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Everything posted by thoward18

  1. Oh man you have no idea. As I said earlier, Rick Santorum was almost the Republican nomination for the presidency and he insisted that he wanted to make the USA the Christian version of Iran. Gays regularly get assaulted for being gay. Abortion doctors get murdered. Parents will literally disown their kids for coming out as gay or non-religious. The only reason gays/muslims/atheists/darker skinned people aren't subject to the things you mention in southern states is because of liberals saving their asses. If a decent percentage of the Republican party had their way only Christians would have basic rights and gays and atheists would be slaughtered.
  2. If you are talking about Newcastle I was only able to watch the highlights and from the clips I was able to see he was running with the ball down the left side. Of course, that could have just been how that particular possession played out. Nonetheless, I think his value is inherent in the fact that he can play the left side so I'm not in love with making that a regular thing, but getting some minutes as a sub at right mid once in a while isn't terrible.
  3. Welcome! Does this you're going to get banned from Celtic Park forever for supporting Jelavic and Naismith?
  4. He seems to gain slightly more confidence every appearance. I'd love for Moyes to find more playing time for him but that's kind of hard given the forms of Baines and Pienaar. Not sure what the solution is.
  5. Not to take this offtopic but can someone explain the relevance of bookies and odds to me in Europe? In the U.S. gambling on sports in basically illegal in most places and the only time they are taken even remotely seriously is for score predictions. Yet in European soccer/football I've seen them published and almost respected as sources for transfers and even managerial hires. As for a potential transfer I know absolutely nothing about this guy. But a 23 year old who has scored 20 goals in 24 appearances so far this season... it's hard to ignore.
  6. So 10 minutes in you could sense a goal happening in the last five minutes of the half? My god, you can say "I can see a goal coming" about any team 10 minutes into the game and majority of the time you'll be right by that logic.
  7. If not for Cech this could be a 2 or 3 goal game. Unbelievable.
  8. You have clearly never watched an MLS game
  9. No Fellaini, Gibson, Mirallas, or Coleman and we've played a dominating first 25 minutes against Chelsea. Meanwhile we start games lethargically against the bottom half of the table. This team is absolutely maddening.
  10. Jelavic has reached new levels in how unlucky he's been. Can't catch a break.
  11. With the injuries/suspensions really hurting us in the midfield, Pienaar has stepped up IMMENSELY the last few games. Thank you Tottenham!
  12. Moving away from a sure-fire top half team with European football aspirations in order to move to a team fighting relegation? They must be ready to offer one hell of a paycheck.
  13. I read today in one of the major British newspapers that Moyes claims he is looking to move a few of the youngers guys out on loan. I'd think that Duffy is one of the guys he is referring to. I think Duffy has not been loaned out because we need him for cover. What CB depth do we have after Heitinga, Jags, and Distin?
  14. It's not like we're Man City where we have four different striker options and can be picky for each given game. Given that Anichebe and Vellios are the alternatives, I don't think we have any choice but to roll with Jelavic until he gets back in form.
  15. My god would I LOVE to add Shawcross. Big and physical center back who isn't afraid to take abuse. We saw that in our recent matchup where he frustrated Fellaini. Only problem (aside from potential cost) is that Man U has first refusal on a transfer for him. I don't know how they feel about adding him. Anyone have thoughts on Stephen Ireland? He was pretty close to signing with Red Bull NY the past season but money issues got in the way. Pretty clear that at least one party is looking to move on and Aston Villa is in panic mode right now. To be honest though I haven't seen much of him so you guys would have a much better idea of how good he is. Another guy who has impressed me is Adam Le Fondre. Reading seems destined for relegation and he's entering the prime years for a striker. Don't know if he wants to go back to championship football. I see him as a clear upgrade over Anichebe and especially Vellios.
  16. Well sure, but there's also Kennedy. Obviously Scotland is going to provide talent to the Premier League due to proximity but it was just a thought. Hooper's stock is surely on the rise and as good as Celtic is I'm sure a move to a bigger club is at least in his thoughts.
  17. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2012/12/29/what-the-papers-say-december-29 Sale of Butland seems inevitable. Birmingham seems to imply that an offer around 6 million euros might be enough to get it done.
  18. If there was ever a "meh" contract announcement this is it. He's had a few bombs that were very close to going in but other than that he hasn't really shown me much. That being said, he doesn't seem to be a liability, either, which is important from a central mid player. The veteran presence doesn't hurt either. Good mid depth for situations like last game against Wigan or as a late sub.
  19. I don't think he's necessarily saying we're a small club. I think he's saying we should lean towards acting as more of a small club for a few years for the sake of stability, as opposed to getting caught up in the moment and ending up like QPR or Portsmouth. I'm not necessarily saying I agree with that sentiment, but I think he's alluding to that more than the idea that we're a small club in stature.
  20. Any chance of us adding Gary Hooper? I've been impressed with his play for Celtic and Moyes seems to have a thing for acquiring guys from the Scottish league.
  21. If it makes you feel better, there's so much about England (and Europe in general) that makes me jealous. I mean, holy shit we had George W. Bush in charge for eight years. Fourty percent of our country believes the earth is only 2-3 thousand years old and thinks evolution is a myth. The Republican party nearly nominated Rick Santorum, a guy who believes that only Christians are entitled to free speech and claimed he wanted to make the US the Christian version of Iran, but instead opted for Mitt Romney, a guy who believes the Garden of Eden was located in Missouri and that magic underwear protected him from evil demons. I'd gladly take the Monarchy if it meant we could get rid of the Republican party and all of its bullshit.
  22. Alright, well this somewhat makes sense to me. Still, the idea to me that some kid is going to pop out of Kate Middleton and literally have a life of ridiculous and excessive riches handed to him/her thanks to goverment tax dollars while everyone else is struggling to pay mortgages makes me queasy. And though you make a good case for the ecnomics, I just don't understand the pretentious nature of it. I watched the movie The Queen a few years ago... I'm sure some of it was exaggerated and Tony Blair is a pushover, but the way he was expected to treat her seemed ridiculous to me. And it was a big deal when Michelle Obama PUT HER ARM around the Queen? Why the hell does that matter? "There is the "no-touch" rule, for example. The queen's visitors have to wait until she extends her hand to take it, and they are not supposed to grip it tightly or pump it, said Rachel Kelly, a public relations executive at VisitBritain, the U.K.'s official tourism office." (from this article) God forbid someone hold her hand too tight. Or reach out to her first. That just seems absolutely pretentious and ridiculous to me. There are a number of absolutely incredible people from the UK. Richard Dawkins is one that comes to mind. Someone who has worked hard and earned his place in the world and has done so much for the promotion of learning, science and equal rights. He doesn't get a special set of petty rules. But some woman who was literally born into relevance does?
  23. One of the most likable traits about Everton is that the players on the field are clearly not intimidated by prestige. And also they they seem to play up to their competition. That's been unfortunate against Reading and QPR but has paid off against Man U and perhaps Tottenham. A win will be difficult but I can't imagine us getting crushed by any means. Hopefully the suspension was a reality check for Fellaini because we sure as hell could use him in the defensive half against Mata.
  24. At the risk of pissing people off and/or saying anything offensive, I'd like to get a better understand of why the Monarchy still exists and what purpose it serves. Obviously I'm somewhat ignorant on exactly how things work and what goes on, but the way I see it... especially in an economy like this... why exactly does taxpayer money go to fund the ridiculously extravagant lives of a family whose claim to fame is being distantly related to the controlling powers of England 300+ years ago? Why does anyone care who the hell Kate Middleton is? Weren't there protests in London recently over college tuitions? And meanwhile the government is spending millions of dollars on a wedding? Is this a source of debate in the UK or is it just an accepted thing? Sorry if this comes off as ignorant in any way. Just trying to get a better understanding.
  25. I've actually never seen the British version of The Office. But I love Ricky Gervais. Can you take Piers Morgan back and give us Ricky in exchange?
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