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Posts posted by SimonButtle

  1. If true then I would lose a lot of respect for Moyes. I can't imagine a manager getting upset about a player putting in extra work -- unless it was somehow dangerous to his health? I don't know. Hope it's not true, but it would explain why Vellios fell off the map.

    It is true as far as i know like the others have said, it's been mentioned in the past in various places, just seems to be one of those taboo subjects bit like "where has all the money gone Bill" :leggit:

  2. He was doing lots of after hours training with Duncan, one on one. Moyes didnt take to well to it as it wasnt autorised with him. Vellios never got a look in after that for quite a while. Duncan was impressed with how much he improved and became more physical and used his body better against defenders.


    But last time I spoke about this I got shouted down, because that just wouldnt happen and Moyes would not get upset by staff doing unauthorised work.

    Vellios likes the nightlife as well by all accounts :)

  3. So what you are saying is its fine for Moyes to continue picking his favourites? That if someone comes in and takes their chance then they should be sent back to the reserves because they are young?


    Because really that's what happened. The poor lads head must have been all over the shop. I follow him on twitter and the praise the fans gave him was unreal, tony bellew congratulating him on his hard work and taking his chance when he got it.... Only to be put back on the bench.


    It wasn't the only time Moyes did that. Barkleys confidence took a nose dive after the Blackburn shepherds crook (his bad 5 minutes), when in reality he should have kept him in and let him learn from the experience. If a child falls off a bike you put them back on it, you don't lock it in the garage to become some form of reminder that bike = getting hurt.


    There is only one way to improve these lads, get them playing. Even if it was the last 10 minutes of a game... No that rarely happened. You can't defend the indefensible

    Vellios as well Haf, he came in off the bench and scored a few when no one else looked even remotely like scoring then because of ONE bad start he went the way of Duffy/Barkley never to be seen again.


    If he comes in, it would be for a holding midfield role in all probability. You can use Squawka (a free service which uses Opta Sports stats) to compare him to players who perform a similar role at the top clubs (Barry, Carrick, Arteta). In terms of raw number of successful passes, McCarthy is 6th in the entire league and he has a very good completion rate of 87% (Barry has 86%, Carrick 88%, Arteta 91%). He's made 34 key passes which means he's 55th in the entire league (Barry is 56th , Carrick 57th, Arteta 112th).


    On the defensive side of the game, he had 74 succesful tackles last season which means he's 17th in the entire league, he also had a very good 75% success rate. Arteta was 15th in the league and had a 69% success rate, Carrick 42nd and had a 70% success rate, Barry 54th and he had a very good 80% success rate (if he had continued on the same minutes per tackle rate he'd have finished only a bit below McCarthy if he had played as much as he did: Barry had a succesful tackle once every 47 minutes, McCarthy once every 46). McCarthy isn't as succesful in headed duels though as he only wins 42% of them and didn't win a whole lot of them in raw numbers (Arteta won 52%, Carrick 55%, Barry 58%). McCarthy was 38th in the league for blocked shots at 19, Carrick blocked 19 as well but if you'd adjust for time played he'd have done better than McCarthy, Arteta 7 and Barry 6. McCarthy made more clearances than the others as well. McCarthy was 17th in the league for interceptions at 76, Carrick had exactly the same amount but did so in a bit less time, Barry had 43 interceptions (at a rate of once every 56 minutes, McCarthy made an interception once every 44 minutes), Arteta was 5th in the entire league in intereceptions.


    If we're gonna buy in England, he's about the best we're gonna do.


    EDIT: one reason for McCarthy's heading stats being a bit below par, might be that Wigan played 3 at the back a lot so one of them probably steps up for a majority of the hoofs from goal keepers etc.

    Im just concerned about value for money, if the fee was £10m or less then im all for it, i said back when Roberto was first linked with us that id like to see McCarthy here, just not at £15m. However looking at some of those stats compared to others(as you posted above) then maybe your right, maybe he is the best we are going to get.

  5. <br />To be fair, I don't think that's his game. He's more the 'assist the assister' glue of the midfield who breaks up play and redistributes the ball to the attacking players. His stats for interceptions and completed passes were way up there last season.<br />

    Yes his completion stats are like 84% but his key pass completion stat is only a meagre 0.9 and his interception ratings are only 2.3 tackles a game with an average match rating of 6.8.


    Don't want to get into stat wars with you mate, just think this could get very expensive if we are not careful especially as he's hardly in huge demand, i think we can do better elsewhere.

  6. I don't feel we should spend more than £10m on McCarthy, but this constant reference to him as a "championship player" is a little over the top. He performed well in the premier league and should be thought of accordingly. It's not as if he couldn't hack it.

    At the end of the day he is a championship player, and whilst i do think he would be a useful addition, 3 goals and 2 assists in 41 games last season for Fellaini's potential replacement. There not great stats imo not at the figures being mentioned.

  7. He's a 22-year-old who could be our midfield glue for the next ten years so I'd be comfortable with us paying £10-12m (preferably less, of course!) , which would leave the same again for 1-2 other additions.

    I could maybe justify £10m at a stretch but more than that is crazy for a championship player, £10m was a lot for Zaha.

  8. I wouldn't mind McCarthy at Everton but I hope it isn't a replacement for Fellaini if he goes We could get up to 25mil or more for Felli and if Martinez goes we need someone else lets spend 15-20mil on McCarthy then that would be a joke. Ok Moyes was interested in this player but I don't think he would have paid 15 million for him. If he was that good then Moyes would be paying that much at United.


    5 -7.5 million - YES

    7.5 & over - NO.

    This. Man U and Arsenal both need a similar sort of player, also Man City signed a couple of midfielders but so far it's only us and Spurs that have shown an interest, so it's got to be for sensible money no more than £8-9m.

  9. During a press conference for the community shield Owen Coyle said


    At this moment as we sit here I can honestly say there has been no so called interest in any of our players and long may that continue. I'm aware of how the transfer window works and that could change at anytime

    He will stay there imo, i don't see us or spurs paying the quoted fee that Wigan are looking for.

  10. A few useful pointers to help people from going into overdrive about this



    1. Moyes does not own Man Utd he is an employee


    2. Moyes does not pay for any player transfers out of his own pocket


    3. Moyes probably doesnt even get involved in any negotiations over the fee



    David Moyes gave 10 good years to this football club and did a great job while he was here and for that he deserves respect. I just dont get all the contempt for him over a few tabloid transfer rumours even if there is any truth in them. Man Utd get linked with both players every window and it is always way below their value. This was happening long before Moyes was Man Utd manager


    Is Roberto a wanker because Everton are being linked with Mcarthy for £12M when Wigan want £20M


    Personally I couldnt care less how Man Utd get on this season , I liked Moyes when he was our manager and I still respect him now but he has gone and so I have moved on , others could do well to do the same

    Moyes is clearly struggling to get players in and is probably seen to have some influence over the players themselves having worked with them at Everton, they are probably seen as easy signings for him. Not what the fans want but it's players in who the manager knows.

    From our point of view it's more the fact we are all aware that there is a 50/50 chance of a Kenwright special on the last day of the window, explaining how he couldn't turn down the deal because of this and that, blah blah blah

  11. I think the animosity is due to the disrespectful sums being offered for our star players, rather than an ex-manager coming back (though the way he has left and conducted himself since will add a little extra spice).


    My irritation is the same as the supposed Wenger interest - he wanted the player but didnt want to pay the sum, so he moaned in public in hopes of putting on the pressure and unsettling the player. Its dirty tactics, just like Hughes used for Lescott.

    Arsenal friends down here tell me that Wenger was not 100% sure about Fellaini and it was being suggested from powers above that it would be a good signing, hence him not wanting to pay the suggested price.

  12. How much would everyone sell Fellaini for though? He's a top player but we could do a lot with £25 million. The only thing that worries me is whether Martinez would use all of that money to sign James McCarthy

    This is what bothers me, if he or curse the thought Baines did go, Id rather see the cash spread about, id rather Jorghino at £9m and say Ince at £8m(i think it was) then there is a bit left over for a signing in january maybe. the possible figures talked about for McCarthy at the moment £15m-20m are crazy money, but Roberto obviously rates him and would like to sign him.

  13. Complete non-story. If he had been involved in a row already he would be on the first flight back to Barcelona. Journalists have probably seen Martinez & Deloufeu changing words and have created the story that there was an argument going on. A lad so young is obviously going to need some extra coaching so it doesn't surprise me that Martinez is having to explain himself a bit more to him.

    I agree with this, he is not costing us anything as such and if there was a problem, like Zoo said i think he would be on the first plane back to Barca.


    Some sources suggesting it was because he was being played out of position and did not understand what to do. I hope this is just a pre season thing, we have just got rid of a manager who repeatedly played people out of position with obvious negative effects on some players games. I for one am not prepared to put up with the next manager doing the same again, if Martinez is going to start all that nonsense, then he can do one as far as im concerned, im far from convinced at the moment anyway.

  14. favourite of all time (and im looking into getting one) is a 1965 Mustang (fastback or convertible):


    Your wife is American isn't she Matt? just that the best way to get one is too import one from there tbh. You will pay premium prices over in Europe for a nice one or a money pit for less than £10000. Yet in the US for £10000-£15000 that will get you a decent working car. My mate is a muscle car nut, drives a Charger RT which he is about to swap for a Chevelle Super Sport, anything you want to know, or what the best way to get one is, i can ask him, he might even know someone who is selling one :)


    Mirallas in case is a perfect example of Moyes - a match winner, great signing. Yet moyes chose to criticise him, bring him back from injury early and try to 'toughen' him up. Clearly he didn't tailor the training around him. Mirallas, like RVP are very pacey, slight players - you can't train them like a Distin.

    I honestly think that was half the problem with Bily Haf

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