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Everything posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. Yeah but how many games has he started since Harry has been there??
  2. Yes you are correct 7th place will be enough to qualify for Europe. The only way it wouldnt be 7th is if we win the Cup but didnt qualify through our league position
  3. Obviously I cant prove it now because it was quite a while ago but Moyes gave an interview to the Echo just after he signed saying that he would love to have him here but we couldnt afford him, that was probably about 12 months or so before he joined Norwich and it wouldnt be the first time weve been priced out of signing somebody only to see him go somewhere else for less
  4. Your right he wont leave a regular starting place at Spurs because he hasnt got one!
  5. What makes you so sure we would lose in the qualifiers?? If we made the top 4 the worst case senario is we would drop out of the Champions League and into the Europa League and so we will have lost nothing. We would have more chance of attracting decent players / investors if we were in Champions League Cant see it happening myself but it would be nice!
  6. You are right he did have him at Preston and he said at the time that he would have loved to have brought him to Goodison with him but said that he was out of our price range back then. Havent really seen much of him myself so the prospect of us signing him doesnt really excite me
  7. If they are going to insist on us taking Jo then they need to give us an extra £20M at least !! I dont think we can afford to lose either player, there is no reason what so ever to beleive Arteta is going to be any different than the player we know he can be and who would we bring in to replace Lescott??? The only central defenders in the Prem that are better than him are playing for the "big four" and would be out of our price range. The only possible would maybe be Upson but I think he would command a similar fee anyway
  8. Looks like West Ham are after him now http://www.imscouting.com/global_news_item.aspx?id=1598
  9. In todays NoW http://www.imscouting.com/global_news_item.aspx?id=1594
  10. After his performance against Oldham I couldnt wait to see the back of him!
  11. I agree that Howards form was a bit iffy at the start of the season and yes he was at fault for the goal against Stoke, along with the rest of the defence, but I dont think he has done anything wrong apart from that. He is one of the best and most consistent goalkeepers in the Prem so I dont really think that we need to be looking to replace him Joe Hart was good last season but he has been absolutely atrocious all this season, thats why City were so desperate to bring in another keeper. IMO he is nowhere near as good as Howard and so I definitely dont think he is good enough to walk straight in to our side. There are other area of the side that definitely do need strengthening so I think it would be a big waste of money going after Hart
  12. Wouldnt want either of them Tim Howard is miles better than both of them Hart has been awful at City thats why they were so desperate to get Shay Given and Schmeical just isnt good enough. They both remind me of Paul Gerrard, good shot stoppers but crap on crosses and no command of the area
  13. We get over 30000 tickets for the semi final and therefore anybody who goes to the game on a regular basis should have nothing to worry about anyway so its not really an issue And yes my ticket is sorted!!
  14. Yobo was an absolute disaster when we used him as a right back and equally inept in midfield. He is a good centre back and thats it. I agree with those saying we should also leave Jags in the centre surely Jacobsen cant be that bad that he cant even be given a chance
  15. Cant agree more but keep it quiet or Taxi will want to sell them all!
  16. Thats all he is good for selling stuff outside the ground!
  17. Yep me too! I just hope that we go through because I dont think its going to be as easy as people think against Borro, especially the way we have been playing the last three games. I think it will be 1-0 either way
  18. I sincerely hope you are not as thick as you sound. I have said by all means buy Krancjar but dont sell Piennar there is no contradiction Oh and congratulations on your stunning grasp on mathematics Im sure your Mum is really proud!!
  19. And your point is?????? I have agreed that Krancjar would be a decent signing but you obviously want us to reduce the size of the squad for some bizzare reason. Thank god your not the manager!
  20. I agree its just Big Sam playing mind games to try and influence the referee. I mean its not as if Big Sam would build a team around a physical bruiser ( Kevin Davies!) is it?
  21. I dont know where you are getting that idea from because I have never once said or even intimated that it would make sense to sell anybody. You seem to be missing my point completely so I will try and break it down into easy to follow steps for you STEP 1. Purchase player or players that can improve the squad STEP 2. There is no step 2 because WE CANT AFFORD TO SELL ANTBODY BECAUSE THE SQUAD IS ALREADY TOO SMALL It has been a blessing in disguise that we were dumped out of the UEFA and Carling Cups early doors this year because this squad wouldnt have been able to cope with all the extra games. So to me it is obvious we need a bigger squad for next season especially taken into account the new format of the Europa Cup and we are not going to achieve that by selling our best players
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