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My younger brother boxes and hes 11 and im always taking him to classes and that so just thought id give it a go, tonight was all about footwork and that had a go with the bag but it was really really really fun better than going to the gym to keep fit

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i never punch anyone. id let them hit me and get it over with. therefore you can do them for assault and it doesnt give them an excuse to hit you again.



You can actually hit first if you feel you are in danger and can justify it in court. There is no finer feeling than flooring someone who deserves it.


Not that I advocate violence, but it does solve a lot of the worlds ills.





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You can actually hit first if you feel you are in danger and can justify it in court


That no longer applies Down under eh.


You cause any damage in any circumstance you are both criminally & civilly liable.




Yes the crim then becomes the victim of crime & they counter sue/charge etc.


Have seen it on mnay occasions now & just shake me head in disbelief.


One used to be able to plead hey he hit me first, now it dont matter if you hit back harder, your the villain.???


I.e fella breaks in to pub via managers accom etc, Publican chases after, Crim takes a fall & breaks leg.....Then sues ass out off publican....Crazy, crazy. crazy...!!!


Home invader get's his nose broken....Home owner charged with assault..etc etc.


What are we coming to ?

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You cant rely on the courts for anything, theres always some twist of fate which sees the innocent party in trouble too.


Its back to playground mentality when a teacher brakes up a fight who gets the blame? Not the kid who started it but the kid who wins it and his crime? Being attacked and being in the fortunate position of being able to defend himself!


I hate violence but my view is when threatened with voilence hit hard and fast, put them down and keep them down! You may cross the law but your not another knife statistic and given the opportunity again would you choose a day in court and a fine for first offence or the possibility of bleeding to death in a back alley cos some little prick just cut you up?

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You cant rely on the courts for anything, theres always some twist of fate which sees the innocent party in trouble too.


Its back to playground mentality when a teacher brakes up a fight who gets the blame? Not the kid who started it but the kid who wins it and his crime? Being attacked and being in the fortunate position of being able to defend himself!


I hate violence but my view is when threatened with voilence hit hard and fast, put them down and keep them down! You may cross the law but your not another knife statistic and given the opportunity again would you choose a day in court and a fine for first offence or the possibility of bleeding to death in a back alley cos some little prick just cut you up?



Excellent post Fishman, the real difficulty comes in when a lone adult is faced with a group of 13 - 16 year olds, as we know people have lost their lives in such situations. Personally I would face up to the concequences of my actions by defending myself "vigerously".





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Excellent post Fishman, the real difficulty comes in when a lone adult is faced with a group of 13 - 16 year olds, as we know people have lost their lives in such situations. Personally I would face up to the concequences of my actions by defending myself "vigerously".







It playes on my mind more the older i get especially with this growing trend of carrying knives and the ease of access to firearms especially in Liverpool these days :(

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The issue of self defence is I think the only reason why my mums let me start boxing means i'll be able to give as good as i get




Theres a joke there somewhere (Dont you think Goldfish)

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Agreed but shooting someone??



bet they wont do it again. Thiis country needs to get tough on criminals, burgalars, yob culture. They all know they can get away with a slapped wrist


SHORT SHARP SHOCK. send em all to boot camp


I personally belive that all 2 or 3 time offenders should be sent for 1 years national service at least, with the offer of a full time army post at the end

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Yeah have some kind of dirty dozen regiment in Iraq, obviously with the ammount of Yobs around it would be more than a dozen. It pisses me off in the media that sometimes yobs are referred to as 'Hoodies' I have had a hoody for ages and just because a bunch of dickheads are wearing them to hide their faces when they nick stuff doesnt mean that anyone who wears one is a gob s h i t e

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bet they wont do it again. Thiis country needs to get tough on criminals, burgalars, yob culture. They all know they can get away with a slapped wrist


SHORT SHARP SHOCK. send em all to boot camp


I personally belive that all 2 or 3 time offenders should be sent for 1 years national service at least, with the offer of a full time army post at the end



did you by any chance watch bad lads army. that programme shows sending them to boot camp gives em some discipline. and humiliation works brilliantly.


better than sending them to prison where they have comfy beds decent food and sky tv.

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