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Everything posted by rubecula

  1. this was on the A55 on the way to Liverpool I needed the car to be repaired before I could drive home, was due to go to a party at Everton in the community at new year but we were both too ill. and Christmas dinner was beans on toast, so I really was pissed off over the festive period. and my phone was wrecked too. so I am glad to be home in many ways,
  2. would it be emma Emily for 16?
  3. c. Let the sunshine in == aquarius d ''holiday in the sun by the sex pistols h.. sunshine superman by Donovan I think, no too sure though
  4. getting stranded in Liverpool travelled there for Christmas and hit a friggin massive pothole so needed to get the sodding car fixed only just got home
  5. sorry I was delayed in Liverpool lol anyway back to my point about the seats, I am not worried so much as badly disappointed by the number of seats extra if they wanted as many normal seats as possible they would not have gone for such a small new stadium. small stadium = small mentality = small ambition = small club mentality = small chance of success = small chance of getting it filled due to cost of tickets
  6. What I object to is the possibility that the 15000 seats will be executive seats
  7. How much! 300million for 15000 seats? If so approx. I've better to develop GPS imho
  8. Gareth Barry (number 19?) jaysus I am crap at this
  9. I can understand this myself from my time in the forces
  10. I hate to say it but Coleman needs a rest
  11. Burnley 0 - 2 Everton Richarlison Brighton 2 - 3 Everton siggy Everton 3 - 3 Leicester Bernard I should be back online by then, if the players named do not play I will leave it to steve to put a name in place if that is ok?
  12. thanks steve but I am not sure when I will get back
  13. no worries old chum (chum - shark food) I could ask someone else if you prefer
  14. https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2018/12/13/cash-on-highway/
  15. search The International Fixed Calendar (also known as the Cotsworth plan, the Eastman plan, the 13 Month calendar or the Equal Month calendar) is a solar calendar proposal for calendar reform designed by Moses B. Cotsworth, who presented it in 1902.[1] It divides the solar year into 13 months of 28 days each. It is therefore a perennial calendar, with every date fixed to the same weekday every year. Though it was never officially adopted in any country, entrepreneur George Eastman adopted it for use in his Eastman Kodak Company, where it was used from 1928 to 1989.[2] ( (Wikipedia)
  16. are you sure? I thought people may have meant human and politicians can nt be human can they?
  17. one these was voted on by MPs the other was voted on by the people I think comparing these two things is an affront to common sense.
  18. rubecula


    I accept I am possibly wrong on this Bill. sorry mate.
  19. I have lost 110 euros I had bought for a trip. I have no idea where they are.
  20. @Matt do you want to keep the thing going for me until I get home (will be in new year)??
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