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Everything posted by Sideliner

  1. i think technically Mr Moyes is a good coach - but i have my reservations whether he has the abillity to really see which position suits which player best in which game against whom - it also does not appear as though he is reading the game and the players on both sides pass by pass - the Southampton coach might not speak english well but he was in constant contact with his players on the pitch with eye contact and sign language - you could see he was already part of the team - hope his lack of english does not count against him - it appears as though we have a plan A cast in stone - gameplan and subs worked out days before - the modern game requires more adaptability and strategy - sending any long ball to Naismith is just senseless - his lack of height disqualifies him as such - a no brainer for me but not for the Everton coach or captain it seems - we are not playing beautifull effective soccer lately - we are scrambling results - it could turn nasty quickly if we do not lift our game soon
  2. unless we are happy being a top 8 side he should only sign if he gets money to improve / enlarge his squad to take the club to the next level - if no money is forthcoming maybe it is time for a new more adventurous manager to see whether he can take us further with what we have - otherwise we must just make peace with Moyes and Neville and Notrophies
  3. no excuses for the terrible miss from the assist by Anichebe - missed the whole ball completely - eventually the penny dropped - subbed - rotation ? where is Velios? - put out of rotation by Mr Moyes - ended up playing Mirallas out of position as striker after a long layof - instead of Velios - back to the drawing board i am afraid
  4. if Neville and Naismith do not play above their ability tonight our back 4 are going to be in 6'es and 7's
  5. so Velios is off the map - Anichebe stanby striker - playing with a single striker up front again - we must just not go behind early - clean sheet will do thanks
  6. teamsheat was as predicted - hope the score matches the majority of predictions - what do we have on the bench ? Oviedo , Hitzelsperger , Velios , Guye , Kennedy ?
  7. Dalziel - thank you for all that info - i forwarded it to my son and he was very gratefull - it makes one understand a few things much better - by the time the fool understands the full implication of what you have written the information is outdated - so don't be fussed
  8. back to the upcoming match - tough one i think - unless the management changes upset them and our strikers are on top form for the first time this season i have a bad feeling about this one - hell i hope we can sneak this one to secure our position in the table - they have only lost 1 in the last 5 which included only 1 at home and draws away against Chelsea and Arsenal - Forren will strengthen their defense too - but if we want to be a top 4 side we just have to beat them
  9. Romey who is asking Jelavic to be a different player? - let us sort out the problem then - for every Evertonians sake for Pete's sake - to be able to treat the problem you have to identify the cause
  10. we should play our best striker behind Jelavic so he can poach the scraps in the box - but i would prefer Anichebe and\or Velios up front at this stage - we score far too few goals from distance - i will only play Jelavic in games where we know we are going to boss and where there will be a lot of scraps lying around in the box to flick in - a single striker must be good on the ball and be a striker like Michu , Suarez , Van Persie etc and not a poacher like Jelavic - Jelavic had 5 shots at goal on Saturday but of those not a single one was on goal nevermind in goal - not good enough in my books as a main striker in the PL - 1 goal in 11 PL appearances for a striker is a fail in my books - how can Velios be worse ? 0 goals in 11 outings ? - if it is not his fault making runs out wide - who's fault is it then marcopolo?
  11. all you Jelavic supporters - put your money where your mouth is and answer these questions or i will regard you as Jelavic loyalists untill death do thee part
  12. the determination of Mr Moyes to continueplaying without an effective striker astounds me even more - how many games have we totally bossed this season but ended up drawing or even losing because of us failing to take our chances - nobody seems to be willing to answer my questions about Jelavic and how many more chances he deserves - which also astounds me
  13. you can only compare Velios to Jelavic and Anichebe if he has had more or less the same opportunities - at this stage nobody (not even Mr Moyes mind you ) really knows how good or bad Velios will be after having had say 5 starts in an Everton line-up - so we are all speculating about his abillity - the abillity of and form of Jelavic and Anichebe this season however is well documented - can anybody tell me how many more chances \ games must Jelavic still be given to find his form ? the whole season ? two seasons ? till we are a mid table team again ? till Liverpool go past us on the table? - or till doomsday comes ? what must Velios do to get a few starts ? score goals ?, how many ? only allow Mr Moyes to train him ? be bought by another club after a good show in championship ? or when he is 25 ? or only when Mr Moyes ( and nobody else) thinks he is ready because he always knows best ? Why did we buy him if he was so useless and inexperienced ? even after 3 years - that was not very clever Mr moyes
  14. i am positively sure that Naismith has proven to some of us that he must certainly have a lot more potential in him than we have seen - being new i suspect he might just be the modest type otherwise we would never ever have signed him - we only buy the best - Velios on the other hand might even have slightly more potential but it might be that Moyes does not want anybody to know how good he is especially not the fans - we should be very gratefull for the few generous glimpses Moyes has so graciously allowed us to see of him - hiding him in the championship as secret weapon for next season reveals great strategic vision - i am sure nobody will notice his talents there - and i am also positively sure we will not miss him in the squad for the rest of the season - since we have so many great strikers all firing on all cilynders all the time - blessed are we the Everton supporters - never has a team with so little achieved so much ! i hope that is better ...........
  15. Avinalaf i never mentioned your name mate - an optimist jumps to positive conclusions not negative one's - but if the negative shoe fits you - wear it with pride - you asked the following clear question on this Vellios thread : "Isn't it time some of you quit with the negatives ?" - i merely replied thereto and now i get insulted in a very negative way - tell me where i am wrong don't tell me i should be more positive - that is no argument at all - i might as well reply and say it is time that some of you quit with the constant positives - same bollox
  16. i have never heard a pessimist/realist complaining that someone is an eternal optimist - but i have heard countless so called optimists complaining that someone is negative - my experience is that a pessimist\realist is only an eternal optimist with experience - the fact that i am 99% properly dressed does not mean nobody may critisize me because my fly is open - some of us think for ourselves and speak our minds - deal with it or ban us if you find us offensive - well founded criticism is of much more value than unwarranted compliments - i value a truthfull enemy more than a false friend - there you have it - take it or leave it
  17. we obviously don't have the boodle to go bidding guys - we either have to sell first or resort to begging a loan player somewhere - this is what makes it hard competing against the rich boys living on the "righ side of the railway track" - which makes me believe even more that we should focus even more on youth developement - find and polish our own diamonds instead of trying to buy without money - just doing window shopping in the end
  18. Velios also out on loan will further weaken our already weak and inexperienced bench - if him and Barkley are not replaced by better players on the bench we are gambling even more by assuming our regulars will all see us through the season successfully without injury and despite their form - something which i seriously doubt - let us wait and see ....... just read those early posts about this player 2 years ago - he appears to have made no progress since he joined in 2011 - at least as far as gametime is concerned
  19. wow hafnia that is one of the better speeches i have heard in a long time - lots of sense talked there lad - bloody well said is all i can ad
  20. the only thing i could hear very clearly at Goodison on Saturday was the public announcer threatening any person who dare to stand up in his chair obstructing the view of someone behind him would be "EJECTED FROM THE STADIUM IMMEDIATELY " - wow maybe the fans are so scared now they sit like statues and keep quiet like mice - in Africa we do it differently - much differently - i was at the friendly internationa between Norway and South Africa last week in Cape Town and it was all vuvuzelas , singing ,dancing waving of flags and quite a few mexican waves - was very festive although we lost 1-0 - i hope the Goodison crowd gets back to intimmidating opposition and firing on Everton like they last did against Liverpool - that gave me goosebumps
  21. as they say:" you don't know what you don't know " but those lot does not make it any easier for us do they ? here we fans are kept in the dark - clinging to hope as our only salvation - we know more about Father Christmas than about our favourite players - hehehehe
  22. that was exactly my impression from a distance - hence the thread - hope we can fix that soon
  23. am i mistaken or has the Goodison crowd been very quiet lately compared to earlier in the season and compared to crowds in some other stadiums ? maybe those privileged to be able to attend matches at Goodison can enlighten us supporters sitting in the dark - thanks - the vocal support of the fans has a great influence on the players and on the officials
  24. but why are we the fans not kept up to date with what the progress or lack thereof is with 2 of our best players? - Gibson and Mirallas - lack of information leads to speculation and rumours - maybe we will understand the coaching staff better if they give us more info - or are we expecting too much ?
  25. Avinalaf you unfortunately do not seem to understand my African english - maybe you shoudl also read my post again - i unfortunately cannot put my point any clearer than i already have - let us rather agree to disagree because we do not seem to understand each other's logic - the crux of my argument is that everybody no matter how insignificant they might be is entitled to have their own opinion - even if that means criticizing someone else's opinion - surely i am entitled to say The Man On The Moon is wrong if i think so and give my reasons why or are certain people (like Mr Moyes and Neville ) above criticism ?
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