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Everything posted by RuffRob

  1. Its 10% of any profit made when selling on - so maybe £1m -£1.5m of £50M (if we paid between £35 and £40M and addition £1m if Spur fee goes up to £60M. We are not getting less than we paid for him. His original £40M fee is now 4/5 written off (as 4 year in on his original 5 year contract at point of purchase). So on our 21/22 balance sheet it will look like around +£35-40M coming in. Tomorrow is an new financial year.
  2. I have just read that if this is a £60m deal then it will be Spur's biggest ever fee paid.
  3. If we take Digne sale as a example and what happened in January - Digne's sale (of around £25M) seemed to allow us to spend similar amount on Patterson and Mykolenko. Instant cash injection of a sale in this financial year allows us to spend the same (or similar) amount - but spread over upcoming 4-5 seasons. Lets have our fingers crossed that after existing liabilities cover, there is £40M or so to spend on transfers. We missed out big time last season as we struggles to have funds available until James eventually moved on. This sale early in the transfer window seems to just, if not more, important than extracting the very top dollar fee on 31st August. We have potentially bought 2month to help develop Frank's squad.
  4. and this is key to me. I hope we go full on to try and get Gallagher to the club - he looks to be a player you could build a team around over three or four transfer windows. Even if Chelsea have some sort of first refusal to buy back clause (at a profit for us) is given to Cheslea. If he is a massive success he will want to move on in any case and he is Chelsea through and through - but we need to get him first. Have to make the most use of Lampards links with Cheslea (while there are still people he has worked with left at Chelsea)
  5. A new owner can only be a good thing - I have not problem with a group of money people coming even if there end goal is to maximize a profit for a consortium. The best way or only way to really make more money in football - is to get a better team and become more profitable. In this day of FFP it is all really going to be about having the best sport/football business people in at the top of the club. I have said it before, we are a club currently run by dinosaurs and dreamers - its no good in this day and age. It is time to now have modern business professionals to get the club on a even keel and run it like the business it needs to be to be successful in the global modern game.
  6. I am not talking about breaking on to the top 6 or 7. Just being toward the best of the rest. To be honest there is not a great deal between teams finishing 8th and 17th in the Premier League. Last season a Conor Gallaghar in the middle of our team and a slightly less brutal injury list and we would have been just as likely to have been battling for 9th and above come the last couple of games of season.
  7. I think we definitely have MASSIVE potential for any buyer. We are currently at a low point in our Premiership performance and showing but really are actually only two or three really decent signings off being a team who would easily be competing in the top half again. This summer we are going to be relatively cheap - would we be valued at 25% more if we had been scrapping in to Europe? The stadium - its going to be modern as you can get, with everything you would want commercialise and maximize revenue from a clubs single biggest asset. We are based in Liverpool, arguably after London one of the most iconic cities in the country and famous throughout the world. Not all cities in the UK have the same kudos. The long and short of it is that with the stadium now under construction and costs locked in - for clever people who actually know what they are doing in sport entertainment and football we have massive scope to improve and expand in pretty much every direction. We have the potential to become a very 'fashionable' premier league club if run correctly.
  8. It would not surprise me to see Richy go for £60M (maybe £5-£10M more than Spurs really want to pay us) by 30th June and Winks come in for £20M (maybe £5-£10M more than we want to pay) on the 1st July - purely in order to help our 21/22 FFP. My guess is that would be beneficial to Spurs from a FFP point of view as well if they are not sailing close to the wind with there 21/22 accounts - as means on day 1 of 22/23 season they are +£20M on the books. With wage bill a lot less this coming season - we might be OK to spend on transfers a bit in 22/23 season.
  9. £60M is about fair, and we have had some decent performances out of a player that has given his all for the club. There was talk of him going a couple of seasons from him and we managed to get a couple of extra seasons out of him. So fair do's to him, he has just got on with it and in all fairness we as a club have not grown and developed along side him - so don't blame him in this being the season he steps up to see if he cuts the mustard in a team who are actually challenging for silverware and playing in Europe. However, we need to remember we also paid very good money for a very young and raw Richarlison and believe 10% of any profit made goes to Watford. So the club can't pat themselves on the back to much. This does need to be the kind of model we employ at the club - buy good quality youngsters, give them first team football for 2,3 or 4 seasons and then not be afraid to move them on at a decent fee and invest in more quality youth. I am hoping a stronger and more experienced Gordon steps up next season with some more goals to his game to help fill the Richarlison void. I think Gordon's work rate is up there with Richy's. You feel this is also going be a big 6 months for Deli Alli in a Everton shirt.
  10. The thing is it rolls over 3 years, so the club has kind of put itself in to this position. Things will not have help by our league position and minimal prize money etc and loss of sponsorship deals this past 6 months - tens of millions here and there that we may have missed out on at a time when we are sailing close to the wind anyhow - its just to a shit storm for us. It is a piss poor situation to be in - having to meet FFP over a rolling 3 years, but this is no new news to the club. Its Everton owners who have been incompetently short sighted as opposed to the league. The rest of the teams in the league are governed by the same system - but it seems only to be us who have fooked ourselves up with it, continually buying and paying shit players way more money than they are worth - its been a 5year production line. I imagine a decent sale or two, a season or two with a more modest wage bill (and projected wage bill), and say a mid table finish or two, then I think we are back in the game. We have just got to get our heads down survive and build from bottom down over the next couple of years. What we could really do with our very own £100M+ Grelish, Phil Foden or Declan Rice type of home grown player to give us a super boost financially that's a massive cash injection and within the FFP parameters.
  11. Its getting that way!! Levy got a taste of us taking Spurs deadwood of their hands after seeing Alli move. Lets hope other clubs pull their fingers out if its looking like imminent more to Spurs is on the cards. If similar sort of deal with Chelsea and Gallagher then not a problem. but has to be players we really want or need, not other clubs failed signings - we have enough of our own!!!.
  12. but I think one of the important things is that this deal is done in the 2021/22 football accounting year - and that deadline is 30th June 22, which is this Thursday. This together with a Bill and Levy dinner last night, and agreed personal terms being rumors this morning makes me feel the deal is fairly imminent.
  13. Sounds to me like a deal has been done- If we get around £60M for Richarlison I guess I would be happy enough - maybe slightly less if the whole amount goes on the 21/22 financial books and actually saves the club a heap of FFP fines or transfer embargo's etc. As it looks imminent what would others be happy with?
  14. I have just been reading that some Villa fans are up in arms as they have seen some of there season ticket prices go up by over 40% for this season. You would have to guess that this is one revenue stream any new owners could instant improve for Everton FC when a shiney new stadium is built. What is our current average match day revenue and what would that increase to with extra capacity and say 30% price hike on ticket prices. I am guessing with a back of a fag packet calculation this could almost double the net profit at each home game - as game day 'overhead' will remain almost the same.
  15. I can imagine Levy has enough front to talk down Richarlison's value and big up Winks's in the very same breath. We do need to be careful in devaluing the Richarlison deal with and over inflated Winks deal being thrown in to the mix. I think Everton may have told Spurs to much detail on our financial problems and what we can and can't do as a club when brokering the Alli deal.
  16. Spur just trying to raid us of our best assets while we are on our arses and need to raise money by the end of this month. Fuck them - If we are going to have to sell any players cheaper than there market value - I would much rather see them go to Chelsea than Levy at Spurs. I am sure we can broker some other deals for some Chelsea players during this transfer window with Frank's connection with the club, so if anybody is going to get a player of ours cheaper than market rate - Chelsea would make more sense. Can't stand Spurs these days.
  17. I agree - just too much wages on a player who struggles to be available for most games. Lets not also forget that the few decent performances seen at the tail end of last year where not in keeping with performances we seen over most of his time with us. I see Winks as his replacement - and would welcome that over keeping Delph in the squad.
  18. https://www.goodisonnews.com/2022/06/27/everton-star-andros-townsend-praises-frank-lampard-for-the-handling-of-the-squad-after-his-arrival/ Interesting comments from a current squad member. I was think myself along the very same line - Lampard has really got to see who in this squad can be relied upon when the chip are well and truly down. I can't imagine there could have been a team more lacking in confidence than the dressing room he and his backroom staff walked in to at the end of January. I think it will be pretty clear to the management team now on who can and can't be relied upon in the project going forward. The four month in which Lampard led the team through a relegation battle should hopefully have turned out to have been one hell of a interview process for the current squad member - It will have been much more rigorous than treading water mid table - they will now know the hero's and villains are of this squad.
  19. I though Premier League now have their beady eye on those sort of sponsership deals these days.
  20. I wonder how much truth is in this article - I thought under FFP we would not be able to spend if new owns came in to the club, as its all about turnover and profitability and not simply owners pumping money. So in our current situation, an owner with the very deepest pockets can't help the situation. I would like to be wrong.
  21. Dont think the signing of Winks is going to get any pulses racing, but he has got to be better than what Delph and Gomes have been able to offer us. He will be more consistent and reliable if not spectacular, at the moment I will take reliable for a couple of season.
  22. Would love him here, but don't see it happening. Hard working player who would definately take the edge off Richarlison moving on.
  23. I am sure there will be plenty of interest in the purchasing of Everton from a number of buyers and not just the Kenyon consortium. As shit as our current situation we are still a very highly ranked Premier league club - outside of say half a dozen or so clubs we are arguably the next highest valued club in terms of size, history and dare I say it potential. It going to be rare for a top tier Premier club bigger than us to come up for sale (at least at an affordable price), as premier clubs go we are a valuable asset especially with an all new modern glitzy stadium now on the horizon. I am well aware its not completed yet, and this has to be worked in to any sale of the club - but as we all know it takes years and high risk getting to this stage of a project - so in reality the main uncertainty part of 'a new stadium' is now behind us. It sound as if the stadium construction cost have now also been locked with the contractor - so that should be fairly certain. To me in this day and age its about having smart modern people in the executive roles at the club - not fossils or dreamers. Others must be looking at the club and simply thinking - we can do a much better job then the clown who are in charge at this club, its nowhere near fulfilling its potential. lets try and get it while its on its arse a bit. I am rejoice a little in the fact we could possibly be around the corner from changing the single biggest problem at the club - those who run it at the very top.
  24. I am liking what I am reading, but it does have a slight feeling of Deja Vu. I just can't get over enthusiastic just yet about any changes at the club. lets just hope that this time Moshiri gives this lot the reins to actually do their jobs properly over a prolonged period of time. None of us really know if Walsh and Brands where actually good or poor at their jobs - because to me is sounds like both had to do it with one hand tied behind their backs while hopping on one leg - in a game of 'Moshiri says'. This is the number one thing that HAS to change at this club. Nothing gets better until his constant interfering with footballing matters stops- and its just to early to know if this is actually going to happen.
  25. I really hope we get Zinchenko, I think he will excel in our team as a midfeilder. Great age, bags of top experience and a very good player. No real bedding in period needed, as he is already settled in the North Wesr. Can cover LB so added versatility, if we use Mikolenko offensively, then a midfeilder who can seamlessly cover LB is massive bonus.. These two could be very effective together, shades of Pinear/Baines kind of understanding perhaps!! Get it done.
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