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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Kompany hasn't had it coming to him. He's been the best centre back in the league for the past 18months (at least) - he is world class and this is a signing I respect city for as he was raw and maybe a gamble at the time but - was it £6m? Bargain of the century! To think they paid near on £50m for clingon/diet pill... great signing. Today common sense needed to be used, he wanted the ball and I actually think he misjudged it, that's why the 2nd foot came in - it will be rescinded and rightfully so. I can't stand city for the flash the cash Santa Cruz, lescock, etc... signings but credit where it's due.
  2. Dalziel, just out of interest are you related in any way to dave, who also post on here?
  3. This gives me hope - Man.Utd always get rotten draws and usually get through.
  4. ...and does the £150m clear the debt? None of us actually know anything officially, it's all 'I've heard' etc. so let's not pretend to know stuff unless we actually do. To be honest, I think rumours are the main cause of the problem at EFC at the moment - we've got fans setting up other fans for disappointment.
  5. Great game at the Ethiad!!! My prediction City 1 - 6 United!!!
  6. We've made a cup final too! Birmingham and Pompy are both now facing the reality of spending beyond their means!!! They both spent big! Football is very different now in comparison to Royles EFC days. Although Blackburn arguably bought the title that year!
  7. A huge section of the crowd started singing the luis Suarez song as this episode was going on - disgrace!
  8. This in a time where generally the teams with the most money win the silerwear... we're skint... in Moyes' time he's been outspent by all but every other Premier League team... he's come bloody close to silver, that in itself is an achievement(ish). The frustrating tactics and recent negativity can be blamed on Moyes in part but he's had nothing to freshen things up. Add to this, as we stand: - the youngsters aren't quite ready - Gueye, Vellios, Coleman (to some extent), Barkley (many believe he is, I'd like to think he is). - some players 'best days' are behind them - Saha, Neville, Cahill, Distin, Jags, maybe Osman too - our best players haven't been 100% fit or in and out with niggles - Fellaini, Rodwell, Drenthe - some simply aren't good enough - Bily, Straq The plain fact is... WE NEED INVESTMENT... every Evertonian knows this, including those in charge of the club!
  9. c1982


    Very good pundit though - excellent football knowledge.
  10. What I'm saying is, it's our club in the sense that they rely on us, in part, to exist. Plus many fans are shareholders anyway.
  11. It is the fans club in the sense that if we ALL don't go and don't buy the merchandise etc, EFC wouldn't be able to continue as a business. It is Bill's business as much (well slightly more) as it is Earl's and Woods'... these people should be questioned too... Bill may not even be the main 'problem'!
  12. Pretty much agree with that but in the words of the people's club, EFC is all of of ours!
  13. They didn't swear (because they were stood by the police) but they undid any credibility by asking questions like "where's Stallone?"
  14. c1982


    That's the most important thing. Did we actually want a huge win to make us think everything's okay again? The unconvincing nature of this result just shows how weak/stale we are - we are desperate for investment and new blood.
  15. I'm not qualifying it in anyway but it's just an example of unrest being out there and by talking to villa fans on a daily basis, many (most) aren't fans of Lerner.
  16. I think Villa fans are the most fickle you could ever meet and I know loads of them.
  17. http://randylernerout.com/ This looks almost familiar!!!
  18. Milner money on Bent, some of the Young/Downing money on N'Zogbia.
  19. Yet Villa are still a lower mid-table team - and Lerner has appointed 2 managers since the departure of MON and many Villa fans look back on the days of 'Deadly Doug' with envy!
  20. Imagine our fans though... initial investment of £80-90m then we recoup it all 2-3 seasons later - we'd be in a similar situation to what we are in now. That money may have taken us to the next level, who knows? He may have done a better job with our stadium issues? All I know is that Villa fans aren't exactly singing his praise at the moment.
  21. c1982


    It sounds an awful match!!! I've got a mate there in the Tamworth end - I'll get some stick for this!
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