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Everything posted by john_webby

  1. good stuff keep it up i punch like a sissy so i'd be useless lol
  2. who would we drop????????????????????? and would he come knowing he would only be warming the bench?????????
  3. everytime i have posted a few times its telling me to many sign in's or some thing will let you know the actual thing it says when it happens again anyone else having same problem??????????? this is what it says IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Too many connections (Line: 120 of /ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php) There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here. Error Returned mySQL error: Too many connections mySQL error code: Date: Thursday 06th of July 2006 08:45:42 PM We apologise for any inconvenience
  4. well we aren't looking in great conditioner are we we are scraping the bottle of the drum now i dont think we are going to get over this but we will try and (lime)scale over it
  5. i must while in preston is sampling some rather tasty foods in the centre there is a cheese mongers were you have to pick up some creamy lancs cheese its heaven also a must parched peas with vinger mmmm mmmm mmmm heaven (i have family who live there so i am a visiter a fair bit)
  6. i dont care who starts if we win league it could be torville and dean but really les and joey
  7. its ok claire dont get your head in a spin they are just ringing out some really bad puns they may need to hose each other down to get rid of the nasty stains on there reputations after some of those puns
  8. ok right i'll piss you off now claire before you get to your 10th lesson so i can stand half a chance (ok maybe i would stand half a chance now either) LOL only joking how did it go did you knock crap out of aload of people??????
  9. no bill found 10 mill down the back of his sofa so we can go after everyone again now
  10. hola amigo welcome to the madness we call home check out the classic threads they are classics if your ever involed in one they can become quite hilarious
  11. have to agree with mikeo here the american hot is the dogs dangly bits especially wen you get the £20 to share between 4 and you get the glass bottle coke (class) cant remember whether its 2 or 3 slices to choose from the whole menu a galic bread (its the future i seen it) coke and ben and jerrys (ok its not haag en daazs but you know the worlds not perfect) and no i dont work for AMERICAN SLICE PIZZA but hopefully if i keep saying AMERICAN SLICE PIZZA and keep plugging AMERICAN SLICE PIZZA i might get a free one well it works for the celebs
  12. if u dont put the 1st challenge he certainly will trust me i can play centre half and thats exactly what i do
  13. Johnson told evertontv: "It has been brilliant. It was a bit hot on the first day but the boys have been brilliant and have welcomed me with open arms. The gaffer and the coaching staff have also been excellent and it was a good first day of training. "This is something I have been looking forward to all summer. Once you sign you want to get in straight away. I have had a few weeks since I signed but I am here now and I can't wait for the season to start. off the main site so sounds like he's raring to go
  14. no he's busy that week but ballack and pele said they were up for a game of nods and vods
  15. john_webby


    it got a smile
  16. kofi annanananananana he always used to be in the news what happened to him jenna jameson (no thats just me coz i'm getting married) craig charles (oooopppppsssss) penny farthings (patv will remeber them) red telephone boxes
  17. vinadloo is a bit much i can eat it and enjoy it but is it worth the 3 days after that is the question but when it comes to food now there is no question you cant beat a pub meal (preferably weatherspoons) mixed grill with an ice cold pint ______ (insert you poison) and then once settled a choclate cake with ice cream now that my friends is a meal with the added bonus of no washing up
  18. i have a left foot i'll play there cant use it but i'll have a go well really we have 4 to choose from (well if injury free anyway) naysmith pistone valente neville
  19. me feels a e-mail to Everton coming on.......... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  20. no but this isn't even a rumour this is just dream land i wouldn't say no if by some miracle it happened but it never will
  21. i lost all interest apart from the £7.00 free bet bet365 just gave me (all on germany tonight the crouts to win) but i dont care for any of the teams portugal = ok valente but hate ronaldo and didn't really like them before that anyway France = like Henry but just cant stand the french (no offence to any french people but the french people i have met have been arrogant and rude so sorry about that) Germany = need i say anymore Italy = dont like them either P+F+G+I = me not interested (portugal + France + gremany + italy = me not interested for those that didnt get it)
  22. put the ball in the back of the net........................
  23. i pretend korma isn't real Korma is like the fat kid who gets picked last for footy or the little kid who gets stuck in goal no jalfrezi is your top goal scorer just hot enough to blow your bollocks off but not to hot you have to sit on one of those donoughts for a week
  24. i've been waiting for this to show up me i'd take him seen him for BM and he's looked good he can play hes like a poor mans makeleeeeeee (dont know how to spell it) and i think DM would get the best out of him so i would more than welcome him here but this is if only's unless BK has won the lottery again i cant see were at least 5 to 7 mill is coming from for that buy to be honest but dont think 5 to 7 mill would be paying over the odds for him
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