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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. In chances per game under Ancelotti yes we are creating more opportunities than under Silva Allardyce and Koeman by quite a considerable amount, but I wouldn’t say we are creative in our general play just opportunities at goal per game on what we have witnessed in the last five years.
  2. Well I’m assuming Iwobi will be playing in his favoured position, so we should win this at a canter.
  3. Hamilton had some uncharacteristic moments I felt, seems to be making little mistakes here and there, obviously it’s very early in the season but could he be feeling a little bit of pressure already.
  4. I new they were flush with natural resources, I read somewhere that the government pump the revenue they receive back into the country giving the average Norwegian a very good standard of living, and that the natural gas resources are basically given to the people for free for heating ect. The biggest down side is the winter it’s long and cold
  5. I wasn’t sure, you know what mate I would take that at this moment in time, but preferably the Norwegian deal, were the borders are open for migrant workers for stays as long as they want, and no tariffs on trade and they pay a fee every year to the EU for their independence in the deal.
  6. Someone was meant to say has he, so I could say no I’m taking bollocks like everyone else . You done me mate.
  7. I’m not disputing COVID-19 exists, more no one seems to really know whether or how effective the vaccine is short or long term. Hopefully it’s a resounding success but only time will tell, but in the mean time if it gives me the freedom to travel far and wide I’ll take that as a massive positive. I need to get away from this country for a few weeks or months and mix with different type of social understanding and people, more than 50% of Brits in this country are fucked in the head mate.
  8. Norway has a very good relationship with the EU with open borders and free trade, not sure about the Swiss but I would guess it’s a good relationship, I think both countries have proven that you can have nearly all the benefits of the block if you are prepared to be realistic with a bit of give and take. We will never see that sort of relationship with the EU whilst we have a conservative government and a leader like Johnson, so as long as things here remain as they are the worse it will get for our industries and economy, the little Englander mentality isn’t the way to try and make deals with anyone, we will only stand a chance of making something out of Brexit with the right people negotiating in a open and friendly manner, backed up by a government who recognise the world is bigger than just our own borders.
  9. Had my second a couple of weeks ago, does it work who really knows ? To be honest I had them in the hope they would give me the passport to get on with my life and get traveling again, not because I thought they would stop me from contacting Covid-19.
  10. We’ve been well and truly battered when it comes to fishing rights.
  11. He’s still got a house outside Liverpool.
  12. Pure quality a scoring machine doing what he’s paid to do, will we ever see the likes in a blue shirt again I’d like to think so but what a hard act to follow. That was great to watch but equally depressing when you look at us now, making more clear cut chances in games than we have in years yet not having the players with the ability and consistency to slot them home, oh my god if he was in this team he would be easily getting 30 plus a season.
  13. Apologies I should have said players who aren’t British, I would probably be more inclined to agree with you if 80 million was offered.
  14. The PL seems to be a different beast when it comes to strikers from abroad, we haven’t had that much luck in the last couple of decades bar Lukaku, if he goes who do we replace him with for the same sort of money. Although if he was to go it could change the dynamics of the team and we play a more passing game instead of hitting the long ball to a target man.
  15. That’s the Gana I remember, he’d be late for his own funeral. I watched mainly because some were saying they were watching Ligue 1 football and he was killing it. Let’s see how he performs in the next leg, oh nearly forgot he won’t be there because of yesterday’s poor challenges, very erratic indeed that’s what we had and that’s what you get when he plays the highest level of football which is the PL. Hopefully that will be the last game I have to witness him playing in
  16. That wasn’t meant to have been taken seriously, it was a tongue in cheek comment.
  17. Kane would be a great fit for any team, whether United would pay 150 million plus is another matter, but there might be a possibility that they look at DCL as the new version of the Wayne Rooney story, from Everton to United and world stardom.
  18. It won’t happen even at 100 million, he’s on a long contract and we aren’t a selling club, are we? Unless of course Carlo believes he can get a more consistent goal scoring striker as a replacement.
  19. Respect mate, you are without doubt one of the the most selfless blokes I’ve had the pleasure to interact with.
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