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Everything posted by nutmegwolf203

  1. Yeah I'm pretty sure there are photos from Lisbon that disprove that.
  2. I say fuck it...let's go for Benzema once they tire of him in Madrid.
  3. You think Altidore would be worth a punt, or is that just Yankee bias; because if it is I understand. I do like his upside, he honestly reminds me of what I like about the Yak, yet he's generations younger. While his touch isn't the greatest, he is clever, and damn powerful. The things is, he's best with a target man by his side. Who knows.
  4. Moyes also said on the OS that are best tactical plan would be to approach the match as we did with United. I think we're in store for some great play in Lisbon.
  5. It was a horrible decision. He knows that; got far too carried away with the win. He'll definetely be fined and most likely release a statement. I don't think it will dictate his relationship with the club and make him want to seek pastures new. That's just an immature reason all together. Wrong is wrong, he was potentially a weapon and is extremely lucky no one was hurt. Hopefully he'll be able to get past this.
  6. We certainly have a crop of unique players. Jags' dirt stash is embarassing and well...dirty. Mo's fro should never go, neither should his facial hair. I'm a big fan of the rustic look. It says "I have much more important things to worry about, like skipping around "Tiny Baby" Bellamy, chipping Almunia (with highlights no less) and making John Terry look like a statue". They should all grow beards to preserve this wonderful form we're in. I bet they'd do it, Gosling made a comment about team mentality after the win and from the look of things everyone seems like they're all genuinely great friends. We can call them The Beardo Blues
  7. I wouldn't say it was that bad, not bad enough to liken him to Gerrard. Johnny was a big part of why Rooney was so quiet yesterday, thorn in his side. No we weren't at our best, but we did get our tactics spot on, in fornt of and behind the ball.
  8. Yeah they did switch and at one point DM had them start on the side they could cut in on. Donovan on the left, allows him to come in on his right like he wants to , and he plays there more often anyways. I like this as a tactic. They had no clue how to handle those runs...especially as fullbacks would overlap behind them. The build up to Goslings goal was great to watch. About Goose's weight...to be honest it didn't look like BAD weight, more like muscle actually. Although I'm not positive of course, he looked to get himself about quite efficiently. Great goal, and spacial awarness to make it happen!
  9. Osman played cleanup...but pretty much everyone looked comfortable on the ball today.
  10. As long as it's not for the season I'll be happy.
  11. I don't know, I'm pissed at Rodwell for the bouncing rocket he fired at him prior to. I'm not surprised Distin couldn't gather the composure to get it away.
  12. That's very true, we were informed of there status within almost 48 hours. I'm knockin' all the wood I can find!
  13. The Black Keys...anything from the them really
  14. The Cinematic Orchestra: Horizon The Man With the Movie Camera Bonobo: Animal Magic Zero 7: When It Falls Fink: Distance and Time Weekend Players: Pursuit of Happiness Cool Calm Pete
  15. Is there any chance, any precedent that we've seen, that could suggest even with swelling of that magnitude, that it quite simply is just that; extreme swelling? I have to believe he's not gone for too long, he's pivotal to the revival of this club's season. I just feel like we'll see him in a few weeks. Of course just a completely uneducated feeling, but I have to put those positive vibes out there.
  16. Oh sure, totally makes sense...not weird or creepy in any way.
  17. Well, not like this welcome thread hasn't gone off topic, but could any of you multilingual lads tell me the absolute best way for someone to learn a new language? Be it French or otherwise, I've been eager to learn for a while and have a knack for pronuciation. I've done Rosetta Stone for a bit, but will it work if I get back into it?
  18. Nice one Mike, I like everything being said in here, especially the poll results, as they are totally in favor of him back with us. Somehow I feel like this was set up for us.
  19. In my opinion, I'd put him in the company of those guys. I think any one of them would love tto be playing with the speed and strength he does at HIS age. One of the articles I read compared him to an unplayable bully. That's simply "awesome" (in the biblical sense, not the Venice Beach sense), and I take pride in having a player of his ability that wants to be here. That being said, I love the way Yak plays as well, and want nothing more than to see him bangin them in again.
  20. He is most definetely a bachelor, divorced as hell
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