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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Would be a great back-up, but I'd actually like to see him move to Europe to a team where he would start.
  2. YOU HAVE NO SOUL. :shaking fist: But yeah, it's all a bit cheesy, honestly.
  3. Di Maria finally puts himself to use in this game.
  4. As a dog owner/lover, I would be crushed if this happened!
  5. I'm interested to see where this goes. The club seems to rate him highly, but we'll see.
  6. Good point about the US transfer, but I really only thought that came about because of NYFC's affiliation with Man City. Barry won't be affiliated with them now if he comes to us.
  7. That's a long contract. I don't know how I feel about it, but I'm leaning towards the negative.
  8. Sounds bad, but this opens the door just a little bit wider for Bony to leave.
  9. Who the hell is Tracey Emin amyway?
  10. Hate to break it to you, but I think Aguero is out for the rest of the WC with injury.
  11. Welcome to the forum! The diversity on here is great!
  12. What got you into Football? Well, I played in the youth leagues as a kid, probably starting around 9. My mom asked me if I wanted to play anymore sports (I was already in American football and baseball), and I said soccer because I had a friend playing it. I remember the first year I played, I didn't know what I was doing, and I was a little bit behind the other kids, but I was always a fast learner. I just happened to be placed on the best team in our area, which ended up going to State championships the first year, and that was a big deal to me even though we were so young (didn't play too much then). I started out as a fullback. The next year I moved to a different squad and took on the role of an attacking mid, and I absolutely fell in love with the duties I was given. I got better, and my teammates started to rely on me more. I really enjoyed that responsibility and did that for a few years. I lacked technical ability my first couple of years, but I was able to make up for that lack of skill by using speed; I did work hard though, especially on my passing technique, and eventually I caught up and surpassed most of my teammates. However, at the time, I always wanted to be a quarterback in American football as they are more respected in the USA. Soccer was still considered a "weak" sport, mainly because folks didn't understand it; and being in the southern USA, American football rules. I quit soccer to concentrate on that when I was about 14, which was a huge mistake when I look back on it. I never really reached the size that an American football player needs to reach, as I only stand at 5'11". Just to add to that, I picked up FIFA 06 and that's when I fell in love again. I started learning more about all the leagues and discovered Ronaldinho. I didn't grow up around soccer-loving friends or family; there was really no culture for it here. A couple of my friends that I met later were from Ipswich town, and so we always used PL teams. I just had the most fun playing with Everton, saw Howard was American, and have been hooked since. What American sports do you enjoy? American Football sometimes, though soccer has take over my life. I find baseball dreadfully boring, and I'll watch basketball on rare occasion. I really know nothing about hockey; that's a northern thing really. Will football (soccer) finally become a major thing in USA after the exploits of this world cup, in your own opinion? I think it's already become a major sport, and the number of folks watching it has grown exponentially. I see this on Facebook, sports bars, work, etc. It will probably be overshadowed by American football for a long time though. I can see the decline of other sports though. People are becoming disenchanted with baseball and basketball it feels like, but American Football has a HUGE following here. Which are the most popular EPL teams in USA (Or Canada for that matter)? Manchester United and Arsenal. I had heard of ManU before really watching soccer, and I meet a lot of folks who seemed to be Arsenal fans. Chelsea has a good few followers as well, but really just recently it seems.
  13. Brazil (1)2 Chile (1)1 Colombia (0)2 Uruguay (1)1 Netherlands (1)3 Mexico (1)1 Costa Rica (1)1 Greece (0)2 France (2)3 Nigeria (1)2 Germany (1)4 Algeria (0)1 Argentina (0)2 Switzerland (0)0 Belgium (0)1 USA (1)2
  14. Same amount of goals that we scored; except we scored them against better opponents.
  15. Maybe then we'll become to them what Ghana was to us the last couple of World Cups.
  16. Couldn't be happier about this. BEST RB in the league.
  17. Especially at the end. I really thought Dempsey would put that header away.
  18. Love seeing all the Americans on the forum. Welcome.
  19. Glad we were able to sneak through at the end. I think we have a good shot against Belgium or Algeria.
  20. Or Portugal to beat Ghana by a slim margin and us to lose by a slim margin.
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