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I missed this last night...intrigue and sexual perversion in TT Towers...love it :lol: !


oh well nevermind im off to bed. got a long day tomorrow as im auditioning a guitarist for me new band. cya guys/lovely gals later


Was he up to the task Alex?


Early night for me also but for a far less interesting reason. Up at 5.30 :o to get rid of a heap of junk...er..I mean collectables, at a car boot sale...joy :( .

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I missed this last night...intrigue and sexual perversion in TT Towers...love it :lol: !

Was he up to the task Alex?


Early night for me also but for a far less interesting reason. Up at 5.30 :o to get rid of a heap of junk...er..I mean collectables, at a car boot sale...joy :( .


the utter twat never showed up. fuck him wel find somebody who wants to join

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Just remember Mike, that Clarice Cliffe is on the wain and Wade whymsies are on the way up.


Sadly I missed that last night Mac...so making my fortune will have to wait. Still managed to clear a tidy £100 profit, virtually to the penny! So that'll go towards Debs fortieth birthday bash...or maybe Joshua's school trip to London next year...or possibly 2007 summer holiday...or pay for a removal van...hmmm :( . Will actually just disappear into the black hole that is my debt mountain :D .


So now I'm waiting at my mothers house (she's in Tierra del Fuego blowing another chunk of my inheritence :mellow: ) while the wife has a nap. So a bit further north today :lol: . Somerset actually, near Cheddar....God I'm bored.

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My sympathies are with you Mike, T is out doing a bit with her Mam, and I am here with the two boys, both grounded and banned off the computer, so I have it all to myself for a change.


Life is good, especially watching underdogs Weymouth beating Bury.





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Life is good, especially watching underdogs Weymouth beating Bury.


Denied even properly watching that I'm afraid. My mother is a little...er..eccentric (barking mad some would say :D ) and is obsessive about saving money. Put more than a cup of water in the kettle (she's on a water meter) and your life is in danger :o and the house is always freezing 'cos she won't turn the heating on. Anyway her latest money saving stroke of genius was to trade in her TV license for a black and white one...and her TV for a three inch portable B&W model :unsure: . Funny 'cos she's far from hard up..as I said she's in South America as I speak...for the second time this year having already been to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands!


Good team Weymouth...fairly local. Come a long way in the last few years, shame they didn't hold on.

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Lifes simple!


1. There seems no point.

2. Debt is inevitable.

3. People will hurt you all the time.


Dont let it bother you and you will be fine something better is always around the corner!


Awwww thanks fishy


Yep im in tonnes of debt, ive been hurt by someone again and everything seems to have no point at the mo


But hey ho its nearly christmas which means in nearly an old woman

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prepare a presentation on why proportional representation is the fairest voting system


F'kin' hell Alex don't get me started on that :angry: ! Our electoral system is a complete disgrace and there are millions (of many political persuasions...me included!) criminally under-represented and often feeling completely disenfranchised come election time. Makes me very angry indeed.

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I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.


One man, one vote, come the revolution the world will realise that we are all the same and each of us has the right to shove radishes up our backside if we want and no-one can that is wrong, unless you are a radish. :unsure::unsure::unsure:





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im at this moment in time doing a politics essay. i also have to do a history essay and prepare a presentation on why proportional representation is the fairest voting system


My degrees in History and Politics so I know exactly what you mean about essays and that


If you need any info on anything I can look for you

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