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Everything posted by Raccyboy

  1. cannot believe that EFC are negotiating with a player of mcfadden's "quality" --- is that how low we've sunk??? let him f*ck off and I guarantee no other prem side will offer him anything........big-headed toss
  2. 8th-12th.......and will need an easy draw to get to quarter finals of either cup
  3. I don't think 40,000 is too much at all - if we can afford that we must pay it.......if yobo stays he can be the pillar of our defence for the next 10 years.......... let's give him the 40,000 pounds and make him captain ---- if that's what it takes
  4. you keep telling them CraccerC --- I'm sick of these sort of posts along with "let's try a cheeky bid for van nistelrooy" (just wait for the "lampard unhappy at chelsea" or "lionel messi spotted somewhere in the north-west of england" posts)....... ffs we've made a reasonably high profile signing in AJ, but get a grip on the type of "superstar" we're able to attract! ps. also remember this forum is called "rumourama", not "whocancomeupwiththemostfaroutandleastlikelysuggestionforasigningarama""
  5. exactly..............if yobo didn't have to spend most of the game worrying about covering for weir/stubbs we would i) see clearly just how good he is when he has a decent partner (ferrari come back!) and ii) just how shit (ie. slooooooooow) those other two have become in the latter part of their careers
  6. don't have the internet speed to have a look but you can fit in 100's of penalties in 8 minutes (unless of course the dives leading up to them are included)
  7. amazing! only ONE person rates moyes' signing of yobo (well done CraccerC talk about being underappreciated by the fans (and the manager who after signing him has messed him around a bit too much) won't be able to blame him when he does move to a big club and will watch longingly as he excels wherever he goes....
  8. just my opinion.....he certainly showed an improvement last season but not enough to be a regular for me and I'd much rather have the youngsters on the bench and getting the odd run out to help them get the experience you say they are lacking....maybe wigan would buy mcfadden....
  9. yes, I know, I was just kidding...........just can't get over that debacle!!!
  10. he is crap -- I really hope we sell him.............as for back-up to bt and Johnson, why not anichebe and vaughn (assume his injury situation doesn't become ongoing???)
  11. ..........forgot about mcfadden --- so stubbs, weir & mcfadden.......and kroldrup
  12. first off, I'd much rather keep yobo than huth anyday.......... now in december I first started to raise concerns that yobo would be off in the summer and with all the huth talk, there seems to be a genuine sense that he is going................BUT maybe just maybe there is a chance that huth's arrival, together with Johnson, could convince yobo to stick it out?????? unfortunately while typing this I think I just realised how we're gonna finance the purchase of those 2..............yobo to be sold for 10 mil..........oh damn it!!!
  13. er, too old!?!?!? did no-one see what edgar davids was able to contribute at spurs this season??? and how can he be too expensive before we know what he would cost and what his wages would be??? I'd take okocha in a second and would START with him ahead of anyone in our current midfield except for arteta!!!
  14. get rid of stubbs and weir and sign ANYONE to replace them
  15. I think this hits the nail on the head --- I've also said before that while we do need another striker, we've also got to address the problem of supply to the front. I have never been much of a beattie fan, but I think he did pretty well last season given the dearth of supply he received. I think paying such a massive chunk on one striker could backfire if the concern raised by CraccerC is proven right.....
  16. you're not comparing apples with apples here --- for a club like Everton it's no good even mentioning the above players due to their price tags. what bafana blue seems to be saying is for players in a similar price range (about 2-5mn) the quality of british player you get for your money is far less than a similar priced european (or african) player, and this is very often true. you can point out all the cr*p foreigners that Everton managed to buy, but not every signing will be a success - bolton managed to find okocha and ben-haim, fulham found boa-morte and malbranque, and we found yobo, arteta and cahill.......... the underlying point that bafana makes is that there are too many overpriced, very mediocre british players who become high profile, get chased by everyone outside of the big 4, are signed for more than they're worth, and quickly get shown up........on this forum there's always huge noise being made about signing players like koumas or earnshaw, and moaning when we miss out because we weren't prepared to pay up........ for a club on a tight budget, we really need to look a bit harder for a few gems playing either in "smaller name" european, african or asian clubs to try and get decent value for money.....
  17. when we're prepared to accept sh*t like stubbs and weir playing for us, how the hell can we say traore isn't good enough???
  18. I'm sorry, but it's topics like these that make one question the validity of complete freedom of speech!!!
  19. sorry, but when the summer starts off with us offering extensions to weir and stubbs, then it is very tough to be positive........that is the sign of a club going nowhere fast........if yobo leaves in the summer (and I reckon there's a good chance of that) I think we're heading for sh*t FFS, weir and stubbs!!!!!!!!!
  20. How should he be remembered?
  21. having just watched kieran richardson's goal celebration, is there perhaps a psychologist on this forum who can explain why players insist on taking their shirts off after having scored a goal, knowing that they will be booked for doing so?
  22. the bulk of threads on this site question which striker/s we should look to get this summer, however a massive question for me remains where their supply will come from? there just wasn't enough created by the midfield this season which is evident by how deep beattie so often needed to play... something simply has to be done in the midfield to change things around... a fit vdm next season would help to an extent but surely we need at least 2 new midfielders? who should we be targeting?
  23. and if palace had come up (not gonna happen anymore after 0-3 vs watford) would aj have rather stayed there? in which case is that the type of fairweather player we want?
  24. Errrrrrrrr........TECHNICALLY you're both being a bit thick --- I'm sure we played more competitive games than last year and the year before that........ 05/06: 47 games 9 August - 7 May 04/05: 45 games 15 August - 15 May 03/04: 44 games 16 August - 15 May or have you already forgotten that we played in Europe this season???
  25. jeez, it's been a long season, and looking at the proposed squads, the final whistle is coming just in time for EFC!!! don't agree that ferguson deserves a start let alone the captaincy.....he's been a liability and that's all...... anyway, let's just hope for a boring 1-0 win - that should be good enough for 10th spot --- my hope for the season was always top half, so would be chuffed with that, especially given the way things started off.
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