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Everything posted by Adpom

  1. Or Billy can go on Dragon's Dens an try an get them to invest Everton.
  2. You know how they had looking for a Maria and also the two for grease. Well Bill Kenwright can have In Search of a Billionaire. They can hold x-factor style audtions at Goodison park ,where the billionaires come in front of the judges, DM,BK an Simon Cowell, an 40k evertonians an say how much Cash they have, an what to do with it an the judges can vote them through. The 12 Finalist have to prove their the best person to run Everton each week, An Bill Kenwright get to say "Your SKINT" an the guy gets booted off The winner gets to buy Everton an make us a top top team. What you guys think?
  3. well our cup run, brought Everton in an extra 7mil pounds, an the fact we get Tv money today. sp thats why i think we have that much.
  4. He had alot of pressure on him as a kid, being named as the next wonder kid. Maybe if he gone to Utd of Chel, he'd be that wonderkid, instead he went to Benfica. going to the Dutch league is a big step backwards for him, the Dutch league is alot weaker then it was 10 years ago. The Championship is a better league now.
  5. Hew never preformed for us, an the way he screwed us over, i wouldn't want him back. I remember LONG LONG periods of games where you'd of thought we subbed him, cos he simply went missing.
  6. an in the pre-season he scored 12 in 5 an then didn't score again for months. Either way Sunderland won't be a problem, they be relagation form again. He scored 18 goals out of 60 for spurs in total. Thats over rated
  7. Adpom


    Everton ALWAYS suck in pre-season
  8. ^th behind whom? Fer an Terry an then who? there certainly not 4 more better English CB then him
  9. It was on the channel an in there TRANSFER TALK section they do.
  10. Bent is totally overrated an carn't hit a barn door from 10 yards, Cana will take along time ot get started in the prem, an will get as many cards as Fell did. Crouch, is a very very good player an should be in the England team every game, knows how to score, an can use his feet. Naughon, good prospect, probably won't make the spurs starting xi
  11. Seems Villa like paying over the odds for players, 10mil for Downing and 8mil for Delph, glad we didn't waste that on either of them
  12. SSN just this minute said were in discuesstions with Elm, hopefully thats done today
  13. i said this in other threads i no but its true, 80% of all deals happen in the last week. I think we have around 7-10 mil to spend. based on the cup run an tv money
  14. It takes most over-seas players a season to settle an get use to the prem. Fellaini disapline got better at the end of the season, as the last 8 games(i think) he didn't get a card. He also scored 10 goals. Why would Moyes lie an say he ill, if he was under performing, he just wouldn't say anything. an tell Fell that he not trying hard enought. Personally i think he got SWINE FLU, everyone else has an it seems the new cool think to have if your famous.
  15. a good experianced defender, with lots of euro experiance. decent signing an hopefully the 1st of many.
  16. 80% of ALL transfers are done in the last week of the transfer window
  17. i'd tell him no, an say to him, guess what lad, your now a reseave team player for the next 4 years, have fun
  18. Backwards? i disagree with that in every way, on the field we gone miles forward, an even off the field we have, with the Chang deal, an the Le-coq sport deal as well as kitbag deal, all improving Evertons income. The only problem we have is, bill has no money, a few of the board are worth over 100mil but won't put in. we need investment or a buyer to really challange the top 4 i agree. also if Kenwright hadn't brought us, Johnson would have had us in god knows what league, but i bet it wouldn't be the prem. hopefully now Moyes is back from America, we might see some decent transfer activivty.
  19. What annoys me is that some of the board are worth well over 100 mil, time they put money in, cheap skates
  20. I've gone for more, as i don't think he leave for less then 30 mil, an i don't think city will offer that.
  21. Adpom


    here a link to a site, i use for evertons away games, not on tv, its got Everton on 4 diffret channals, the iraq goals one is normally really good http://www.footballstreaming.info/streams/todays-links/
  22. Adpom


    Beckham in the all-stars?
  23. So if a rich arab brought us, would that make us a big club? Money doesn't guarntee success, look at the bar code, bigger stadium then us, a billionaire boss an they got relagated.
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