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Everything posted by Raccyboy

  1. boring as f*ck.............both teams poor
  2. a couple embarrassing moments from wright, but otherwise not a helluva lot of incident........wish cahill would learn to control the rash moments --- lucky not to get a 10th yellow for the season!!! (oh and why the F*CK did ferguson get on the pitch yet again???)
  3. think we will see more of him during the rest of this season --- surely SOMEONE at the club realises we should be seeing what he may be able to offer us next season???
  4. the bulk of them are a greedy bunch of pr*cks, so well done on this gesture - my opinion of him has just gone up massively.....
  5. had a feeling from the start they could go far in this competition, but having said that also tipped them for a prem top 6.......must have been a great game to watch....
  6. Chaps, especially you Rob the Charlton fan, if I feature in the fanzine, please pick up a copy and come on here to tell me --- I'll tell you how to send it to me........for obvious reasons (approximately 12,000 kms) I won't be able to make it to the game at the weekend!
  7. Name: Jonathan Age: 28 Where you're from: Cape Town, South Africa (spent a couple years in London - mostly travelling up to liverpool every weekend!) Who is your favourite player in the current Everton squad?: Joseph Yobo - probably the best player in the squad, just hope we can keep him beyond this season! Who is your favourite all time Everton player?: Thomas Gravesen - his interaction with the fans was second-to-none (the pumped up fist before taking a corner) and he (still) is a classy player - a pity the bald head often makes people think he's just a hard man Who is your favourite Charlton player, past or present?: Shaun Bartlett - scored some crackers for you guys and has been a consistently good performer for some years now - doesn't hurt that he's a fellow countryman either!!! What’s your best Charlton V Everton memory?: 3-1 at Goodison this season -- probably the game that started our season turning around
  8. he did seem to have a good game, but that elbow was disgraceful.....hope on the video evidence they give him a 6 match ban for next season's CL.....that would keep him out of the 1st round games.........thug
  9. pity the only contribution from an "evertonian" was materazzi putting a very nasty elbow into sorin's face........I really can't stand the cynical tactics the italian footballers always adopt.
  10. jeez, everyone keeps going on about 1 fckin stupid mistake ---- if EFC can't see the quality (and even greater potential) of this guy, we REALLY don't deserve him ---- let him go and you'll all cry and b*tch when he's a superstar elsewhere..........fcking ridiculous, the fans of a club like EFC (who have almost no pulling power at the moment) saying he isn't that good and we can easily replace ---------- unbelievabe.....
  11. anyone care to give a report on the game? didn't get to see it as only being shown on tv here later tonight... how was yobo? why couldn't we hold on for the win once 2-1 up?
  12. 1st raised my concerns about this towards the end of last year.....with these rumours around now, I reckon he's gone
  13. hahaha mikeo and toffeelicker I was starting to feel old reading from the top down until I came across you two !!! because I'm from South Africa, I'd been supporting EFC for 15 years before I got to see them in the flesh, on holiday in 2000 --- 2-3 vs spurs at white hart lane, having been 2-0 up!!! I moved to london for 2 years in 2004/2005, so my first trip to Goodison was in february '04 -- I somehow found my way there from highgate in london, having left at 7 on the saturday morning and getting back around 1 on sunday morning - think it set me back 120 pound for ticket and travel --- 3-4 against man utd.....at least I couldn't complain about it being boring, but if only we'd held on at 3-3 having been 0-3 down after 1/2 an hour!!! I managed to see about 30 games while I was there, alas I now have to make do with watching the games on the box (at least we get great coverage here!)
  14. Dear Kayley Best wishes from a Blue all the way from South Africa! We have 11 official languages over here, but I only know 3: "Ek wens jou geluk. Sterkte!!!" (afrikaans) "Ndikunqwenela ithamsanqa elimnandi. Hlala!!!" (xhosa) "I wish you good luck. Stay strong!!! G-d Bless, Jonathan (Raccyboy)
  15. I'm assuming reg is being his usual sarcastic self?
  16. I know stubbs and weir have done well the past few games, but I also said that as soon as yobo was back from the african cup of nations that it was important for him to get straight back in the side, regardless of their form..... against decent sides the old-timers will almost always be shown up as they were yesterday..... what's more, if I were yobo and being kept out by those two I would not hesitate to tell moyes to f*ck off, and leave in the summer..... some players (when fit) should be picked automatically regardless of the particular circumstances and in Everton's case yobo is one of them..... a bad mistake, and I'll say what I've said on numerous occassions: we're going to struggle to keep him anyway for next season so let's not give him any reason to WANT to leave.
  17. the prick was on the field for 5 minutes yesterday before getting himself booked for yet another stupid of the ball incident.......for f*ck sake he returns from a 6 game ban and shows that he doesn't give a f*ck and hasn't learnt a thing........ what a w*nker....please just f*ck off!!!
  18. jeez, didn't realise there were so many lefties on this forum.....I'd take mourhino anyday.........hopefully gw bush (one of the only world leaders with proper balls and who realises what needs to be one to the growing world menace) will hire him (and chuck norris) to hunt down that f*ckin cave dwelling desert monkey k*nt.........
  19. think it all got to his head a few years back already..........at least maradonna waited till the end of his playing days to become a fat k*nt!!! this guy is making thomas brolin look trim!!!
  20. but he's not, he's too slow, makes to many mistakes, and when he goes at the end of the season, he must please take weir with him...
  21. I think fozzie is the only completely realistic one on this forum --- there is absolutely no place to even BEGIN arguing that beattie should have a place in your national side --- his form has not been anywhere near good enough for the past 18 months.............as for england winning the WC, don't think it's impossible but some bookies have you 2nd favourites which is ridiculous.....
  22. agreed, they had a couple good games when stubbs returned but both are no longer up to it, and together they often look tragic.
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