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Everything posted by rubecula

  1. It is an idea I have had myself a long time ago. Not sure it is a good idea though. However, I really don't know what to make of the fact it has come up now, in respect of finances required to make it happen when the whole country (indeed most of the world) is in a recession and cash is tight. I don't know what will happen now though I can only look forward and hope that whatever happens it is for the best.
  2. ROFLMAO I nearly sprayed my coffee all over the screen at that one.
  3. Actually Ten I am glad I didn't have a go at this after all. Good grief everybody has a different answer.
  4. You got a crystal ball or something? Any idea on lottery numbers for this weekend?
  5. Oh go on, let me have a nickname for those things across the park. It is "Those Things Across the Park"
  6. Aww I wanted to have a go at that too. Oh well my own fault for having a dodgy connection.
  7. Greetings Murph. great to have you here. I was up your way not long ago. Lovely place.
  8. G'day and welcome to ToffeeTalk. Great to have folks from all over the world pay us a visit. Hope the weather there is not as bad as it shows on the news.
  9. rubecula


    Hi Greggles, tell us about yourself mate, and welcome to the madhouse
  10. Hell you want a hard language to speak, try living on Anglesey like I do. Ok the locals speak English with a bit of a Scouse accent, but the Welsh language is awful to try and learn. Nantes: Bonjour mon ami. Comment?
  11. All those arguments aside, if Rooney wanted to come back to Everton, would you have him?
  12. MokeO I just clicked on that link you gave and read through 77 pages of pure vitriolic abuse. OK there were a few Man Citeh fans who were courteous, but the majority of them were not the sort of people I would like as next door neighbours. So basicaly I found myself laughing my head off at them. Thanks for that link, it has made me smile...... actually hysterical laughter is closer to the truth.
  13. It is a bit variable to me, but I put that down to my computer being old and slow anyway. It does the job and no real complaints, even if it was quicker than it is I doubt it would make a lot of difference to me.
  14. The stadium could I suppose be Blue at one end and Red at the other, maybe with white in between. Then Home fans would always have their seats even in an away Derby match.
  15. Felli for me too of course. It was an inspired performance that was a lesson in how to play. How good would our team be with 100% availability and everyone on top form? *sorry I just went into a daydream for a moment there, remembering 1985.
  16. rubecula

    F My Life

    Background: One of the guys in work brought in a book that is one of the funniest things I have ever read. I was laughing myself sick in work when the boss came in. He read a bit and fell about laughing too. The book is a compilation of stuff from a website. Some of the stuff on the website is just plain stupid, but there are some gems in it. (The funniest things are in the book but if you look through this I can guarantee you will find things that will have you crying.) e.g. Quote: "Today, I checked to see if the fryingpan was hot. Now I have no fingerprints." or "Today, I decided to treat my yeast infection over the counter to avoid going to the doctor. Too bad I didn't read the directions. Now I have to go to the doctor to get the tip of the applicator removed." type this into your search engine: " f my life stories " I tried a link but it doesn't seem to work.
  17. That photo looks like a "Vulcan Mind Meld" Is it a sports version of Star Trek?
  18. *Goes to bed feeling suddenly sick*
  19. I didn't copy them, cos I didn't know about them. Sorry guys. Geez I missed you folks.
  20. You may be thinking of the fact that Anfield used to be Everton's ground before we moved to Goodison.
  21. Being totally honest, my favoured option, if we were to move would be to Walton Hall Park. But apparently that is impossible. As I understand it, a football stadium can not be built on a publicly owned park. ooooooooopppssssssssss Anyway, is this the place with the artificial pitches on it or am i thinking of the wrong place?
  22. Wow that is one hell of an ideal world. But you forgot to add that you were watching it from super delux executive box with the last six Miss World's pouring you drinks and feeding you on peeled grapes while the game was going on. But yes I do agree that ground share is not a favoured idea, but if it was the least of all evils then I would go along with it.
  23. Football: Everton and Hednesford Town Rugby Union: Leinster and Ireland Rugby League: St. Helens Cricket: Not interested Baseball: Don't give a flying #### American Football: Not really bothered, but a soft spot for Dallas Cowboys as it is the first team I ever heard of. Hurling: Dublin or Offaly Gaelic Football: Dublin or Offaly Don't really follow any other team sports.
  24. Hey Reece welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do.
  25. Welcome Andy, and I think you will stick with Everton, Even Sylvester Stallone went on our pitch with an Everton Scarf, so a real fan will surely last a bit longer than ten weeks ROFL
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