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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Doesn't look good... Why Anichebe started in the first place is beyond me.
  2. I wish. I purchased him on Football Manager, and he's beastly on there as well. I can't see him giving up Newcastle for Everton, given that Everton is performing sub-par, and Newcastle is exceeding expectations.
  3. I'd take Kranjar over Peanuts, but I'd like to have both.
  4. Mates, Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas from the States. Glad I was able to go into it with an Everton win to make the holidays even better. Once again, Happy Christmas!
  5. American Football is more financially balanced than the football leagues of the world. Each team has a salary cap and can therefore only spend so much. If you look at the Miami Dolphins, they are poor this season...but that doesn't necessarily mean bad ownership. The Colts were 11-5(I think) last season and now they are 1-13(first season with less than 10 losses in about 9-10 years). There is a lot more parity in the NFL then there is in the EPL. In a few years, Miami will probably win their division and make it far in the play-offs... very cyclical. Admittedly, I don't really know much about the owner though. There are bad ones -- Just saying that recent performances aren't necessarily correlated with poor ownership.
  6. I think Donovan would love to stay full-time, but the MLS wouldn't be willing to sell him. He's a marketing gold-mine over here because of his heroics with the national team. If they would've known that Clint Dempsey was going to be such a good player, they probably wouldn't have sold him to Fulham. However, I also think Dempsey was at the end of his contract. Regardless, I'm very excited about Donovan coming back on loan. Donovan thrives on confidence. The Everton fans said goodbye to him in a way that left a very positive feeling, and I believe he'll come back with that same feeling, thus allowing him to thrive. Time to bust out the Donovan-Everton Jersey.
  7. I always think about this past World Cup where the USA was playing Slovenia. We went down 2-0 but managed to fight back to 2-2. We had a third goal disallowed because of a bogus foul call. If the ref had replay then he would have seen that there was no foul. Subsequently, it forced the US to have to play for the win in the next game when a draw would have sufficed if we have gotten that win. Basically, our players were winded from having to play comeback footy. Fortunately, the US won the next game and moved out of its group. Btw, why is Norwich's voting tally in "for" so low in comparison to the rest of the league? Any correlations?
  8. I put three(including Donny Boy). Hopefully a striker and a creative mid. I feel our midfield has some decent depth, but I think we could really use a playmaker.
  9. Drenthe, though I thought Saha was decent, too. Stracq looked very promising. I was happy to see him come on a little bit earlier than usual -- showed some good strength and won some headers right away.
  10. Sibdane


    1. This is what worries me as well. 2. The lack of this is what causes my worry. I believe Everton should be performing better than they currently are. When I look at the last few seasons, they have been plagued by slow starts that blossom into great, almost storytelling endings. I worry what if our form doesn't pick up and we finish in say, the spot we are in now. Yes, we are not relegated but we lose even more funds to buy players (much less keep players). I believe the players we have are able to put us in a good 7-10 position, but the lack of depth is really a killer. Obviously, I'm beating a dead horse, but we really need a buy-out if we are looking to turn the club around. That, or just a set of amazing youth players that are ready to live up to their potential in the very near future. All in all, I think we will finish strong. Davey has that end-of-season magic.
  11. Sibdane


    Not happy about the result, but I'm not angry. I had a sickly feeling that it would be a loss. I'm glad I was wrong.
  12. Sibdane


    Maybe McA and Straca should be the top two from now on, when we play with two of course.
  13. Sibdane


    Lol. Hibbert. Nice attempt though
  14. Sibdane


    Drenthe really is going for the winner.
  15. Sibdane


    yes!!! Nice little touch by Osman!!
  16. Sibdane


    Jesus Christ.... ...Is who need to score goals.
  17. I've always been a fan. Decent pace and has a lot of time to grow. Not sure if we really need him though considering we have Neville and Hibbo, and that there is talk that Coleman is the expected RB of the future...
  18. WOW. Didn't realize it costs that much! I'll check out the links above. Thanks, guys
  19. I'm not sure how possible this is, or if this has already been mentioned... but how possible would it be to make an Iphone/blackberry app for TT? I think you could charge .99 to 1.99? I know it would take some programming, but I think it would be a great way to bring some revenue to TT. Just a thought.
  20. I see he prefers to play right so he can cut in a shoot/take on the fullback. If he was a better shot then I'd say play him there. However, the left side needs him since we don't have too many options. His pace has already determined that he's a winger for me.
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