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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Hania, I think as fans we need to stop worrying what each other think, and enjoy the Prem while we are still in it. I can't keep explaining my own points of view, nor should I have to, as they are irrelevant to the bigger picture, other than having a chat on the forum, with other fans. We 'clearly' have different opinions on 'some' things, but I'm not going to challenge those of others thinking it will make a difference. For me, I come here only to discuss, and not to find 'The answer' if that makes any sense. Feel free to want what 'you' want, but please don't expect everyone to think how you think, as it won't happen. If you want to be 'feared' again, perhaps go buy a Halloween mask, and knock on a few doors, before shouting "BOO!!" at the occupant when they answer. Me? I want the club to still be around for generations to come, and couldn't care if we are feared or not, as long as the club exists.
  2. Yeah, I'm aware of that, but it's still a large amount. Time will tell I guess.
  3. I'd be happy if they all put their banners away and followed suit. Following Everton isn't the same with all the politics. The club now know how the fans feel. Backing them into a corner, embarrassing them, or just being general doom and gloom mongers isn't helping. Thank heavens the season has started and the football will hopefully take priority.
  4. Night friends? Are you asking me on a date sugar plum ? Or are you waiting for the chance to bit my neck?
  5. 28m is a big offer for a none Man City. Not sure I think they will spend that amount.
  6. Some of us on here are pretty nice. It really depends on what conversation you take part in lol. Marco is cuddly on the inside once you get to know him.
  7. Halewood, we both know you're not a Neville fan. It's not that big a deal. He's captain because of what we don't see, as well as what we do. If he wasn't right for the job, I'm fairly sure Moyes would give the job to another.
  8. There are different types of views amongst our fans, and that is to be expected. To some, this mini crisis is just another chapter in the ongoing story of Everton Football Club, and those that have looked at the full picture are able to come to terms with a possible 'stepping backwards in order to move forwards' scenario. To others, were 'this close' to success, and we should keep pushing, and spending, in pursuit of it. Some are prepared to rip it up and start again, so to speak, and others feel that as long as we can manage debt, then debt is ok, so let's just pay a 'little' bit back, and keep going. You can all add your own versions of events, and possible solutions, but speaking only for myself, here is my own point of view: I've seen success, I've seen trophies, I've seen Europe, and I've seen players, managers, chairmen, and even fans come and go. Success doesn't last long. We last won the league in 1986-7 season finishing with 86 points from our 42 games. The very next year, we finished 20 points behind league winners Liverpool with only 70 points, and the next year finished in 8th place. Then we finished in 6th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 15th, 6th, 15th, 17th. So within 2 years of being the best team in English football, we had gone back to mediocrity. Within 10 years of being the best team in English football, we had escaped relegation twice. You could argue that our ban on Europe prevented us from having the funds to keep things going, but what happened happened. Heck, you can argue that World War 2 stopped us in our tracks too having won the title in 1939 only to resume back to mediocrity after the war and eventual relegation for 3 seasons. We had to wait until the 60's until we saw success again, with the money bags board at the time, with periods of mediocrity inbetween the 63 and 70 titles. So we had the title in 70, but the year after finished 14th again. Then 15th, then 17th .... see a pattern? Then we were decent again in the late 70's, but were fighting relegation again at the turn of the decade. Fans that were lucky enough to have watched a successful Everton team in the 80's, then had to endure torrid times, with some of the worst football we could imagine once again. 25 years on, we still haven't won the league, but the last 10 years have been much more entertaining, and bearable to endure. We've regained a respectful status within the game, and have enjoyed Europe once again. I can't remember having better players in the side for some time, as Moyes has brought to the club, and our football has been superb at times. To do this, has cost money though, and we now find the club up against it. We have players not pulling their weight, and taking enormous sums of money from our club in return. If we were to carry on spending, I think we would certainly have risked becoming extinct, and bankrupt, so in a way, it's probably a good job the board and banks haven't gone mad. Let's get the players that are not necessary off our books, and keep the ones that are. If we have to suffer mid table for a while, so be it. We've been doing it since the war, so not a problem - let's get on with it. Best to do it now, while we have Moyes, than to do it when he has gone. Moyes is the best at what he does. He doesn't necessarily suit managing a Man Utd, or a Barcelona, though good luck to the guy if he did. What he is damn good at, is keeping our team in the Premiership, on a pittance, and for that, I think he is probably the best manager this club has ever had, in it's entire history, without disrespecting others, and their achievements. We need him now more than we've ever needed him, because if he were to leave, we really would be up against it. Let him rebuild. Let 'him' decide who goes and who stays. We don't have the money other clubs have, but we have the best manager, the best team spirit, and the best fans, and our history is pretty good too. The Prem isn't just about winning it, but also about being here to enjoy playing against all the other Prem teams. Ask any fan in the next division down if they would swap us.
  9. The players need to concentrate on the game. As much as I'm sure they mean well the rally cries annoy me a bit.
  10. Scribd isn't a safe site,. I used to get pdf's from there, Loads of viruses.
  11. I don't think Davey would leave unless one of the top jobs in the game came up, and there are plenty of opposition for the vacancies should they occur. He knows the score, and though I'm sure he isn't happy about it, I think he would be loyal.
  12. Pete, they're going to start calling you and I 'Bill and Dave' lol. I don't think folk realise the importance of clearing the debt. Without clearing it, we can't move forward. I'm fond of all our players, but I don't think we would be much worse off if we let a few go in order to ease the pressure. I believe in Moyes' ability to rebuild. If we leave it too long though, the opportunity will diminish. I actually think we would be a better team without certain players as crazy as it sounds. I would gladly sell Arteta, Jagielka, Cahill, Saha, Yakubu, even Howard, and I don't think we would be relegation fodder by any means. Moyes could get a few lads in to make the numbers up, and we'd still be pushing top 8.
  13. Stroll on. I think I'm going to log off for a while.
  14. For the right price, it would be a good move for everyone, and probably give him a chance of International football. We've had nothing from him for a long time now.
  15. People forget it's just a game at the end of the day. Our club doesn't deserve the pressure it's under. Our fans are starting to sound like Liverpool fans.
  16. That's great news, and sends out a positive statement.
  17. SWP didn't want to play for us so bollox to him, even for free. We need lads who want to come here, and not just because they are cheap.
  18. Maybe you see things pitch side that you don't on tv. I like the lad. I've been his critic in the past. I'm sure Moyes would love to have options but I think we all know we have a bunch of pussies on the pitch. Newcastle will love playing us.
  19. Hi HB. I think we've spoke in the past briefly. How are you mate?
  20. He's the best captain in the game. We all know this. If the lad has a bad day, I'd say he at least walks on the pitch with the right intent. I'm not sure we can say that for all our players. The problem with having a set of Internationals is that they often don't give the same amount of effort as those on the way up. It could be time to get shut of a few.
  21. Is there someone who could step forward as captain?
  22. Huh? I must have a monitor that only shows the decent bits. I thought he made some good tackles, and first half in particular had a big imput. There were far worse players on the pitch today imo.
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