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Everything posted by Newty82

  1. So all players in a relegation battle are unworthy? Daft. No logic. Martinez spent a lot of time fighting relegation and turned out ok for us.
  2. Oh shit! Is he? Really? Should really do my homework before being a smart arse!!!
  3. Hmmmm...we'll see. Money makes the world go round. Every fucker wants more money. Prices and wages continuously go up way above anything else. Usually in line with new mega bucks TV and commercial deals. Is Everton any better off despite all the extra TV money that comes in? Nah.
  4. Haha, yeah!! I'd pay £20 mill for 1 in 1. Not for 1 in 3 though. There's the gamble...which one you gonna get?!!! Interesting.
  5. No, this isn't just inflation. £90mill IS a lot of money. But if every club also has that £90 million, do you think that the £10 million player from Belgium will still only cost £10 million? His proposed £30k per week goes to £40k. Signing on fee etc doubles. Agents fees shoot up. Know what I mean? Take for example prices of certain commodities in the 'richer' south to the 'poorer' north. Same product, but bigger prices where the money is. Same ethos really.
  6. And I keep saying a bang load of them came in his 'honeymoon' period. 8 in 9. 8 in 9. 8 in 9. 6 in 21. 6 in 21. 6 in 21. Like I say, whatever Roberto decides will do me. I'm definitely done now!!! Peace n out!!!
  7. Watched a few minutes of it. YouTube clips are a bit raw really. But I can see what you mean about running onto the ball instead of having his back to goal most of the time. Also noted how piss poor the marking was for a load of them. Roberto seems to be really keen on him. So I'll just trust his decision!!!
  8. Ai. See his final goal of that initial burst was against stoke at the end of November. Between that and the Anfield mauling, the game he got injured and was out for a bit, he played 9 games and scored 1 (although to be fair to him, 4 of his 6 assists came in these 9 games...from scorer to provider?). The team scored 13 goals, and won 5 drew 3 lost 1. That's the first half of the season. Just playing a bit of 'devils advocate' with it all really!!!
  9. I wouldn't get too excited over extra money from TV etc. And, no, not because the board will nick it or anything like that. But more because other clubs know Premiership teams have the extra income, agents know they have it. All that happens is transfer fees and wages go up. So you don't really gain from it. All that happens is yesterday's 'expensive' fee becomes today's 'normal' fee.
  10. Needs to go to the World Cup!!!
  11. Can I ask those who are talking about 39%'s, 1 in 2's etc, those who are clearly in favour of signing him... Forget all those stats for a second...I've pointed out a valid point several times which seems to be, possibly selectively, getting overlooked. What do you guys think of his 8 goals in his FIRST 9 games for us, but then only 6 in his next 21 games? Genuine question. And don't say it doesn't matter. Because this is his form for a club that pushed for 4th, that is in the top six for both creating and scoring. This is his form in OUR style of play...not WBA's or whoever.
  12. £15mill sounds ok, without add ons. Would probably have that! Now that's me done you bastards. ..All night I've been on this! Got a feckin headache now!!
  13. Rom didn't score in 18 of his games, we lose them all did we?! Anyway, I think we are going away in different directions. I believe that another striker will get Roms goals with the chances we create. My whole point is that £20-£25mill is too much for us to spend on one player. I'll leave it there guys, I've expired my views now!!! Been a good crack though, cheers.
  14. Ai. He would need to be more consistent in his goal scoring distribution too. How many more points would we have if, instead of scoring a few braces in games we dominated, he scored more in games where we needed that single goal to win the game? Our best hope is that he has a shot world cup, potential suitors look elsewhere, and we nab him on the cheap!!!
  15. But by playing to his strengths do we then do so to the detriment of the team strengths? We score from all over the park. We clearly don't rely on Lukaku and/or any other striker. We can buzz about his 14 league goals, and ignore that 8 came in his first 9 games. We can also ignore that of the 30 league appearances he made, he DIDN'T score in 18 games. For a striker, a lone striker, in a team creating chances, that's a lot of games not to score in.
  16. I know what your saying. But this is where stats play a shitter. Again, 8 goals in 9 then 6 goals in 21. So yes, multiply it over a full season...more of a bad run? Who knows? Too simple that.
  17. I'm going to be a picky are. ..He ain't a proven 1 in 2 at all...His stats aren't 1 in 2. Just under!!! My point though wasn't about 1 in 2, it was about 20 goals a season??? Also, as said earlier. For us he got 8 in his first 9 games. Since then, 6 in 21 games. It's too risky for us to spend that much money on one player. We can throw all the stats n whatever round and round. Bottom line is...We can't afford this money on ANY ONE player!
  18. Thinking of it from Lukakus point of view. As a young man, wanting to make a career for himself but being farmed out on loan. Having to settle into new areas, new people etc. Not easy for a young man. Maybe we'll see the best of him when he 'belongs'...be it at Chelsea or where ever. We sometimes forget these guys are human beings.
  19. I don't class it as a row my friend! Not when it's so constructive. I just remember having real 'wow' moments with Rooney. I don't with lukaku. Just to stress, I don't dislike Lukaku. I just see it as too risky to splash most our budget on. And as the fresh article above says, Chelsea may want £25million. Crazy.
  20. Exactly? You agree that he is a 20 goal a season striker? When has he scored 20 goals? Not yet...and that's the risk we can't afford to take. It's too much money for us to play with. Like I said earlier, he has scored 6 in 21 for us since his initial spurt. Too risky for our finances. However...half that price...bite your hand off material! !!
  21. Ha...I knew you'd say that. Knew it. I'm making that out only if that's the way you want to read it. Rooney as a teen to early 20's was brilliant. No ifs, no buts, no 'just because he's a blue' etc...He was advanced. Not sure what happened to him...bad advice, bad lifestyle, losing that 'aggressive fiery' edge. It was an age to age comparison. Rather than a 'in the day' comparison.
  22. This wee debate has got me hooked! For me, we can't afford to pay £20mill for one player with 'potential'. As far as potential goes...well, yes, pay £65k for potential (Coleman), pay even a few million for potential (Stones). And it may workout in your favour. Then you can spend a few quid on other potential...Vellios, Guaye etc, and if it doesn't work out then not much harm is done. But see when you have a limited budget and you know for sure you need a bigger squad to cope with the increased demands coming our way. No way can you risk spending £20mill on 'potential'. That would be crazy. We can't afford that on just potential. Just break away from the potential argument, and even take Lukaku out of it. Can we really afford to spend £20mill on any one player? As said above, we need a bigger better squad. Wouldn't we just be putting our eggs into one basket? What if that big buy got injured for a few months? Back to square one. We can't afford to take that risk as a club. Onto Lukaku himself. Of course he has potential. Everybody has potential, even Cotto. But facts are facts...His touch is poor (and hasn't improved all season, so what time scale do you put on it?). He does have poor shooting accuracy and for a player in a passing team, his passing accuracy is terrible. He does have 14 league goals, but let's not forget that nearly a third of those came in his first few games. He got 8 goals in 9 games at the start of the season, the part where there is a natural buzz carrying you. That means that since then, he has 6 in 21. Hardly shit hot. 6 in 21?!!! C'mon!!! £20mill? We are a team that creates chances. We are a top team for creating and scoring. I don't dislike Lukaku and agree he has 'potential'. But has he really shown the consistency, the energy, the drive...to spend that much on him just now? No. It's too risky. Regardless of age. Some of you are being lead by romance over reality. Some other team might spend that money. Good luck to them. Said it in another thread. We are much more worthwhile looking at those 3 who play behind the front man. Those positions are worth more to the team. (Quick edit...was going to mention that some may say that Rooney was potential. No he wasn't. Rooney was raw talent. Gobsmacking talent. Immense. How many Rooney moments has Lukaku had? How many times has he made you feel 'that way'?)
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