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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Yeah mean ring of death. I call it that but when went to xbox website the official name is Ring Of Light
  2. Cant beleive it tried to play my xbox last night. It frooze on me and when I started it up had the ROL. Only 10 months old so still in warrenty but am guessing when I go into comet where I brought it from they going to tell me I need to send it off to xbox direct meaning have to wait about 2 weeks or so before get it back or a new one
  3. Up to level 50 on COD 5 once hit 65 going back to playing COD 4. Started TR over xmas quite good and only just finished the boat level where trying to get the item stolen back. Tried new NFS and def better than the last one which was just crap. Looking forward to the new Resident Evil in March
  4. I watched saw 5 last night. Thought it was good and would expect there to be another one. I hoping to watch Lee Evans new dvd tonight Also been catching up with second series of Ice Road Truckers
  5. Seen all three resident evil films. First one is the best. Tonight I expect to watch the latest episode of Fringe that I recorded on Sunday and also 24 Redemption which I recorded on Monday night then also look at playing Call of Duty
  6. You can now play games from your hard drive by coping games to it and then running it from there. Still need the disc though for the start up but its meant to be better for your hard drive
  7. Mine was downloaded at lunch time but not managed to look at it yet.
  8. I liked COD4 but only online play. Never got into the single player mode and with COD WAW dont think will play the single player mode either. Think I am trying GOW2 on line tonight for a few hours so that should be fun
  9. COD WAW is out today however the missus is buying it for me for xmas so got to wait another month and half before can play it. She is getting the new Football Manager game but on the PSP. Could not beleive the deal I saw on gamestation website yesterday for a 60gb xbox 360 with GOW and GOW 2 and Fallout 3 - £199.99 (not surprised to see it was out of stock)
  10. I spent 3 hours last night playing GOW2 on line. Very good and that was only really playing Horde mode. Still prefer COD4 but its different enough to enjoy both. Played the demo for that mirror edge yesterday and that was good as well.
  11. Its my second xmas as a married man and my first as a father. She will only be 7 nths opld but still looking forward to it. Will do what I do every xmas. Got to my parentss for dinner (which I cook)
  12. No idea Dark I am sorry to say. My copy was picked up for me at lunch time so will get a bit of play tonight before going out, however will be playing online with some mates and not sure when will get to play the single player game but if find out and still stuck will let you know
  13. So did anyone pick up GOW2 at midnight last night as I know a few places were open special for it? Will pick my copy up today at lunch time and plan on going on line with it tomorrow night
  14. Played the new COD beta multiplayer last night. Its was there for download on xbox live last night. Looks good (what I have seen so far much the same as COD4) The dogs and the tanks look good on there. Also nice to see if you kill the dogs you get points for it. Guns take loads of time to reload (which you would expect) and the levels seem quite big.
  15. Not got or getting Fable 2 does not appeal to me. About to go and pre order my copy of GOW2 from Blockbusters today. They are the same as game which is opening at midnight on Thursday night to start selling it but doubt will collect til Friday lunch time. Will look at preordering COD WAW at same time I think
  16. Was thinkiong of getting fallout 3 but went for Dead space instead. Dead space what I have played of it is not bad. Not really got that far in it yet so dont know what it is going to be like
  17. I have to be honest and say that I did find that funny
  18. Up to date with it now as watched 2 eps last night. Not to bad
  19. Adam

    Bolton (away)

    Would like to think that we will go on from the Man U result and get a good result to night but got a bad feeling about it that we not going to play well and lose 3 v 0 with a sending off for one of our players. Hope I am wrong and we go with an attacking line up. Would think that maybe Cahill will start on the bench and he will go with the same team against United after they played better in the second half and have Cahill come of the benhc
  20. I have seen the first 1 which was any hour or so long and recored the one from last night but they only 35 minutes from now on I beleive after the first one. Not to bad thought it was a bit slow to get going but guessed it would be. Bit like 28 days later meets big brother. Nice and gory in bits
  21. Does anyone know anything about the BETA codes for Call of Duty at Worlds end? Just checked my e-mail and got one from COD website but looks like have to install it on the pc and not play it through my xbox? as on about installing stuff
  22. Does anyone have any idea when the new Everton catalouge is coming out. Normally have them by now and waiting for new baby stuff to come out and still nothing on the website. Would like to look at getting some stuff for my daugther for xmas
  23. Had a kfc last night and by time I get back from football coaching tonight will prob just have a jacket potato and beans
  24. have played both and even though not impressed as much as I would be with PES 2009 still prefer it to Fifa. Something about fifa just can't seem to get to handle with. Can score goals and win my matches but something about the game play I don't like. For me Pes with not having the new players at the correct club is terrible. It came out 2 weeks after Fifa and they are completely up to date I beleive.
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