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Carling Cup Final

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Well we won't automatically get the place, they mean that 6th place will then become a european spot, so lets not get carried away.



However I am praying for a Man Utd win for two reasons, firstly I want the other european place to open up as that will make me relax a little bit more, but secondly and more importantly I really don't think that spurs deserve a place in europe again this year. If they did then they would have put a full strength team out in europe and fought for there place within that tournament. If europe is improtant to them then they should try and actually perform in europe.

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Well we won't automatically get the place, they mean that 6th place will then become a european spot, so lets not get carried away.



However I am praying for a Man Utd win for two reasons, firstly I want the other european place to open up as that will make me relax a little bit more, but secondly and more importantly I really don't think that spurs deserve a place in europe again this year. If they did then they would have put a full strength team out in europe and fought for there place within that tournament. If europe is improtant to them then they should try and actually perform in europe.


Don't you think we'll get at least sixth place, I do

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I think we can, whether we will is another matter entirely. Its only the start of March and the footballing gods have not been kind to us in terms of injuries. We can just about cope now but a bad injury in defence could see us end the season the way we started it. i.e- shite.


I think we have a good chance but i'm not going to start getting to cocky about it. Anything could happen

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I think we have a good chance but i'm not going to start getting to cocky about it. Anything could happen


Bookies have us at 1/7 for a top six finish, which is about right. We'd need to average a point a game for the rest of the season and someone behind us (Wigan, Fulham, Wham, City) have a very strong run.


Hope United win for the same reasons as Jamie.

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Didn't quite go that far. Satisfied "Yup!" for me :D .


Very likely seventh place will get a Europa spot as well :) .

I really dislike Spurs though, so that helps.

Plus I really did not think that they deserve Europe and think that there arrogance in assuming they can buy there way into the tournament despite the huge mismanagement of the club, well, I think it is VERY funny that they have failed. Again. They where all talking up Champions League football, how funny that they are closer to Championship football than Champions League.

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For me Newcastle and Tottenham could go down, and I would love it but I just can't see them doing. The experiance that they posses will surely come good towards the end of the season and they should retain their status. I would absolutely love Newcastle to go through the trapdoor, that would really made me smile. They have got some tough fixtures and don't seem to know what scoring a goal is, maybe this year they could plumit? We can live in hope.


Very pleased with that. Spurs don't deserve Europe this year. Gives us a much better chance of Europe as well. Very happy with that. Actually cheered when Man U won that, never done that before!


Agree with you there mate, Tottenham don't deserve Europe next season.

Edited by dark
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For me it will be West Brom that go first, they are already rooted to the bottom of the league and have been for some time. It will help if they had some experiance in the field but they dont, they have come straight from the Championship and won't know how to save themsevles in the big league. For me they will be the one's that take 20th place.


Middlesbrough may well survive but at the moment I'm tipping them to go down. Gareth is a good man but his managerial skills this season have been way below par. He needs to get someone who can get them points, at the moment they are being beaten far too often and its going to sink them. It's hard to tell where Boro will go because of their experiance in this league, the fact is they are in the relegation zone now and I think they will stay.


I would love Tottenham or Newcastle to occupy 18th place but I just can't see it happening. Nothing seems to go right with relegation and the normal teams end up going down. Tottenham and Newcastle do have some decent players who just need to step up their game, it's going to have to come quickly but as we are in March results should pick up for them. My bet is that Stoke will slip down.

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For me it will be West Brom that go first, they are already rooted to the bottom of the league and have been for some time. It will help if they had some experiance in the field but they dont, they have come straight from the Championship and won't know how to save themsevles in the big league.


More recent experience (successful experience as well) than most :) .


"In 2004–05 Megson's successor, former Albion midfielder Bryan Robson, led the team to a last-day “Great Escape”, when Albion became the first Premiership club to avoid relegation having been bottom of the table at Christmas."

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