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Everything posted by badaids

  1. Ref is bell end, won't give us change on anything, can't wait to penalise us.
  2. Patterson too (touch wood), lots of snide.
  3. Iwobi and Onana are working really well together, and Onana looks like he is much more up for the physical battle today. I like the fact that though we are not getting much possession, we are really trying to make what we have count.
  4. The RS cheerleading by the commentators is making me sick.
  5. Ref totally ott there. Harmless bit of jostling.
  6. That was very careless control by Gordon then after a great piece of battling on the right.
  7. Touch wood - it feels like we are starting to get into this now.
  8. I really appreciate Maupay going to the effort of having hair like Richi; if I squint I can pretend.
  9. Myko has been caught short by Salah three times already now - team needs to cover him.
  10. All that started from Iwobi pressuring - we'll need loads of that today.
  11. And did anyone else notice the hideous amount of sycophantic and fawning articles about Liverpool in the press this morning.
  12. Probably the best team under the circumstances. Dreading watching this tbh, but COYB.
  13. I knew a bloke called Pete Garner who was a complete bum hole. Anyway, welcome James and your giant Easter Island head to Goodison.
  14. He was terrible for so long, and took so much stick, including me, I’m so happy he is producing for us. It’s great to hear the fans singing his name. It looks like a mix of confidence from the gaffer and a defined role in the team that fits his skill set is working wonders. And you can start to see Onana building a link with him. He wasn’t at his best in the second half but Leeds don’t give you an inch or a second to think. It’s mad that he’s gone from being public enemy number one that most would have loved to get rid of for 10 mil to our best player.
  15. He still looks like he could be fitter, but he just going to get better I think. Nice to have a position that looks to be in safe hands.
  16. We all know that there’s something not right, I just hope Dele is happy. When I was younger I quit an amazing job and career that I had to work so hard to earn. After a few years doing it I realised that though I loved the journey to get there, actually doing the job made me miserable; I hated it and I knew I had to leave. So I quit and moved abroad doing far less well paid and boring jobs. But I was happy again. So I sympathise with Dele and hope he finds his voice.
  17. Onana does get caught out in the deep quite often.
  18. He's done well tonight - he'll get better at those surging runs.
  19. Our passing out has been terrible, just giving the ball away and bringing more pressure on. Onana and McNeil particularly guilty.
  20. That's onside - come on VAR!
  21. I still don't undertand how Sinistera can score from there.
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