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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. You're welcome to your opinion. I'm not going to judge you because it's different than mine, but you do need to realise that he has only played a small role so far, and hasn't had the benefit of a full season in a settled team. Question to all, regardless of opinion: If we don't play Beckford who do we play? Will it be Louis "It's my 6 yard box and I'll walk if I want to" Saha? Will it be Yakubu "Show me the honey mummy " Aiygbeni? Will it be Victor "Take your filthy pig hands off me" Anichebe? Perhaps it will be Tim "Surfs up - I'm off" Cahill who isn't even a striker? No offence to any of the above, as just a bit of fun, but we're not exactly spoilt for choice. Beckford will run around where the others won't. He has pace, where the others don't, and he wants to be here and play for our club. He is also only 27 so a decent age too. Our other players are at the end of their careers, with the exception of Anichebe, who I have nothing against, and will often publicly support. We play a 5 man midfield, which is why most of our goals come from our midfielders. Our game plan isn't to feed a striker, but to have a striker poach. We can't expect lots of goals from a lone striker. We're not a top 4 club playing ole football every week, but a club with the odd flash of brilliance amidst rolled up sleeves performances. I think we should bench Cahill and play the Yak with Beckford. Tell both to give it everything they have, and then when they haven't got anything left, bring on Cahill.
  2. We were in danger of entering administration way back in 2004 which was one of the reasons Rooney went. Our financial issues aren't all from recent activity.
  3. If you play 38 games at 90 minutes per game, then you will play 3420 minutes. Beckford only played 1327 in the Prem and scored 8 goals. There is no such thing as 'average'. Beckford playing for club A will score a different ration of goals than if he plays for club B. You can take lots of stats into account to discredit any conversation backed up by the talk of averages. The simplest way to view it is that Beckford scored a league goal every 165.8 minutes. Wayne Rooney scored 11 goals in 2225 minutes, making it a goal every 202.2 minutes, and he plays for the best team in the country. Didier Drogba scored 12 goals in 2791, giving him a ratio of a goal every 232.5 minutes. Tim Cahill scored 9 league goals in 2016, giving him a goal per 224 minutes. Beckford played for a team that couldn't buy a goal at the start of the season. How many would he have bagged at United, or Arsenal etc? You can't properly judge a guy who was subbed on about 18 times. He is far from average, and he was free. A few more like him and we would be quids in.
  4. This is a good site for your favourites: http://www.footballstreaming.info/streams/todays-links/
  5. I shake my head sometimes at Everton fans. Beckford could have gone to many clubs. He WANTED to play for Everton. In the short time on the pitch he scored 10 goals, in a team he has no experience of playing with. I swear some of our fans are proper snobs. We've been a mediocre team for longer than many of you have been alive, yet some talk like we're Barcelona. Beckford is a great aquisition so far. He has great pace too. Even if we were to put him on the wing like Donovan, rather than subbing him off, he would be as good as any other option we have. Wouldn't it be better to judge him at the 'end' of the season, not the start?
  6. It is an interesting subject. It probably would have made a good thread on it's own. I presume they played without a wall before they did with one, so some bright spark must have had a good reason. I can see how different situations may need different walls etc.
  7. I've never once seen it on TV. Maybe I am getting old.
  8. How many rally calls will be as a result of him being asked to give one from above? He's probably contacted to certain things, and he'll no doubt have PR agents etc telling him what to say and when to say it. He's not the sharpest tool in the box after all, but he 'is' a fantastic representative of our club, and stands for positivity and hard work. He's a very good role model, and I'd have no concerns that my kids would be wrongly influenced by the guy. How many times have you seen a guy get promoted above you that you felt wasn't as good as the job as you were? Sometimes it's because the manager can programme and mould certain folk as opposed to others. It's not all about performance. Can you imagine Baines getting the captains role? They'd be checking each others nails and discussing magazine articles. As a player, he's actually not as bad as many say. My main gripe used to be that he would give away free kicks in dangerous areas, but to be fair he's improved on that, and is a decent tackler. He has bags of experience in which to coach our young lads, and a lot of that happens on the pitch in a match, rather than just in the training hours. I actually prefer Hibbert at RB, but Moyes must feel that Nev is the man for the job at present. Is Hibbert fully fit? There are quite a few teams who would be glad of Neville. It's not all about what he does in 90 minutes, but more than anyone, Moyes has faith in him. I have faith in Moyes, so can't grumble too much. When he's poor, I'm just as keen as anyone else to slate him, but I can't say that of him lately. One bad match doesn't make a bad player, and I even thought he played ok last match, as my comment in the motm thread will testify. I don't see too many captains at the moment. Moyes might be well advised to start training someone up to take over from Nev. I figure maybe Rodwell has the necessary attitude, but he's far too young. Osman is the only other guy I've seen giving a player a bollocking, so for me it would have to be Osman.
  9. I wondered where this thread went to lol. I was under the impression he was a Chelsea player.
  10. I think all trophy wins should be re-set, thus encouraging new would be trophy winners to play.
  11. I've contemplated that, until I saw a few free kicks and saw how quickly the ball was in the net, despite having to bend it over a wall. How quick would it be if the dead ball expert were able to shoot at will? Look at Baines, and how hard he kicks a ball for example. It is interesting though.
  12. Louis, I remember you used to write for a column. I can't remember which. Do you still do it?
  13. You could be right. My outlook so far has been that many fans want big name players at the club, and want us winning things again, and because our present board can't give them that, then they want them gone, because Everton, by tradition, should be at the top. I can elaborate to include side agendas, but that would be my main impression I get from the moaning and groaning that has sprung from the forums in recent years.
  14. My comments weren't guesses but factual. No personal opinion came into it. Moyes gave him the armband in an attempt to get him to buck up, and how long did it last?
  15. The only way to know who is responsible for Everton's financial situation is to have the relative information at hand, and the majority of us here would not understand the figures laid before us, let alone, be able to say who is at fault. There is a lot of ground to cover, including the period long before Kenwright joined the board, so if somebody wants to investigate the matter, and come up with 'proven' facts and figures, I'll gladly get my accountant to read it, and translate it into words I can digest. Until then, everything else is gossip, rumour, hearsay and gobbledygouk.
  16. I think there are a lot more fans looking out for the best interests of the club than there are screaming out for trophies. One thing about our fan base is we've always been credited with knowledge of football etc, but we've always been credited with having realistic and humble views too. I think if we ran a poll that had 2 very clear alternative answers, the greater result would always be in favour of what is best for the clubs future over 'we want trophies'. That's because our fan base didn't join because we were the 'trendy' club to follow for fans who weren't interested in football unless asked who we supported, but because we weren't. If anything, I now sense a movement towards supporting the board more than supporting the groups who have tried to bring it down.
  17. Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to www.wiziwig.eu Suggestions: Access a cached copy of www.­wiziwig.­eu/­livesports/­sports/­football Try reloading: www.­wiziwig.­eu/­livesports/­sports/­football Search on Google:
  18. Gerrard is a bad diver. He's also been out as much as he's been in lately. His career ended sometime ago, so not sure why he didn't retire while he was at the top. Again, we only see what we see regarding players. Nev plays, not because he is a better player than Hibbert, but because he is decent, and, has leadership skills. That combined make him every bit as useful on the pitch as Glen Johnson, for example. If Moyes had a better option, he would use it, wouldn't he?
  19. Laughing at one of the players in that match being called Pitbull. We could do with him in midfield lol.
  20. HB, how can you say Nev is not a good captain because of performances, and name Cahill, who had a terrible season year before last, and then pissed off to Australia leaving us in the shit last season? Just asking like?
  21. www.myp2p.eu Has this website been closed down?
  22. Hafnia, you keep having these little digs that I'm a fan who maybe doesn't care as much as you. You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not just a long term fan, but I ran my own business until March of this year, where I had to retire due to illness, and before my own business, I looked after the businesses of others, on behalf of a national company, so I know a little bit about both sides of the coin. What I want first and foremost, is for the club to continue trading. We can sell all the players, all the assets, including the ground, and training facilities, and still have debt that we can't manage, such is the size of the problem if our figures are to be believed. The first issue is to stop the debt from getting bigger, and because a lot of our revenue is made up from the proceeds of fans, the club has to balance getting rid of debt, with not losing income. It's not easy, especially in a business like football, so if the fans were banging on our door offering us solutions to our problem, then that is one thing, but banging on the door in order to discredit and complain is another. My outlook is more that I want what is best for the club, and future and present fans of the club, than what is best for me. In other words, if we go down because we have to, then so be it. Not being bothered as you put it, comes in many forms. Coming to terms with a situation does too. It might be best if during these times we worry less about what each other think, (other than acknowledging issues exist and discussing) and leave the professional business matters to professional business men, as nothing a single person on this forum adds to the discussion is likely to change the situation of the club. I don't need Everton F.C to make my life complete. That comes from other areas in life. That doesn't make me less of a fan though. It simply makes me more of a human being. If you are one of these fans who wakes up in the morning, and looks out the window in order to see whether or not the game has been rained off, then fair play to you. Personally, I look out of the window every morning to appreciate being alive. I'm not sure either point of view is wrong, until one point tries to play the other down.
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