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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/apr/03/romelu-lukaku-everton-agent Agents are the worst.
  2. I would sell if we got 10 mil for him. He's everything you want as far as attitude goes, but he breaks down a lot of attacks. As rusty said, reluctantly sale.
  3. I view Australia the same as I view the USA: The strongest nation in a somewhat weak region. Neither will be a football super-power until a significant majority of the country buys into the game to the point where it's part of the culture. I actually have a soft spot for Australia and it's players. I always find myself rooting for them.
  4. There may be no wind on the moon, but there is still motion. As you're sticking the flag in the ground, the cloth will flutter. Ever seen astronauts in zero gravity pour water out of a bottle? It doesn't come out in perfect droplets and it's shape is constantly shifting. I've never gotten the wind argument. It's like people expect the flag to be a solid sheet or something.
  5. Mike, this is my new favorite site. I cannot stop reading this junk when I should be working. I'm absolutely fascinated that this a theory and by how delusional these people are. The trolls are my favorite though.
  6. 17 goals and 6 assists on the season. He had a good game today, and hopefully, he'll become more consistent as he gets older.
  7. Lukaku. Thought Lennon and Alcaraz were close though. Great game to watch.
  8. Not a perfect performance but but a really good one. Deserved win.
  9. Alcaraz has been immense.
  10. We need Barry out of the lineup more often.
  11. Good game by Rom. Another assist and goal.
  12. This is brilliant play!
  13. Good first half. Let's hope they can keep it up in the second.
  14. We are playing how a possession-based side is supposed to play. Pass it around; find those one or two passes that cuts through the opposition's midfield; get the ball in the box.
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