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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. TrueBlue

    Dead Pool

    Was waiting for someone to say that
  2. Yeah the neighbour was a complete idiot. Goldie, http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,922141,00.html the same year as the one were discussing. I think its to do with numbers, they (the US) have much more troops in there as us (I know its quality not quantity ) and with their massive firepower and technology which we don't have due to not being able to afford it. There will be more cases or Americans involved in friendly fire. They do have a reputation as trigger happy soldiers and I can't comment on whether thats true or not but the English media certainly want us to think that My dad mentioned this to me when we were talking about it last night. I mentioned somethine about the attitude of shoot now and ask later which he agreed on (to my amazment, we never agree on anything) and mentioned this particular incident I was unaware off. He said a couple of years ago the RAF got criticised as being useless by a Major in Afganistan. It was found that RAF pilots did not want to fire upon enemy vehicles as they couldn't make a definite ID of whether it was allied or enemy. However, compared it with the US pilots it definitely seems that they went in with out exactly knowing the ID of the target. So could be said went in trigger happy with the idea of shoot now ask questions later.
  3. To be fair, anyone can stick orange panels on and claim to be allies. And even one did think it was allied but then convinced himself it couldn't have been. They had no reason to think what the person in command base was telling them to be false, if they said there was no friendlies in the area (don't forget the command base is meant to be in contact with all allies, so should have if didn't already confirm with the British if there were any British in the area). But got the signal back sayin all clear so he then has no reason in questioning the orange panels. It is all screwed, someone definately in base control has messed up. Just thinking out aloud here but could the Americans have contacted the British? This would mean that it was we who made the mistake and told them there were no British in that area. Who knows, I say this as its seems odd that both American and British army are keeping quiet over this. Its stupid that deaths by friendly fire it still happening though, with all the technolgy available to the army you would have thought a thing like this couldn't happen. But I suppose no matter how much or advance this technology is there is always going to be human errors
  4. TrueBlue

    Dead Pool

    Phew, your not the only one Mike...
  5. and money. I think Roman should donate 500 mil (lets face it, he can afford it) to toffeetalk.com. Then we can buy BK out and run the club our way (Even build a replica AOL Stadium know some of you will like that idea)
  6. I'm not jumpin on no bandwagon just yet but about the attractive football comment. I'd rather win than play good and lose. One problem is that we don't have any wingers who can run with the ball. This would then relieve some of the responsibilites of the centre mids allowing them to get forward and also gives us another dimension of attack as we won't be trying to play it long or through the middle. Just a little suggestion as obviously there are other ways of improving
  7. haha, just wrote that then came back and you corrected it lol Yeah it is a disgrace that America tried to cover it up. There is something wrong with the American army though as they are renowned for friendly fire situations...
  8. I must have watched a different one then. As they see orange panels and ask the command if they're any friendly units in the are and get a response like "You are well clear of friendly units" They then convince themselves the orange panels are actually rockets and one pilot says "orange rockets??" Then they attack and before going back to attack again they get told there ARE friendly units in the area and to abort. Then one asks what the condition of the people on the floor and the command tells them ones dead. Which a pilot replies with "I'm going to be sick" and "Yeah this sucks". I certainly don't blame the pilots just the command base who probably couldn;t be arsed to do the correct checks...
  9. I don't blame the pilot like, I blame the base in which they were communicating with who told them there was no friendly units in the area. Its not nice watchin the video footage tho Americans make me laugh sometimes, but to say that just shows how stupid and ignorant they are. But it makes me think what are the American News saying about this war as these people are getting their opinion from somewhere and most people get theirs from watching television. I like the way films such as the UB-571 (something like that) is about the YANKS quest to get the enigma. When in fact it was actually British soldiers who did all the work (with the help of Poles I think) and there were around 4 major missions in cracking and solving the enigma codes. 3 of these done by British and one by the yanks and I remember someone sayin (so not sure if this is true) that the yanks mission was a complete waste of time as the british had already captured the enigma machine. My memory isn't great of this certain topic so if someone else knows just but in
  10. Think they got the cash, thats why theres two of em as I think Gillet couldn't afford it on his own and didn't want to loan any money so he persuaded his mate to join him.
  11. I like Klose, bit of a Ian Wright story as well (as in was a late developer as they say ) Probably asking for a big fee tho
  12. I know its not excuse but how many times has he actually played this season? Its obvious he was going to be lacking match fitness and as shown awareness. I blame McLaren for even sticking him on after so little games for Chelsea. Seems to prove its not how good you are its who you play for.
  13. Me at the mo, can't be arse having a shave ---> :hairy: Goldie but its not a cigar, you know what it is ---> :cigar: The ONLY way to solve trouble in the middle East ---> :rambo:
  14. Exactly the same thing me dad said to me last night. Don't think Dein would let him though considering Dein is on the FA board AND Arsenal chairman. Not sure what constitutes a conflict of interests but that can't be far off...
  15. TrueBlue

    How Much?

    Hahaha like that on
  16. Cheers fellas Shame its not the same as a real life birthday
  17. I can't work out why anyone would drink coffee full stop. :shiftyeyes_anim: :weird: :sick01:
  18. Some crappy pasty from Greggs and some Cherry Coke
  19. Its all about Mario tbh "It's a me, Mario" - :mario:
  20. Well I'd like to say happy 4th birthday to me :party: :upsidedown:
  21. Exactly what I said on the other topic. I'm truely fooked off with McLaren, hes just a ginger smirking English version of Sven. Which I think is why he probably got the job Sorry but I've copied and pasted this from the other topic but I haven't changed my opinion, in fact it only strengthed it...
  22. Bit of a price? I meant prick btw and an arrogant one at that.
  23. I've always wanted to watch it as I do like it but it was on on a Monday at 9 weren't it? And I had football training till 9.30
  24. Totally agree, I'm a bit pissed off at the moment. I'm no expert but sometimes I ask whether he knows what hes doing or is he just reading the same book given to him by Sven. Bloody stupid. Is it me or do Spain have loads of time on the ball? And when we have the ball we play it backwards then the midfielders stroll up. Would like to see some fire in some of those bellies. And FFS stop trying to play Lamps and Gerrard in the same team. Its not been working and it won't if he carries on. Brought on Defoe, don't rate him that much tbh. Don't know why Carrick is still on tbh, also Crouch is not England International quality. Just seems when we attack theres not creative movement, midfielders always turn and pass it back to defenders, bloody annoys me! Not being funny but we need to copy Holland. Fuck off all the old people and the ones who don't want to play, like van Basten did when he dropped Van Nistlehorse, van Bommel and Davids (caused quite a stir in Holland). Start playing teamplayers who compliment each other. Just need a manager who doesn't give two hoots what the media or FA think but have the confidence in himself (have i just explained Mourinho )
  25. Lol, yeah if its true. Bet that put the shit up her
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