  6. What transport problems? Its right on the M57 and a stones throw from the Ring road so its far more accessible than Goodison
  7. You need to wake up and smell the coffee!!!! Why sell Arteta for £10M when it would cost at least £20M to replace him, AVM is available on a free and there is no way you would get Bentley for £5M
  8. Nah not for me I think we would be better off just giving Nuno another year
  9. I think he would be just as good there I can just see him forming a formidable partnership with our speedy attacking right back aahhhh hang on think Ive just spotted a flaw in the plan!!
  10. The results were Meanwhile, at last night’s Fourth Annual End of Season Awards Dinner, Jagielka collected a double gong as he was named both Player of the Season – voted for by the club’s fans – and Players’ Player of the Season. He said: “Thanks to everyone for their comments. It really means a lot. I really appreciate it and I promise to make you proud again next season.” Young Player of the Season went to Marouane Fellaini while Shareholders’ Young Player of the Season was Jack Rodwell. There was also joy for another youngster as the strike that knocked neighbours Liverpool out of the FA Cup by Dan Gosling was voted Goal of the Season. Other awards went to the late Harry Catterick (Everton Giant), Dominic Boyle (Fan of the Year), Georgia O’Connor (Employee of the Season), the late Will Cuff (The People’s Club Award), Steve Midgehall (Male Disability Player of the Year), Chelsea McGlory (Female Disability Player of the Season), Fara Williams (Ladies Player of the Season), James McCarten (Academy Player of the Season), Kieran Agard (Reserve Player of the Season) and the 1984 FA Cup-winning team (Howard Kendall Award). No surprises really
  11. By definition if an offer came in that was too good to refuse then Everton would accept it. But what price are we talking about? Even if City came in with a £15M bid it wouldnt be enough. We would have to find 2 centre backs and a left back plus 3 sets of wages to replace him then we could blow the change on improving the squad! Its just not a viable option IMO
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...pur/8054837.stm Looks like he will be moving in the summer I would love him here if the price is right
  13. This is better I can get back to disagreeing with you! Yes he had a dodgy start to the season, much like the team as a whole, but I think he has been superb since October. If we sold him we would have no cover for CB and I dont think Jags is going to be ready until at least November so we would have to find 2 centre halves so I really cant see the point
  14. Ha ha now your making a habit of it because I agree again!
  15. I agree with C1982 I think he is crap, it would be a step in the wrong direction and i certainly wouldnt pay decent money for him
  16. I think the opposite I think Hibbert is at his best when he is up against a pacey skillful winger there is nobody else i would like in my side to do a man marking job on the likes of Ronaldo because I dont think hes slow and he is excellent in the tackle. I think defensively he is very reliable and obviously Moysie sees something in him because he throws him in every time hes fit even when hes been out for months. How many times have you seen him suddenly appear on the team sheet for a derby when hes been out for ages? Its when he has got the ball thats the problem so I agree with you that hes got nothing in his locker going forward. If he did he would easily make the England squad IMO
  17. Ha ha I knew if I waited long enough you would say something that I agree with!
  18. Strange how people see games differently! I thought Cahill had a good game today he won the penalty would have scored had it not been for an unbeleivable save by Rob Green, was always there to receive the ball and start off another attack and won some important tackles. He is being asked to play a much deeper role since Arteta was injured and I think hes doing it well also I was late getting back into my seat after half time, (the service in the Park End for a beer is shite! ) , but I didnt realise I missed a Fellaini goal Oh I voted for Piennar by the way!
  19. Owen is an expensive has been and is too much of a gamble for me. His main asset was his pace when he used to play off the defenders shoulder, but I think he has lost a yard or two now and unless he can change his game he isnt going to get anywhere near the England squad ever again so the fact its a World Cup season wont come in to it. He has bounced back in the past when he has been written off but the times Ive seen him this season he has looked hopleless he doesnt even seem to get himself in to any goal scoring positions anymore
  20. Ha ha I didnt sit down once in the semi and I was in 132 19 for that! Probably will be decent seat I think Im just a bit miffed because most of my mates are in block 111
  21. Your nowhere near the back because Im in 109 row 44 which Im guessing is near the back. Seeing as trhough I had 16 credits I will be well pissed off if its a crap seat!
  22. Top quality player I would imagine we will announce his signing on the same day as we announce the signing of Tevez and the money has obviously come from the new billionaire owners!!!!!!!!!!!
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