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Saha - racially abused on Twitter


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I am not saying he should avoid twitter because he is black. I am saying as a footballer/ celeb by going on twitter and giving ppl direct access to him he is opening himself up to abuse NOT specifically racist abuse but abuse. Thanks for the condescending lesson on racism but you completely missed the point.


Racism is obviously a very delicate subject but where does the whole line between what is oppression of minorities stop and freedom of speech begin. For example if you abuse someone for having ginger hair it is not seen as abuse but the colour is their skin is. You can banter someone for being fat or having bad personal hygiene but not for being gay. Being racist or homophobic is an opinion (not a nice one but an opinion) therefore trying to legislate peoples opinions is very difficult and I am not sure where it ends.


My comment was in no way directed at you and I was not trying to give a lesson of any sort.

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the reason racism has reared its ugly head is that some ppl are genuinely scared,now im not talking just about blacks,im talking about imigrants in general,there are to many coming into our country illegally,

its getting way out of hand and it needs to be stopped,our government are now telling us it makes no difference to our unemployment rates ,who are they kidding,

you go on any large building site and see how many foriegners are there plenty of them working on the side paying no tax,

our govt are scared to even discuss race unless they are forced to.

hope i havnt offended anyone.

If all govs opened their doors it wouldnt be a problem as it would balance out and we'd be better off for it. Gov jus needs to be stricter on tax dodgers and welfare benefits.

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ask yourself this why are they coming thousands of miles to get in our country,one reason benefits,they wont go to turkey or morrocco where they will be safe,if thats the card they are playing.

One of many, but thats what needs sorting out(not just to the foreigners but all together), people shouldnt be kept from coming over and contributing, just need more done to stop scroungers. Should be best man for the job, not just best English or even worse the best connected people

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I know this is supposed to be about Saha but I was reading down and on the immigrants issue, We should be more like Australia for instance and just turn away asylum seekers and all kinds trying to sneak into the country. This goverment is as soft as shit in these regards, all types getting into the country the last few years and truth be known there's more non-British than British in the UK now such as it is. It's just that some would see this as a problem, and wonder where will it all stop. Blair was supposed to be a new dawn or promise when his new Labour team came into power in 1997, big things were expected, but it's turned out to be a lot of fucking hot air and false pretenses, and after that it just got worse with Brown and now those two college boys Cameron and his right hand man who's name I can't remember 'running the country', fucking shambles with Laurel and Hardy


anyway enough of that, what about the Saha incident, maybe It's late,and I'm tired and miserable but didn't they get the person behind it, oh hang on it was a co-worker of the guy who's PC was used, wasn't an Everton fan either or anything such apparently. I still insist professional players should not get involved in these things, it's simply rods for own backs but if that's what they want to do..

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How can one categorize 'they'?


People are all different, and have different things to offer, and different needs. Some come here for one reason and some come here for other reasons, but our country has benefited immensely in many aspects, even if it has negative aspects to it also.


Cast our minds back to the days when we were pillaging many poorer countries than ourselves, or colonizing the globe, and the whole argument seems a little hypocritical.

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when it comes to an english speaking person getting the sack from his supervisor job because he couldnt speak polish something is drasticly wrong...


Don't really want to drag this out because it's strayed off topic but....


That's actually only the "English speaking person's" (ironically a Portuguese national called Paolo) version of events. The company tell it differently. Daily Mail wouldn't have worried about that minor detail though.

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