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Everything posted by inertia8

  1. The damn thing is growing on me.. not enough to pay full retail... I hope the home strip is decent, in that they don't use the same design as away with diff colours.. though the goalie kit suggests as much.
  2. We'll be seeing Tim in action against T-How and Landon Donovan in about 28.5hrs time Mind you, those freaking vuvezelas were annoying for the Aus v Denmark game... can't imagine how shitful they'll be in the stadiums.. atleast most of us can reach for the remote control.. what about the fans inside the stadium?
  3. Good stuff, will be interesting if we take him on loan again in January.
  4. I finally clicked on the video and my god.. cheesy? it's horrific! Can't tell from the pixelation but I'm sure Jack looks terrified. Anyway, at this rate it'll pay for Beckford's wages for a bit.. unless Le Coq get a huge chunk per shirt? How much does the club reportedly get per shirt sold?
  5. Not that I've seen.. wonder if this will influence Pienaar to stay. I thought there were going to be broken verticle side stripes in black???
  6. I'll be wearing last season's away kit methinks... wonder just how "hot" that pink is...
  7. He rated him at about 6m last season.. can you honestly say at that same time that he was worth 15-20m (or considerably more than 6m)? He's come on leaps and bounds in 09/10, proving a lot of doubters wrong... it's just a pity about his twat of an agent!
  8. ^ Isn't there a signing-on fee instead of a transfer?? How much would it be? Wages estimate? 20k? I have no idea what to expect but I'm going to remain optimistic that he will be out to prove a point.
  9. They fixed the article.. obviously written very quickly.. got a minor laugh out of it at the time.
  10. Victor has a fracture to his chin, apparently picked up in Everton's warmup game against Saudi Arabia last week!!!?!? SSN Article
  11. That's excellent news and a sign that it was probably all journo bullshit lost in translation from Johnny perhaps!
  12. hindsight is a marvelous thing, can't say that I rated Pienaar highly at that time.. could see sparks of talent but not much paying off.. was happy to be proven wrong, though now that he's dilly dallying on re-signing...
  13. You want him to tell his agent to sign the latest offered contact.. simple.. well, maybe even take 10k/week off the offer to be nice . I agree that on our day we're better than them.. however, there was days last season, even in the last 10 games where we were no-where near our best...
  14. I've only seen about 5mins of him playing, so I will reserve judgment until the season after next.. I must say the Leeds fans comments on the SSN article are a tribute to them, appreciative and well wishing.. nice to see. Is it just me or does his neck seem disproportionately long in this picture on the OS? just camera funkery like some of Distin's images?
  15. That's just more journo-regurgitation.. adding a few extra words in the translation to twist it a bit..
  16. Yup, I'm tipping it's a Rooster being targeted by the Predator, a pair of elephants and the name of a beer brewery.
  17. SSN Article To be honest, I'm only a little concerned now, seems like he will honour his contract, but who knows if Man City come in with the $$$?? Would we be prepared to sell for say $20m if City are stupid enough to put such an amount on the table?? Given we bought him for, what was it $5-6m, would it not be a cracking return on investment? My fear is that we've found a rough gem and somehow got him well below odds, whereas with Fellaini it looked the opposite... TBH I'd rather keep him as I think he will make a strong heart of defense and that's what we need if we're going to shut the door and challenge for a top 4 spot.
  18. I really think you guys are over-reacting to the lack of Actual news, regurgitating of the same comments to give them a different light/direction that the editor/journo wants. For all we know Pienaar's off training with S.A, his agent is stirring shit and even that might have only been a few comments on 1 or 2 occasions that the papers etc take and keep cycling shit stories... Or, you could be right and Pienaar is being a douche. I'll wait and see, if he goes 1 week before the start of the season then Fire Away.. always thought Pienaar worked his ass off but the final ball/shot often didn't pay off, this season he's been very good and it's worked for him much more frequently, though he did have the occasional game where he was just plain ordinary and none of the flare was paying off. If Fellaini didn't roll his ankle over The Greek's steel shin then he would probably have overshadowed Pienaar's performances and perhaps our attitudes would be different, angled more towards selling.
  19. 10m? Interesting given there was an article in January saying Man Utd will have to pay 40m to get him lol. Times change?
  20. Can't find the article immediately, but the organiser was defending his ticket prices. He wasn't have a go at Everton or anything, just saying that these events cost money and he think's he's still delivering value (particularly the family tickets).. he is expecting to sell 30-35,000 tickets per game..
  21. I think, if fitness is improved and have a good rest then Bilyaletdinov certainly. I'm just looking forward to more long range shots.. half the problem with scoring this season has been players lacking to confidence to just bang it in quickly, Bilya showed against Man U and Pompey that he can take an accurate gamble . And Tony Hibbert will score..
  22. TBH, I'd rather we kept Mikel full stop.
  23. Wants deal sorted before WC I'd say his agent is driving a very hard bargain and perhaps Everton are waiting to see if they can drive the demands down a little bit...
  24. ^ I'd presume it's more than an extension, perhaps adjustment to salary increases after certain milestones are reached, stuff like that?
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