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Everything posted by rubecula

  1. Ok we have one foot in the next round. But I am not sure what the next round is. Is it the group stages, or is it another KO game (home and away)or is it something different. How many teams will be in the league and how is it decided on who wins the trophy? I have tried to find out on the 'net' but I am not getting anywhere. I think I will go to confused.com ......... cos I am confused as hell
  2. Young Jack for me, but it was a close decision. Saha is a favourite striker. I actually think he is a better player than the Yak. (My own opinion by the way, not a statement of fact.) But Jacky boy gets the vote for not only two cracking strikes, but his all round play. Just how far will this kid go? (Anyone says Eastlands I will stab them)
  3. This whole saga has gone on long enough now.
  4. I am not convinced that we need (or want) Bentley. He certainly would not be my choice for a signing in all honesty.
  5. I am willing to take a bet on the fact that we will not get him. :sad01_anim: Maybe that guy they name in the Aviva ads would come to us. Ruud Van Nostrilboy :whistle:
  6. I understand they are in the transfer market for a new groundsman.
  7. Just a thought, but what are your opinions on what David Moyes will do if there are no transfers this window? Will he be looking to leave? Will he be asking openly for more transfer funds? Will he be looking to sell in January? Will he grab BK by the throat and try to shake some money out of him?
  8. And the scout we have is a boy scout too if the current situation is anything to go by.
  9. PeteO. You began by making a statement that on the face of it seems to be well thought out, and is a valid point of view. I too think that we are doing things the way they should be done. You said you posted that before the season began, and in that case I agree we were the fifth best team in the EPL. Unfortunately at this moment in time the league table shows us to be the worst. We are admired by pundits and maybe other fans in some respect, for the way we do business. This does not mean we are successful at this moment in time. In fact we are not successful unless scoring one consolation goal against Arsenal is a measure of success. Unless we get some serious investment, we are likely to be going nowhere except downwards. Good intentions amount to nothing in football these days. It would be niice if we could be league champions without ever spending a bent penny. That is something that simply won't happen. Modern football, thanks to the likes of Chelsea, Man City, Man Utd, Liverpool depends on spending money for success to arrive. (OK City and Liverpool seem to be suffering a bit at this moment) If DM had money to burn, do you think we would be less successful or more successful than we are just now? DM is a great manager, better than Sparky Hughes, better than Rafa. Just how good could we be if he had money? But it seems you do not like the idea of having money. That is your viewpoint and you are entitled to it, but I do suspect that you may be in a minority if you think we can challenge for top honours without dosh. (I was always lead to believe Twats were useful by the way.)
  10. Actually I think Ireland is a fine player, and a credit to the old regime at City that brought him through the ranks. Seriously though, I think those days might be over. it is easier to throw money around when you have it than to put the effort into producing good players. I have never had an axe to grind against City. And frankly I still don't. I am mainly peed off with the Atitude of Sparky. He is deliberately trying (and possibly succeeding) to cause disruption in a 'rival' club. Ok he wants to buy Lescott. However he has been told no, yet still he leaks stuff to the medai that upsets and angers many other people. I really used to like Mark Hughes, he seemed to be a gent. I think however the money available has gone a bit to his head. So nowadays I am of a mind to dislike him. (To quote Sir Alex "I wouldn't sell that lot a virus") No offence to the genuine fans of City.
  11. Ummmm. Have you looked at the table lately? There is no premiership club below us. But of course, by your words you are saying that that is what you want or you would be supporting someone else. That is what you are saying isn't it?
  12. my opinion is the same as Everton Worshipper I am afraid Fellaini was crap and lazy (although he is struggling to shake of a virus.... in which case he should not have played.)
  13. I would be happy to accept mid table mediocrity after that showing. Carry on like that and we can wave good bye to the premiership let alone the Euro league
  14. Fellaini was too lazy throughout the game. (OK he is recovering from a virus) I would have to go with Saha as he livened things up a bit.
  15. I dunno how I survived I am bruised, battered and full of food and beer.
  16. I agree. I don't think 1 - 0 wins against the lower (ha! we a re bottom) Ok 1-0 wins against supposed lesser teams is going to be good enough. We were totally destroyed and we need to be doing that to others. I thought Lescott played fairly well, which is as good as anyone else in the team. Although Fellaini seemed to be suffering from lazyitus. (I understand he is still recovering from a viral infection) Yobo was active but largely ineffective. Jo seemed to have lost the plot a bit. Oh hell I could go through the entire team. (If a team is a loose mixture of 11 players with no interaction between them) I wanted to post right after the game but I think I would have said something bad in the heat of the moment. I can not believe just how P*ssed off I actually am over that. We will recover, I will recover, but right now, at this very moment, I want to .............. AAAARRRRGH!
  17. Speaking of interesting games I think I will be cheering this weekend. Not too loudly though as I don't want potential rivals doing too well. But I want to see Liverpool start off poorly and then we can see what they are made of. I suspect thet if they start badly they may just fall apart a bit. Be nice to see them struggle wouldn't it?
  18. I am not going to be able to make it up to Liverpool for the game today. But I have just had good news. My friend (who is sadly a Gooner) has invited me and a few others around for beer, curry and ESPN live showing of the match. I will be with you in spirit guys. (For gods sake don't let me down, sitting in a Gooners house if we get beat is going to be hell. I will just have to eat EVERYTHING in his fridge to keep me happy)
  19. LOL change the name to Torres and post it on a Rd's site
  20. In a football crowd it can be a combined welcome. Some may want to cheer him, some may want to boo him. Whichever is the stronger will prevail I think. That is how it normally works. I personally don't have anything against him. If someone offered me a massive pay rise to do the same job just down the road, I would also want to go there. So I think he is entitled to look for a bigger pay packet. The fact he signed a contract means it is not up to him to leave just yet, but he is entitled to ask to. The fact the decision is to keep him is not his decision nor is it his fault someone wants him. As to what response the crowd will give him. I think that is up to the gods and the 'Mob' mentality that prevails in a football crowd.
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