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Everything posted by Newty82

  1. Bring em on...either of em. You cant win a cup without having a tough game or two.
  2. There we go! Not a bad gig really. We out possessed the team who keep more pissession than any other in the premiership. And created 3 times as many chances off the back of it. We got to see that there is still some sharpness to come from the team. We'll get that over the coming weeks. We also got to see on a few occassions the danger of our style when we are lacking that match sharpness. Some dodgy passing across the back, sometimes sloppy up top. And just a slight bit more 'oomph' needed when passing the ball around. All in all, a better day at the office!
  3. Too much tippy tappy sometimes...too much of a good thing and all that!
  4. Maybe he drank out of the Mersey.
  5. Or just to be played in the correct position?
  6. I'd give him a reach around.
  7. Oh christ...another miss!!! Tell you what, we know how to pass now. So how about we do some finishing practice in training?!!!
  8. Oooooh he is pure silk!!! Haha!!!
  9. How d'ya miss that?!!! Thought it was in!!!
  10. Well hopefully he just needs more everton game time. Because he need him to be at least 'good'!!!
  11. 39, 000 Brett Angels inside Goodison Park today.
  12. Not doing too bad all in all. Keeping the most of the possession, creating by far the most chances. Traore obviously needs more game time, looks off the pace a little. But still a good threat. Cant help but feel that for about the 4th or so game in a row now, the opposition are closing us quickly, crowding out their box and looking to hit us quick on the break. We gotta up the pace to deal with it.
  13. We just need to be more urgent, thats all.
  14. Some real nice touch n go stuff goin on. Slowly, we are getting 'it' back.
  15. Shows...its not just about the names but who turns up!!
  16. C'mooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
  17. Pah. I'll just be a passive reader of this topic now. Nothing else I can say. Its one of those that will go around in circles. Although I have to admit that there are 2 types of people I cant help but allow to get right up my Anfield...arrogant and negative. I reallt do need to learn......
  18. You dont need to clear anything up for me. It's all crystal clear for me. I think you need to clear it up for yourself.
  19. That last bit is bang on. We are battling with teams who have spent absolute fuckin fortunes to get where they are...and have bigger commercial resources. Thats not to say I think it cant happen, because it defo can with the right set up and consistent approach. But it takes just a bit longer. We are not quite starting again. We are looking to a highly regarded man to build on a solid foundation built over 10 years. The next level wont come after just 6 months.
  20. Hang on, earlier on you said you 'had no expectations at all, I didnt know what to expect to be honest'...now you say you always expected CL football? Thats some turnaround in a few hours. Honestly, I aint trying to catch you out here, just looking for some honesty and rational thinking. So, lets assume you did always expect CL qualification, what is your reasoning as to why we would go from a team in 6th-8th to at least 4th? Baring in mind our net transfer spend over the last3, 5 & 10 years is always a minus figure? And your statement above is terribly contradictory. Lets also be honest. Of course Martinez hasn't eclipsed Moyes...Moyes was here for 10 years, Martinez has been here for 6 bloody months!!!! What the hell are people expecting?!!! I cant believe how much a good start to the season has created such a deluded expectation. As for Lukaku...I'll judge him at the end of the season. He has a number of games to make an impact. I hope for our sake, he does. But then his price will rocket (deja'vu!!!). The lad has answered questions, rather than shoot his mouth. Its the typical reaction we have to someone being honest.
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