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Everything posted by thoward18

  1. I know, but Scotland is part of the UK... or is it Great Britain? See what I mean
  2. Since when did this become a Brighton forum?
  3. I plan on visiting eventually. I've been to Camp Nou and that was for sure an incredible experience, but I just get the feeling that an EPL game would be even more spectacular. Plus, you guys have crumpets and Frankie Boyle.
  4. I understand the differences from a geographic and cultural standpoint. I was (and still somewhat am) mainly confused about how it makes a difference logistically, politically, and legally. Granted, part of this is just because American media is very self-centered and doesn't give a shit about foreign affairs unless it involves us blowing shit up in the Middle East, but any time Tony Blair or David Cameron was/is mentioned it usually has to do with England; I would basically never hear a news story about something involving Wales unless something absolutely ridiculous occurred. Luckily, I'm taking a comparative politics class right now so hopefully we use the UK/Britain/England clusterfuck as one of our case studies Also, and I don't mean to completely derail this thread, but why is Swansea part of the English football system and not the Welsh one?
  5. The whole Britain/United Kingdom/whatever else thing you guys have going on confuses the hell out of me. And then Northern Ireland wants to separate from you, right? Is there a "prime minister" of sorts for Great Britan or does David Cameron just run everything? Is there someone in charge of England alone? My brain hurts just thinking about it.
  6. I don't know what's worse; the fact that Lady Gaga is in attendance, the fact that this doesn't surprise me, or the fact that she's actual a tolerable choice when juxtaposing her to Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, the Black Eyed Peas, and Pitbull.
  7. What the hell is "nowt"? Where is there "w" in "nothing"? You Brits are fucking crazy
  8. Get to know him, because he's going to be a good player. He's a perfect fit for Stoke, I think. Big, fast, and physical. He does have a bit of a temper, though.
  9. While I love Brek Shea, this makes little sense for Everton. He's plays the left side, which is just about the last place we should be trying to add talent.
  10. No I don't think so. Compared to other midfielders like a Lampard or Girard? Again, I don't mean to say that he has no technical skill but I think Osman's best attributes are his willingness to challenge for every ball and run all over the pitch. Gatt is a similar player. Coleman's style is much more finesse in comparison.
  11. I think Osman is a better comparison. I don't think he has the finesse with the ball that Coleman has. He reminds me of Osman in that he doesn't have overwhelming technical ability (not that Osman is Emile Heskey or anything) but he has a very high work rate, is willing to do the dirty work and battle for every ball. I'd have to think that Coleman is the more valuable player right now. Gatt still has a lot to prove. I do hope that Klinsmann gives him more call-ups though because he was one of the few players that didn't look like shit against Russia.
  12. Incredibly raw but has good speed and is a very hard worker. Would fit in well here.
  13. I've said this before but the nice thing about Donovan is that you can play him pretty much anywhere (aside from defense or holding mid). He's most productive as a winger/outside mid but is also a perfectly good option as an attacking mid, delayed striker, or striker. And he's serviceable in the middle if necessary. Essentially, he could take the Naismith role but with more versatility and more starts.
  14. Again, subtle things that don't necessarily promise anything, but still subtle things. Notice Landon's twitter bio: " US National Team, LA Galaxy and Everton soccer player. Proud American, Angelino, & Evertonian" The "Everton soccer player" is one thing. He's an alumni of the club and is proud of that I'm sure. But the fact that he considers himself an "Evertonian" is definitely meaningful. You have to think that, should it be true that he wants to continue his career but not in LA, that he's trying to move to Europe. And if he's trying to move to Europe, it's hard to imagine Everton not, at the absolute minimum, being a potential landing spot. Especially if Landon is forcing his way out of Los Angeles, the Galaxy are not going to play hardball; they're going to accomodate him as long as they receive a reasonable offer. I imagine that, should Moyes be willing to put the money up, it would take an absolutely incredible contract offer from another team or a team like Bayern or Man U offering him a starting job for us not to land him.
  15. Oh man, how do I even begin to tackle this topic in a way that will make any sense... So you have conservatives who bitch about Obama and "BIG GOVERNMENT." They don't want government intervening in the lives of anyone. Then, they completely contradict themselves and insist the government get involved in a number of things; drug fighting and incarceration included. They believe in the "crime control" method of prevention, which is basically that we should throw anybody doing illegal shit into jail to punish them and scare them into not doing it ever again. Thus, we end up incarcerating a shitload of people to the point of overpopulation of prisons. This overpopulation will sometimes lead to judges being more likely to give probation in certain cases. As a result, we end up with guys who assault their wives ending up with probation while someone caught with drugs ends up in jail for three years. The most dramatic, absurd example of how inconsistent and harsh our justice system is would be the state of California, which has something called the "Three Strikes" rule. Essentially, any person who commits three felonies (regardless of how insignificant) automatically receives a life sentence. In one instance, a guy in California is now spending the rest of his life in prison because he was caught taking a single Twinkie from a store and had two felonies like 10 years prior. So we have all of these people in our prison systems for victimless crimes because the Conservatives insist we continue the War on Drugs and incarcerate people regardless of mental health and other factors. As a result, it costs the government money it does not have to feed, house, provide healthcare, etc. for all of these prisoners. Thus, the government is forced to raise taxes to fund it. And then the Conservatives complain about their taxes increasing and again blame it on "BIG GOVERNMENT!!!" Tah-Dah!
  16. What do you mean you can't say anything? Do you work for Everton and have inside info or something?
  17. I use chrome and I'm not having that issue. Tim is pure class. I'm excited to see his contributions to Red Bull New York this year. There's chatter that he deserves and perhaps might even deserve the captain's armband, which would be pretty incredible considering Thierry Frickin' Henry owned it last season.
  18. His production has been somewhat underwhelming. That being said, it's not completely all of his fault. Under Klinsmann he's really only come on as a second half substitute. As for in MLS, Chivas is the worst team in the league; there was no chance of him producing there. When he was with Red Bull he scored a decent number of goals. I'll reiterate that there is no doubting Agudelo's talent and athletic ability. It's all mental and tactical for him. With a good coaching staff he would be a quality player.
  19. He's not as good as Anichebe at this very moment. So what would the point be? Well, he just turned 20 and he has the raw talent to, with the right coaching, be the best striker on our team. Yes, better than Jelavic. This is the exact kind of signing that Moyes should be after because he would probably cost only £1-£1.25 yet has a very real chance of becoming an average-above average Premier League striker.
  20. I am admittedly biased in regards to this; Juan Agudelo is a former product of the New York Red Bulls academy and played for the team a year and a half. Talent wise, the sky is the limit for Agudelo. He has speed, passing ability, agility, and good moves with the ball. The main problems with him are that he is immature and inconsistent. As a guy who only recently turned 20 immaturity isn't too problematic. I feel that Moyes would quickly get him to become a little more serious. Here's my favorite goal of his. His touch is phenomenal.
  21. I usually agree with you but I thought Neville was pretty awful today. Misplaced a ton of his passes. Aside from a five minute spurt where he did some good things in the offensive half I agree that Osman was pretty irrelevant today.
  22. Coleman. He made Swansea look absolutely silly today. Second place to Fellaini.
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