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Everything posted by RuffRob

  1. To actually do this properly you need to also play youngsters regular - this does not come without risk. Holgate played better towards the end of the season as he got more game time - this is all part of development - actually playing and gaining experience and form and confidence. We are always in a rush to jump on players as soon as they come back in to a team, never giving them the chance to settle in to a team or position properly. This could also apply to Iwobi - did he get better and more consistent at the end of last season because he is in the starting 11 regular, quite possible. We have to settle a little bit for mid table mediocrity as we develop young players and a young team - its not going to be a smooth curve. We will not shift from relegation battle to winning loads of game and challenging for Europe overnight. To develop young players there has to be some sacrifice and that will be consistency of performance, especially in the first couple of seasons. You then hope season on season you sell on a little, but you invest in slightly better youth each time. I am open to Tarkowski coming to the club - but only if Keane or Mina move on as one of our more senior defenders. So his signing should not be at the expense of bring in younger blood or allowing them sufficient game time and thus development of our young defenders. To warrant bringing in a more 'senior' player - think we definitely need to swap out rather than add to - as the very minimum.
  2. I agree, we do need to be looking at the best young talent in the Championship with an element of gamble in bringing them here. However, it's also a gamble when you bring tried and tested Premiership players for big fees and big wages - which we have been so guilty of this past 4-5year. I can't say I know much about O'Brian, but its definitely the market we should be looking at - the 'young and hungry' as Thelwell and Lampard have put it. The one thing we have going for us over the likes of the big 6 (and even maybe over the likes of Villa and Newcastle at this very moment - who to me look to be going down the route we did 5 years ago) and that is there is plenty of room in our squad and team for young players who prove themselves as they will get a shot at playing regularly at a big club. We really have to push and sell this to bright young talent. We now don't have the budget to anything else anyhow, so we may as well spend two or three season becoming very good at getting, playing and developing the very best young talent. FFP has shown that sustainable revenue streams are now vital - and trading players up is a massive source of income and probably the only way (if you are not in the CL regular) of getting the income needed to try and play with the big boys at the business end of the table.
  3. I have a feeling he might move on to try something new this season - We have seen Rhino move on and think summer off season will be best time for Dunc to move on. Got lots of admiration for both these fellas, but nobody can argue that club does need to move on as part 5-6years have ended up being a race to the bottom and fresh impetus is needed as new brooms sweeps through the club.
  4. Can't see him moving now after Forest gaining promotion. I can't believe its 23years since Forest have been in the top division!! I fucking old did I feel when the commentator said this.
  5. This would do Dunc the world of good if he does have aspirations of being an Everton manager one day. He has to do good things at lower level clubs first and build a CV, before his name is associated with permanent Everton's managers job.
  6. we sounds like Rangers interested in purchasing him - well they have set the bar for the 'value' of young promising players in January for a right back - using that as a yard stick then what would they be looking to pay for a goal scorer? Almost a shame we got Patterson in January and not going for him now -Ellis as part of the deal may have good him a couple of million cheaper. Anyway, I think we can say loan was a success. I wouldn't mind seeing what he could do around the first team for 6month with Lampard et al. At least if he went on load again in January - he would have a better understanding of the 'new Everton'
  7. to be honest, given the money being spent they are going to need to be getting European football, I don't see Villa's revenue stream being any better than ours in trying to balance FFP books. Had us doing it, Villa are doing it now and Newcastle starting out at it - some big name clubs throwing some serious money at it. You HAVE to oust teams that can afford to spend more over a prolonged period (because of their revenue streams), fucking tough to break in to, and as we have found with FFP - your simply fucked if you don't. Arsenal are going to be sweating in the next year or so if they don't get a CL spot soon. There is already a 'super league' of clubs who are simply allowed to spend more to stay in it - you have to be very very lucky to break in to it now. Teams like ours have a 3-4 year window, then you simply bust out. Chelsea and Man City got very luck in the timing of their big money investments. Those days seem to be gone for now.
  8. Yeah, that's why I said potentially. As it did seem to good a deal to be true. but still think a chuck of our business will be dictated on players moving, so I hope we get our sales done quick for those that will be going.
  9. They are liking players approaching 30. Villa are definitely going for it this next few years. They are dishing out some transfer fees and wages on players going in to there last major contracts. They are going to be in our position in the next year or so - CL football or bust!!!
  10. If anything like last year, a lot of deals might hinge on players going out to free up wages the wages. The thought that we potentially only missed out on Diaz in August because we couldn't quite balance the books with James wages still grates on me a bit. I am guessing every penny will count again this transfer window.
  11. not the biggest surprise that. but Roma have done well as a team, so no shame in not being first 11 game in and game out. At the moment we have poor cover for both LB and RB - he would be a considerable improvement on Kenny in the squad and would also cover Delph leaving the squad and possibly Davies. Was around the England team/squad a couple of years ago when he got on the pitch more at Arsenal - so he's not exactly poo. We have pretty limited fund - so not going to be get guilt edges players all around, need good squad players that have the potential to maybe force a place in the starting 11. I was disappointed we didn't get him on loan last summer - as I would have liked to have seen what he could do.
  12. and the key to all this will crucially be.... Moshiri not expecting us to be challenging for European football in the next season or two and just letting them them all getting on with it for a couple or three years and seeing where that leads us.
  13. I can't say I have seen him kick a ball. However, I think this needs to be the type of player was need to be looking at, has to come from outside the premier league - otherwise you are taking 2 or 3 time the fee and massive wages for a player who has a Premier league write up like this. You have to take a bit of a punt and hope he make the step up. Style of play from WiKi - "As a central defender, Kim has excellent physical attributes, notably his strength, speed, and flexibility. Kim has a strong predictive ability in defense, and can often start and finish plays when the team advances. His long pass accuracy enables him to immediately hit the ball after the steal to complete a quick counterattack, and his excellent aerial ability and positioning allows him to perform headers to break up opposition attacks and start offensive plays" I also thing Asian footballers are now massively improved and having decent ones in your team and squad massively helps the club brand overseas - which is important nowadays.
  14. All I can say is whatever has gone on with him over this season, that winning goal against Palace will have relieved so many pressures and anxieties he may have been having - I am sure that goal will take him in to the off season with much more of a spring in his step. We can all underline this season to the history books and a new chapter at the club (for everybody associated with the club) starts this summer. In the Premier league, there is actually a very fine line between where we finished and where West Ham finished. I am sure we will get a better showing from DCL next year - we just need a bit of support in that department to take a little of the burden off his shoulders.
  15. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/aston-villas-700-million-transfer-23008113 Villa have been very lucky that they have had some big money coming in for Grealish - but they are spending big money on older players on big contracts both in the summer and in January - lets not forget they only finished 6 points and 2 places above us. We played them at Goodison at a very bad time for us, they are pretty much only that win above us, in what is considered a diabolical season for us. The have spent massive across that team this year and the league table suggest they are not much better off that us. They could be a team heading in a similar direction to where we have been over the past few years. If Gerrard has a poor start next year his job will be well and truly on the line, as with big spending comes bigger expectations!! we have been through it. Villa's owners are going to demand and expect a European push next season. I would like to think we are now on a downward curve of excessive net spending (partly as its imposed), especially with lessons learnt, the new regime in place and new stadium well and truly on the horizon.
  16. https://www.sportinglife.com/football/news/best-free-agents-this-summer-who-is-out-of-contract-in-2022/200270 Pogba , Bale and Rudiger might be out of our reach - but a long list of players. How about a 30 year old Isco? Jesse Lingard looks to be about the pick of the crop - but he is going to be in demand.
  17. I would like to see somebody like Ainsley Maitland Niles coming to the club. He is going in to the last year of his Arsenal contract and we are a club who have reached out to him already, he can provide cover at both RB and LB, and is not to shabby in the middle of the park either. I think he would be a great replacement for Delph - and could easily carve himself at starting place in our team if he performed and at worst would be a very good squad player. He has got a lot of experience already, does not appear to be injury prone and will be at around our budget. Know for having a bit of pace and energy.
  18. exactly this, massive wages to an 'OK' player in on his last major contract, who's only real reason to come will be because we are going to pay him the most money. Might make us slightly better defensively for a couple of seasons. Its not the particular player that would bother me - its the very short term thinking behind it and much like what has gone before. I simply find signings like Godfrey, Patterson and Mikolenko far more inspiring
  19. I am not saying he is not going to improve us - I am playing devils advocate a little, with the point being bringing in older players and paying big wages is potentially at the expense of developing to young players by giving them prolonged and proper game time. Yes, there may be more errors from young players to begin with, but people learn from errors and that's how they develop. There is nothing clever about out bidding rival clubs on how much wages we will pay the highest profile free transfer premier league defender. No disrespect, but every single one of us can come up with this idea. He's quite good and free, chuck loads of money at him. Is Tarkowski a world class defender? not really, so does paying world class defender wages just send the right message to those already in the squad and to those potentially coming to the club. it is highly likely that Newcastle will also fancy him - is going toe to toe in who will pay the biggest wages right now a good idea as a transfer strategy. I would have to say at this moment in time Newcastle is an attractive destination for players - how do you sell Everton (or most other clubs) over them this summer. Need this management team to somehow he a bit cleverer and creative in the transfer market. If Tarkowski comes to us on big money - what is really inspiring him to most likely be finish off his career with us? We have had player come before where Everton is always going to be their 'ceiling' club. This is my biggest concern, as it will be at an expense of young players development. I am just weary of this type of transfer. A free transfer for somebody like a 22 year old Eddie Nketiah is a totally different kettle of fish. He is desperate for first team football in order to play and prove himself.
  20. but in 4 years time he is worth fuck all and we are short a CB it also keeps a young Godfrey or Branthwaithe out of the team and they don't develop. Also if he turn out a bit crap - nobody else will take him off our hands with £120K wages. Wages like that just feels like a groundhog day type signing.
  21. I think that this is something that should not be overly difficult to sort out for an experienced back room staff. Lampard and his team came in mid-season changed the way we play and been a lot of forced changes in team though injuries. This in itself has resulting in giving lots of goals away from set pieces, but also from individual defending errors. I would like to think we could get closer to the Premier league average of around 13 without having to break the bank in the transfer window. Add that to cutting out some of the individual errors and maybe saves 15 or so goals a season. Just that improvement in the team would put us mid table. You know they are going to focus hard on this type of think in pre season.
  22. https://www.footballinsider247.com/sources-everton-offer-120000-a-week-deal-to-james-tarkowski-amid-newcastle-update/ OK, it says we are going to offer £120K a week. What are peoples preference - Do we offer a 29year old a £120k/week (say 4 year), do this or say to the likes of Branthwaithe and Godfrey - right stake your claims in this side, lets see how good you are? You two are going to start the first dozen games of next season. At the same time it puts down the gauntlet to other bright youngsters - and show them Everton is where you go if you want first team Premiership football. Paying Tarkowski big wages is not a particularly inventive transfer strategy.
  23. it is scary how poor a showing we have had defensively - Mikolenko by far the pick of the defensive crop since his arrival with 21 points - given he only played 13 games and the personal adjustments he has had to make, it's an impressive start to his Everton career - 21 votes is more than what Digne got in the whole of last season - so he is another promising player going in to next year. Mikolenko also made the short list of Match of the Day's goal of the season - so a nice little personal achievement for him in his first half season. Swapping him out for Digne will have turned out to be a shrew bit of business and kind of the model we are going to have to follow a bit more over the next couple of seasons - trust in quality youth and cash in on players reaching an age when they are going to be signing their last lucrative contracts.
  24. Interesting reading at the end (if my tallying up is correct) - Most MoM 6 - Gordon, Pickford and Iwobi (5 post Lampard) 5 - Gray (all pre Lampard) 4 - Richie Pickford now becoming such an asset when 18 months ago he was considered a liability by a lot of us. Gordon has come on leaps and bounds this season - hard to forget this is really his break out year proper and not long turned 21 years old, hopefully really kicks on in the next 18months and adds a few more goals to his game. Who would have thought Iwobi would be joint top of number of MoM awards!! He has really grabbed the bull by the horns and seems to have benefitted massively from the new coaching team at the club who seem to have given him the confidence to go out and play - he has essentially been like a new signing since they arrive. Given Gray arrived for peanuts - he has been a great addition to the squad. He dropped off a bit towards the end of the season, but a bit of work on his decision making around the box and we have a very tidy offensive player. He is a player that can change a game.
  25. just wanted to point something out - Lampard came in to a very tough situation, a club in turmoil, a squad with very low confidence, a lot of bad luck with injuries, ended up the wrong side of a few VAR decisions. Who are his closest peers as big name players in the early stages of their management careers? Steven Gerrard and Partrick Viera. At the end of the season Viera - 44 games, win rate of 34.1% (an Palace been very lucky injury wise) Gerrard - 28 games, win rate 35.7% (Villa not been shy with transfer fees and wages and arguably have much a better squad at the moment) Lampard - 21 games, win rate 38.2% Just an observation, but Lampard has more than held his own in a very difficult situation.
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