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Everything posted by inertia8

  1. Well that article on sportal claims Tim Cahill is going to be a groomsman at Mikel's wedding, which is why they'll both be absent for the last game of the pre-season Australian tour... it's also another ray of hope that these articles are nonsense!
  2. Loved his goal against Serbia .
  3. Pretty sure it'd be randomly generated, then tweaked after a review?
  4. ^ I was about to say the same thing.. I was thinking, Yobo's doing awesome!! then he heads it straight to the Greek.. Would be interested to hear why Kaita kicked out at the greek who ended up getting the winning goal... I thought he made a meal of it (as if he was gunna get compo for a hurt back etc).. but still, gotta keep your anger in check!
  5. WTF? More likely he was spotted at the supermarket tossing up between a can of ROMA tomatoes and regular chopped tomatoes..
  6. I thought he did well to hold the ball up a few times and produced what should have been the equalising assist... I'll admit he did look his lazy self at times, just strolling around.
  7. I'd like to see Sven... specially if Special1TV got back on the air with BBC after world cup.. Jose's already called Sven out for pimping himself to the RS
  8. Injury-free from now on apparently http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/witch-doctor-breaks-harry-kewells-curse/story-e6frfmqi-1225878160113
  9. I thought he bloody well signed his autograph T-How?!?
  10. Anyone else think the word Chang has been ironed onto that shirt by someone who was on the piss?
  11. I'm hoping he does push T-How to improve... and will be watching him at the WC. Rather bemused that Everton got in so early to sign someone tbh.
  12. Nah, they're as skint as we are nowadays aren't they? Their fans think so!
  13. A jumper made from snuggy/felt type material
  14. Both Harry & Jozy.. surely we aren't THAT skint...
  15. I would be leaning towards happy if we signed him, for not much $ and with conditions in the contract regarding injuries. That said I think it's a nonsense story!
  16. Thanks guys, can certainly understand them now.
  17. Off topic, seeing as the article was from NOTW... why does NOTW get a lot of shite supporters fired up and angry? I was browsing a shite forum looking for their screaming about Moyes being linked to replace their beloved rafa and some poor sod linked to a NOTW article and they were all going ape shit.
  18. If this becomes true I hope it's on a contract that it is for games played/available only...
  19. Hopefully it's not... From those pics the material looks like it's been made from "Snuggy" offcuts...
  20. Added that 720p mp4 to the auld music vid collection.
  21. It's actually to blind the goalkeepers so tim cahill can bag 20 headed goals this season.
  22. The best fernando torres cameo was in one of the Torrente movies, he was playing for Athletico at the time I believe and kicked a grenade around.
  23. You're right... there's only one happy snap... you'd think they have got the lads smiling!
  24. That interview with McClaren putting on the dutch accent rates up there with some of the best internet BS I've seen...
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