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Everything posted by nutmegwolf203

  1. It's hard to call for someone's job but, I have to believe that another mind would have at least looked at their options differently. So many valid things can be said about not being a level financial playing field but even the move of taking Neville back out of the squad (as you mentioned him being one of the old dogs) and replacing him with someone more capable would have made a difference. Of course, without knowing everything that goes on with the team it's hard to make accurate assessments. But my opinion is Neville has no business playing, I don't think Moyes believes he's wasting time as you say, he believes he's picked the best option. Someone made a good point about Gueye certainly playing well enough for a start, so why did the midfield have to get reshuffled? We know he wasn't injured because he came on anyways. No ill feeling towards Moyes at all really but...the man just can't pick a team.
  2. nutmegwolf203


    this is unfortunate
  3. I have to say, given the way that I've adopted this club as my own, and have experienced discrimination on a few levels myself, it's a shame I could potentially feel so unwelcome once I finally make it to a match home or away. I began enjoying this club for the way we play...I had no clue it was one of the least progressive out there in terms of these matters. I've known about that guardian article, and it's embarrassing. I'm not confident about my first prospective trip to Goodison, not at all. I watch as many matches as possible and I realize how alone I'll be. I come from a small town in Connecticut, I know what it's like to be a minority. But I'm willing to bet what I've experienced here is quite tame compared to what I could witness in 90mins at Goodison. Being compared to a monkey is one of the most demoralizing things that someone can experience, without being physically harmed. Just an ethnographic question to put out there: Is this trend a result of the type of population in Liverpool?
  4. Avin Are these the types of changes you'd make...and the time you'd do them at? Just curious.
  5. It could have been a number of very different changes in my opinion.
  6. Vellios reading some manuscript from Round
  7. O'neils' making necessary changes, we should too
  8. I have a serious problem with Moyes not even trying.
  9. i can't believe he's so incapable of change
  10. change things at halftime.
  11. both Saha and Cahill are just not able...
  12. watching us play is painful
  13. I just don't want Neville in midfield...
  14. This is the Groundhog Day I was dreading. No excuses for not making a change at half time. You can respect someone, as I do Moyes, and not agree with some of their decisions, and I can't believe Drenthe didn't start the second half. Drenthe was the catalyst for most of the good.
  15. Watching some of last years matches...Saha and Beckford looked pretty good together. Damn. Just once this season I'd like to see someone capable with someone else who is capable. Cahill isn't in that bunch.
  16. nutmegwolf203


    Av, you're right about people, including myself, perhaps reacting too quickly. While my original post was fueled by what I had just seen, it is still my opinion-no bandwagon involved. I don't want Moyes gone, but I would like to see something different, just anything, because at this point I'd at least get excited with a simple roll of the dice. Maybe the cup is the venue we'll see it? For the record, I thought Heitinga was doing well against Van Persie, moving him away from marking him changed things a bit. Like someone has already stated, if the Norwich match is executed in another Groundhog Day fashion, I may be a bit peeved.
  17. nutmegwolf203


    I get it, I only mentioned the tv because I was commenting on resolution, if you will, as I assumed that many other people perhaps viewed the match via streams and what not. I agree, the ownership Moyes has to work with is not a fair crack at the whip, but, given some of the recurring comments from some people on here and elsewhere, are you saying there's nothing he can do differently right now, fair or not, addressing solely what happens on the pitch?
  18. nutmegwolf203


    I had a feeling you'd take a dig at me given that information, fair enough. I support and love this club as much as I think someone could without a direct/regional/familial connection to them. I've played the game since I was very young and unlike many Americans, never stopped. I witnessed some matches here or there years ago...but it wasn't until that Fiorentina match that my allegiance was made concrete, Arteta's goal was a true shot in the arm. I won't compare my admiration for them to yours, it's not worth it. I can't believe that's accurate though, that no one going to matches has any thoughts that are similar to mine. If not Moyes out, than Moyes change. From what you've posted recently it seems as if you wouldn't ask for either. It's not about "luxury", I was at a pub here, alone, ha, and I don't follow a single American sport here(baseball is insulting), truth, couldn't even be bothered, or have the time to go to a Red Bulls match. I wasn't trying to insult you in any way, I just think some sort of action is necessary. Wan't to see if you agreed because you've been very vocal about opposing points. You didn't even address anything I mentioned...you just typified my viewing of "your" club. Again no disrespect.
  19. nutmegwolf203


    I'm not sure how you were viewing the game but I had the luxury of an HD tv at my disposal, and from what I saw of the second half, we started rather well. In fact much of the play was engaged in their half. The Saha/Distin business was out of nowhere in terms of what's normally reactionary from Moyes. Then we saw his typical reactionary self in the bringing on of two offensive players almost immediately after the goal. If nothing else...how on earth can you explain Cahill's involvement in things today? Especially not being hauled off, when he should have been the first. I'm sorry but flexibility should be a prerequisite for a managerial job. He has none. Talking about finances is an excuse, claiming our squad is weak when we have other options is also an excuse. What else is the bench for? I'm tired of excuses. I thought these were fundamental attributes for simply being an adult?
  20. No thanks. He was very promising, and while he's done well to revive his career...he's not what we want. Also the first player in MLS history to be fined for diving.
  21. I was disappointed with the initial team sheet, no hindsight involved.
  22. This is insulting. The laziness of this remark is truly insulting. He should just record that statement for post match interviews. Either try, or leave excuses out of it. Recycling tactics and formations for every match isn't trying in my book.
  23. I feel like this is just it. While I'm trying to respect everyone's opinion and not go crazy thinking about this result...this bit here is like a Moyes profile. Avin is certainly keeping me level headed as I think it's great to be positive, but, Moyes isn't. He simply is not. His tactics are so hard to support. I couldn't imagine what it was like being there today, but the amount of times the camera caught him and Round bantering about what to do as the clocked ticked down, was absolute torture. Sure, people were screaming out for Vellios (I think he deserves it), but he wasn't utilized correctly at all. Cahill isn't skilled enough to be a 'partner' for another striker. He can't spot a pass, doesn't move well off the ball. You could almost give the same assessment to Vellios' play, but he's young, learning, and actually scores. In my opinion he's got something (several things) that Cahill certainly doesn't. Now this is just my opinion, mixed with what I believe to be common sense...after all this huffing and puffing he speaks of, shouldn't DM be held accountable in orchestrating a change? I think accountability is what I'd like to see. Some players have come out to say something like that recently, but Moyes sees no fault in his approach. It just needs some tinkering, and not injuries to force his hand. Cahill and Osman play comfortable, as if their spot is secure and there's no fire from either of them as a result. If Saha is injured, as I've been hearing, Vellios needs to start with someone who makes sense. Cahill is useless, even if he looked at footage from this match he'd know, what he does with that knowledge is up to him. Blaming funds is all we do, can't be bothered with that. There was a way to win today, he just didn't get it right. All just my opinion, no offense to anyone, much respect to Moyes, he's just not innovative enough. Gotta be able to bend.
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