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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Not voted yet but got a question,,, Are we allowed to vote for Duffy today?
  2. Saha wasn't happy as he left the pitch - Kammy said clear pen on SSN and described it as a clear goal scoring chance.
  3. We won't be welcoming him back next week - straight red today!
  4. Kammy says we've set up in a 4-1-4-1 formation.
  5. A pattern is appearing with some of these Q/A's. I'll go Ricky Sbragia along with O'Neill (last month).
  6. What are the odds on a 0-0?
  7. All part of a master plan... .........................Howard......................... Simpson..________..________..Neville ________..Pogba...Gibson.._________ ....................Saha........Diouf.................. Fill the blanks... Nani/Valencia and Vidic/Jones? or more likely Bruce/Pallister and Kanchelskis/Blomqvist!
  8. That was vs West Ham wasn't it - I was returning home after a ski trip when I was at school on that day and managed to catch the highlights before we left for home!
  9. If that's the case he'll get my full support when wearing a blue shirt - wouldn't have been in my thoughts as a priority signing but if he's one of us then good luck to the lad. In other news... Santa Cruz to QPR for £1m - not the best once again but £1m could be worth a gamble. Also Lukas Jukebox is on the move and we have a sell-on!!! £££ !!!
  10. Duffy's only got 1 bastard vote anyway - sell him!!!
  11. 1 minute is enough for MOTM. If someone comes on for the last minute and grabs the only goal, the winning goal, in an otherwise dour match, by running around each player in the oppositions team (twice) - then that player deserves MOTM. Duffy didn't do this, but if people think he did enough in that 29mins to propel him ahead of his team-mates then who am I/you to say otherwise?
  12. Maybe he was distracted by the floodlights?!
  13. Nice to see Avin in tune with his fellow Toffeetalkers!!!
  14. No, half the goals were scored with him on the pitch but sounds like he did well.
  15. I can't see myself renewing next season. Only 2 things would 'convince me'... 1. investment in the 1st team. 2. relegation - would be gutted but wouldn't be able to not re-new on such a low. I just can't take the humiliation of not being able to compete any more.
  16. I do still care but can't face the inevitable tonight!
  17. Currently playing the most attractive football in the league - I've never liked them in the past but I've found myself enjoying them since they broke into champs league with Bale/Lennon on each wing.
  18. My mate is policing the away end tonight - he says 'sack the board' chant is most prominent and Saha should have scored.
  19. I'm actually very happy with out starting line-up - maybe Drenthe in for Bily to counter their pace but I don't mind an injury crisis when it forces the hand.
  20. Would love that but the FA wouldn't!
  21. As long as he doesn't kostas much I'd be okay with this.
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