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Everything posted by Matt

  1. if he goes to Fergie he looks weaker, and like the puppet some people are perceiving him as. He has made Giggs a player / coach, makes perfect sense to me.
  2. I think that was very honest, and brave, of him. He recognizes his lack of experience and turns to one of the most experienced players in the game. I know I would do the exact same thing, without hesitation or shame.
  3. indeed he could, it will all depend on whether his maturity level and work ethic continue after 2nd of last season.
  4. add Mirallas and Deulofeu who can play there, its not close to Championship level mate.
  5. are those last 2 bits connected Mike? Still might be able to meet up on the drive back, will be passing your way on the 3rd also - hot weather sucks balls. in this case, seriously sweaty, sticky balls. BRING ON THE WINTER!
  6. Still got s8 of Dexter to watch and Ive waiting (impatiently) for the last episodes to be released of Breaking Bad. Speaking of Breaking Bad, Im already on s2 of The Walking Dead, and in episode 2 theres a very subtle link to Breaking Bad. Did anyone else see it?
  7. Moyes was criticized for his direct approach, he tried beating Arsenal at their own game
  8. I know the feeling... I was given a 2nd hand C4 picasso - spent around 2500 quid maintaining it in the past 12 months. Sounds ungrateful, since it was given to me, but its such a burden. Gets used once a month... That said, its good for long distance journeys, heading off in it tomorrow to Cornwall for my birthday
  9. I think he is trying to stamp his authority, I dont blame him.
  10. it shows that the little details arent carefully considered Ian.
  11. didnt his contract run out rather than him being sold? City want wages off their books. We can still loan him and offer to pay his wages, or some of them at least.
  12. exactly. lets just hope he doesnt follow in the footsteps of the others and join permanently!
  13. loan with 1st choice to buy would be better. Hes going to be rusty after 12 months of doing nothing.
  14. its a definite part of it, but I dont think its all of it. then again, im not financial whizz either
  15. 2004/2005. Ok, he didnt lead, but he was part of the team that got there just like Modric was part of the team. For the record, I at least acknowledge Modric is better than Ossie.... .... just
  16. and then there was... I look at it as the club supporting the dyslexic community....
  17. got a flipping virus the day before my holiday
  18. So then yes I dont know if wages will increase anymore than they usually do. FFP will mean that we have to live within our means. Part of the TV money will go towards covering the operational losses (I assume) which last time were reported at 9m so I dont see how we can be hiking up the wage bill at the same time. This is why I was pointing out the big savings of the 4 that left. Like Romey said, we are walking a thin line. We dont have to sell this year, which is something different but it wont last long. wouldnt make a difference if we dont stop operating at a loss though. Plus, Im pretty sure we would have to pay fees to pay off the loans / mortgages early. Im going to relax this transfer window. We dont have to sell (doesnt mean we wont if someone wants to go) so Im enjoying the less stress whilst I can. The TV money is going to help over the next few years, but its only a stop gap which will fail if the board dont sort things out. There is the additional worry of 3 years time when the TV deal is renewed. If its less than now, and we havent found a sugar daddy, there will be a clear out.
  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-united/10200933/Robin-van-Persies-pre-season-injury-niggle-is-down-to-dinosaur-coaching-methods-says-Dutch-fitness-expert.html oh dear...
  20. good point also was looking at this, very interesting: http://www.financialfairplay.co.uk/
  21. Like I was saying in the other thread, I feel that we are in a very different financial state now, though looking through the information Ive found, im confused. Im certainly no financial mastermind, if we have one on TT, feel free to break it down to idiot level Changes : Income/money saved Wages saved seems to be between 9-12m (depending on which source you review) from Moyes, Hitz, Mucha and Neville Depending on which source you read, the new TV deal is worth 20-25m additional revenue. Expenditure 11m spent on Martinez (1.5m), Robles (3.5m), Kone (6m) - wages unknown. I guess, around 70% of the 9-12m is reinvested directly into our new boys but it is only a guess. If someone wants to correct me with a link, I'd welcome it I know somewhere on here, Louis mentioned that a lot of mortgages (4?) are being paid of this year, and we took on another relatively small one. Theres been no new sponsorship deals that I can think of in the last 12 months. Some of the source material I was looking at: http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-UnitedKingdom/Local%20Assets/Documents/Industries/Sports%20Business%20Group/deloitte-uk-sbg-arff-2013-highlights-download.pdf http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/the-rundown/club-paying-wages-160415004.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/10102605/Premier-League-revenues-to-top-3bn-despite-rise-in-footballers-wages.html http://www.evertonfc.com/assets/_files/documents/jan_13/efc__1357208599_Everton_Financial_Accounts_201.pdf http://swissramble.blogspot.ch/search/label/Everton http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/fc-everton/transfers/verein_29.html
  22. after an hour of searching, I cant find anything on wages. I dont have that much faith in that site I posted a while back and there is no mention of the newcomers wages. Not sure I can make an argument without that key info. edit: i'll post what Ive found though, just for info
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