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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. That's how to hit on the break! We can be so naive in defense.
  2. Thought that was in. Gerry has some acceleration!
  3. Naismith last five mins won't make him a crowd fav haha
  4. That's what we have been missing in recent seasons to be honest, someone willing to try a shot.
  5. What's your name again? Isn't it Naismith? So trying a 30 yarder is a touch ambitious haha
  6. Gotta admit Bailey heits is looking a different player. Great effort Gerry!
  7. Barkley is just indifferent class. Gerrard looking like he has a point to prove.
  8. Lucky there. Good block Heits. Naive defending though, two players ball chasing.
  9. Great work Gerrard. How did Kone miss it?
  10. Nice effort from Barkley and food to swe him and Gerrard link up. Kone looking sharp too.
  11. anyone know a possible formation?
  12. bloody hell now you have mentioned cole you are 100% right. thats why no-one ever listens to me haha!
  13. Haven't seen much of him to be honest other than highlights. But he did look good in the under20 world cup. Thought he was one of the best England players there along with our Ross.
  14. Guys to anyone outside the Liverbird is a significant symbol of Liverpool FC. encorporating it into our badge would have us globaly recognised as being the other team! I can hear it now on my trips to America " hey you must support that other team in Liverpool " Sorry but i think the Liverbird is taken and should be left or at least onlt have minor representation. Thoughts?
  15. That's funny! Good to see someone having fun and not worrying about politics for a change. It gets ridiculous these days how careful you have to be.
  16. gotta admit that brightened up my morning too, classic! But has anyone heard anymore on this move? does it still depend on Felly going?
  17. Jelly was on form pre season and earnt a few starts. Naisy was on form and did the same. Oviedo looked good also and should be getting a chance. Football is good to watch bit also frustrating as we are used to more of a high tempo pace. We are creating plenty of chances and because of this I am not panicking. As long as we can start scoring a few goals and our team starts to relax then we should be ok. Fairly happy at the moment.
  18. Dont panick mate. its RMs first two games and he is still finding his feet, as soon as he is settled and a couple of goals up he will get his chance.
  19. Come on lads let's finish this strongly! Kone lets see some effort now.
  20. Unchanged team. Barkley starts.
  21. We'll I have to say . Was a fan and feel a sick now! This is am ideal situation to stand up and be counted BK. Your ex manager feels he knows "exactly" how the club works.... Better even than its own chairman. I would be so grateful to you if you stood up to this prick and helped Everton turn a corner now. WE ARE EVERTON FC! Bigger than any player or manager that ever graced the earth.
  22. Ye I was a RM fan all along. And of course I will forget him the end of the season. Your right mate I am that Lind of person, I am a die hard Evertonian and will prefer our players over any others, I am that sad! But I dont need to get over myself I got F all to prove and can think what I like. Bit I am interested in listening to your vote and your reasons why, or your views on how else your a supposed to have an opinions new signings at the start of a season without seeing more Than a match, gonna be interesting this one.
  23. i can easily...and i did Thats what an opinion is. Being an Everton fan i managed to watch him playing and going by your views cannot possibly make an opinion on any other signing that i am yet to see perform in the premisership. But back onto RVW, i also thought that he lead his line well, made intellegent runs ( because as we all know, football is also about the work you do off the ball and not just on the ball ), and as you pointed out, he took his goal really well. Now if we look at our own signings, Gerard D, looks lightweight and not ready for such a tough league as ours. Kone...well he hasnt turned up at all yet has he. Thinking more on this so far i have to rate RM as the best summer signing as it was a joy to watch us last week.
  24. RVW for Norwich. Solid looking signing and didn't take long to settle into his premiership stride. Looked strong on the ball and a good football brain.
  25. What tool voted Mirallas mom? Come on admit it, or do i really need to ask haha. It's great you offer him support mate but you should also be honest when he's bad. Just because you use his name lol.
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