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Everything posted by thoward18

  1. No I understand. I just dont get the reactions people have to smaller moves sometimes. Moyes im sure knows fully well that we need to add someone who can immediately step in. We don't need to taint news of this potential transfer with complaints about the others; as if this move won't allow for others.
  2. I understand the frustration but just because those are bigger needs doesn't mean Moyes should blow off a good deal on a young player if it's available. I highly doubt this transfer is going to empty the bank.
  3. Agudelo is better right now than Altidore was at his age, though not by a wide margin. I think his route to legitimate European football will be a bit quicker. He's definitely not a guy who can come in and start a full 90 every week, though. I'd like to believe he's an upgrade over Vellios, though.
  4. He trained today. That would make it unlikely a deal is done, no?
  5. Juanma Lopez? Isn't he a top-tier scout in Football Manager? I have a hard time believing we submitted a 14 million bid, though nobody thought the Fer transfer fee was realistic, either.
  6. Baines. Don't really care for the PK (although it was a good strike) but he finally looked like himself again. That run he made was unbelievable and the strike was awesome as well. Not the kind of play that will become memorable on Youtube for being wow-enducing but from a tactical standpoint that is just class. Anichebe, Pienaar, and Mirallas looked very good as well. Fellaini with his usual solid game.
  7. I went from confused to slightly upset to extremely angry up until I saw the "avoid relegation" bit. At which point I realized it was a joke. I'm an idiot.
  8. Cech is basically what Iker Casillas is (or was prior to Jose Mourinho) for Chelsea. And Cech is only 30. Why the hell would you go to Chelsea when there are a number of quality teams interested who will actually have playing time to offer. Look how frustrated Lloris was when Friedel was getting starts for like two months. Does Butland have ANY chance of getting anything besides token Capital One Cup starts with Cech on the roster?
  9. Just wondering if today's events make anyone feel differently about the Bolton game. Obviously, it still isn't a performance we should be celebrating by ANY means and we need to play better. But Chelsea ties Brentford and Tottenham and Liverpool lose to Leeds and Oldham respectively. Seems that we're hardly the only team coming out dull against the lower league teams and at least we managed the win.
  10. That's a fair point. If the price is just that fantastic then I'm perfectly fine with that.
  11. I like Butland but I really do not think this is where we should be spending what money we do have to spend. Howard's declined a bit for sure but he's still more than capable and has in fact been our best player the past two matches. We need to add some depth in order to really challenge for a CL spot or at least lock down a Europa spot. Once we get into one of those competitions we'll have some money to spend on a long-term player like Butland.
  12. I wasn't implying that this was the thinking or that it was even necessarily the right decision. I'm just pointing out the pure comedic irony of the timeline of events and how fans responded to it all.
  13. My god that ten minute span where everyone bashes Moyes for putting Heitinga on for Jelavic and then the reaction to his goal should be fucking framed and put on the wall of Goodison. Classic
  14. Unbelievable. Fifth in the EPL and the game isn't on TV fucking anywhere.
  15. Well yeah, we have a ton of those. It's illegal to wear slippers in New York past 10 P.M. Those are pretty whimsical and mostly brought up for comedic purposes. This is an actual threat to reality, though.
  16. It's routine for teams to track players that intrigue them even if just for the sake of leaving no stone unturned. Since the article specifically cites his agent, I buy that Everton have scouted him. That being said, it by no means implies that we're even debating making a bid. I think you're right to say that there's nothing to this in terms of an actual move happening. It's definitely starting to get a bit annoying. I don't blame the media for reporting what they believe to be credible and I don't blame Moyes for taking his time and making sure bids are made for the right player(s). But it's getting pretty tiresome from a selfish standpoint hearing all the names with little activity.
  17. I figure you guys will get a kick out of this. Background information: the state of Louisiana has a law that essentially allows science teachers to teach creationism in science classrooms. Despite the fact that this is blatantly unconstitutional, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, a favorite for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, signed the bill into action. Here, we get to listen to a Louisiana senator completely botch the concept of evolution. Again, these are the kinds of people in charge of education in America. Numerous studies, polls, and censuses consistently show that anywhere between 25-35% of American citizens do not "believe" in evolution.
  18. Well yes I agree. Like I said, we have definitely not played to our ability in some games recently. That being siad, our run of form early in the season was pretty ridiculous. My point is simply that it's balanced out for the most part, I think. Obviously, this needs to stop soon and we need to start picking up points against teams like Southampton. Osman, Pienaar, and Baines to a degree need to figure out their shit. Jelavic has actually been pretty good aside from the fact that he's completely forgotten how to put the ball in the net. My point is simply that this isn't a major concern for me yet. Man U and City are the only teams that should really expect to win most games. For everyone else, good and bad stretches are going to happen. We're in a bad stretch right now. It happens. Time to figure it out, though.
  19. If Tim Ream does not start for Bolton I will be livid. this is my chance to see him play against an EPL side. Other than that, this should be a win. What the hell has happened to Bolton that they've fallen this far? Bottom of the Championship?
  20. Sorry for being blunt, but I believe it's simply this; we're not that good. Now, don't misconstrue that. Compared to most of the EPL we are a very good team. However, while I don't think a top-4 finish is impossible, I don't think it's something we should expect, either. If I told you guys in July that as of late January we'd be fifth in the EPL and ahead of Arsenal and Liverpool while being within realistic striking distance of Chelsea and Tottenham... I think most of you would have gladly accepted that. That's not to say that certain players are not in poor form right now and that there haven't been some games where we underachieved. But I think, on the whole, we're in a very good spot right now compared to what at least my expectations were coming into the season. I'm hopeful for a Champions League spot but I think a top-6 finish is what we should realistically expect.
  21. Welp, I have some not so great news for you then: http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story/_/id/1307963/landon-donovan-return-to-la-galaxy-%27definite,%27-says-bruce-arena?cc=5901
  22. Timmy kept us in the game with a bunch of saves when everyone else was asleep in the first half. So it's him. Fellaini had a solid game and Anichebe and Mirallas changed the dynamic when they came on. Also thought Naismith was pretty good at times as well. Everyone else left much to be desired.
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