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Tim Cahill - A spent force?


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I was wondering what you guys think of the TC situation.


Is he truly "past it"? Or would a couple of goals restore some confidence and form?


If he doesn't find the net against Norwich tomorrow, he will have gone a full year without scoring a Premier League goal by the time we line up against Swansea on Wednesday night.


My personal opinion is that, while he may never return to the same form he's shown for us since joining, at the age of 32, he's still got a decent goalscoring streak or two in him, and hopefully a couple of goals over this Christmas period will give him the boost he needs. Past his best? Yes. Past it entirely? No.


What does everyone else think?

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Problem I think is Cahill's playing style has been figured out by everybody and unfortunately he is a very one dimensional player, so can't play any other way. I also wonder if his body has given up as he's a very physical player and has lead the line for club and country. If someone offered a couple of mill for him I'd let him go. Shame really as he has been a total legend for us and it's a bit sad to see him struggling.

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I think he probably is finished, and this is what really pisses me off with Moyes, he might say 'oh well Tim has done well in training this week, so he deserves a start' but the guy has not scored for nearly a year now, and we rely on him very heavily, whilst Moyes might feel some loyalty for all those headers Cahill has scored to save/win games for us in the past, he needs to bite the bullet like Wenger and Taggart have done in the past with older players, and tell Cahill he is not an automatic starter anymore, Barkley will get pissed off in the end, and he knows the big boys are after him.

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i dont think hes past it totally maybe 1 goal will set him off again , i know he has not scored in near a year but he has worked hard off the ball in games which is more than i can say for some people in the team we are not playing well at this time but 1 or two players along with felly and drenthe performing week in and week out may change this , you have to remember cahill is a midfielder and has scored a lot of goals for us he is not an out and out striker , i know im stating the obvious ,i still think he could get 10 before end of the season he has been unlucky in some games theres goals in him though.besides at this time when fit and with current injury probs we dont really have the greatest amount of options do we.

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Part of the problem could be that now he's playing more advanced he isn't arriving into the box as late as he was when he was a central midfielder. Perhaps he doesn't have the fitness to be box-to-box any more, so he doesn't bring enough defensively to justify playing him there these days, and as a result, the only way to exploit his main attribute, goal threat, is to play him in his current role. Hopefully there'll be some better service from Drenthe and Donovan over the coming weeks and months so we can get a better assessment of his goalscoring potential compared to past seasons, same goes for Saha.

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It has certainly been coming. He has never quite had the technical ability and vision to make it as either a midfielder or striker at the top level. His hard work and determination are what makes him the player he is/has been, and I do still think he has a future at the club. However, the way we play, especially with how potentially influential he is to the team have led to him becoming a bit of a waste, even more so when he isnt scoring goals. In some ways, he is being asked to be the creator when he is clearly best at finishing the move off.


I still wouldnt right him off completely as part of a three man midfield because of his work rate (and because he would have more space to 'attack') especially as most of his late goals last season came from when he was playing deeper and we were chasing a goal, but in the role he currently occupies I would be surprised if there werent 4-5 other players better equiped than him.

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First time I've seen this thread, no offence to the poster but not the right title. Totally agree with sentiment but at a time when we are totally rubbish an everton legend need not this.



The above was a "pissed just come in from a Christmas party" post, but as much as it pains me it is a relevant title. There have been far more talented players not to have played in the prem, not a dig at tim but a testimony to his heart and attitude.

Edited by Hafnia
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The ironic thing is we could get reasonable money for him off stoke - but I think kenwright would hate to see it happen and moyes too.


The odd ten year old and my niece would cry but I've seen better players go to grass. Love tim in the way I love moyes, but expiry dates are relevant in footy.


Thanks for everything tim, your ability to piss off the hardest centre half, leap and put your head where others daren't, rally the boys, and generally just be a top evertonian will be etched in many a blues heart.

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It makes me angry to an extent when some of our supporters classify Cahill as something of Legend status, ok, he's been a good servant for the club and is a crowd favorite with many, but for me, he's no hall of famer, you can't put this kid in with the likes of Labone, Hickson, Latchford or Sharp for one thing, same goes with Ferguson too, I never felt he deserved such adulation


Do I think Cahill is a spent force, Yes and No, on the one hand, he still has the ability to provide something extraordinary and get the club a result, he still has the ability somewhere to shine and can put in a shift, but by the same token, his best days are arguably behind him, as stated he hasn't scored in the league for quite some time, and moments of what we saw before are few and far between. The hunger and desire just aren't a part of him anymore, but that can always be brought back but whether it will occur remains to be seen

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It makes me angry to an extent when some of our supporters classify Cahill as something of Legend status, ok, he's been a good servant for the club and is a crowd favorite with many, but for me, he's no hall of famer, you can't put this kid in with the likes of Labone, Hickson, Latchford or Sharp for one thing, same goes with Ferguson too, I never felt he deserved such adulation


Do I think Cahill is a spent force, Yes and No, on the one hand, he still has the ability to provide something extraordinary and get the club a result, he still has the ability somewhere to shine and can put in a shift, but by the same token, his best days are arguably behind him, as stated he hasn't scored in the league for quite some time, and moments of what we saw before are few and far between. The hunger and desire just aren't a part of him anymore, but that can always be brought back but whether it will occur remains to be seen


I think Cahill stands out for me as being an Everton great as much as anybody else in our modern day to be fair to him. I'm not even his biggest admirer, but he's been great.

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The antipodean has been a good servant since his arrival from South London in 2004 and has had some standout moments, I actually do like him as an individual, he's a good honest and professional player and well liked on Merseyside, by the blue half at least, but even if he were able to stay for another five years, with Moyes in charge or whoever, I would never, and could never, put him down as legendary status


EFC hall of famers are few and far between, it's a small and select club and sadly or otherwise, for me Cahill will never be a part of it

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I think he is a legend, he has been the standout player from the last 10 years, at one stage 3-4 seasons ago he was one of the top midfielders in the country, easily as good as that shite head gerrard, and everybody goes on about him! I don't like to see him struggling, and would prefer him to get a final move to a league where he well be one of their best players, say the MLS for example.

Edited by mogsy
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Dalziel, I think you read the history of Everton book a little too much. wink.png


i know my Everton history but never really read a book about it, although I do like to put on the Official History tape every now and again just for nostalgia purposes and seeing a time when Everton could actually do something on a soccer pitch instead of boring frustrating mundane draws with inferior oppositions such as we have seen too often lately


Say for instance I could watch it right now if so inclined and say, look, Dean, Lawton, Ball, Southall, club legends, then as soon as it's over with sit back and think, Timmy Cahill, no, not really, he just doesn't have the same stature or could never be as great

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No player can go on forever, and Cahill's been a fine player (and still is in my opinion), but he's in the twilight of his career now.


IF Everton are to continue with him, Everton have to adapt to his current ability. It's no use expecting him to play the same way at 32 as he did at 28.


I don't think he's lost any ability per se (as in lack of confidence), but he might have lost a yard of pace, and missing a lot of service too.


Everton's future is not with Cahill - that's just a fact (just as Liverpool's is without Gerrard). Playing with Cahill should now be seen as an interim measure until he can be replaced full time. That's not a slight on Cahill, just a harsh fact of footballing life.


Beckham's been through it

Lampard's going through it

Gerrard's going through it but doesn't know he is!


I'd lke to think of Cahill as 'doing his very best to help Everton despite his age' rather than 'no longer good enough'.

Can't blame the player.

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