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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. Pretty pathetic really, they should actually clean the trains from time to time before having a go at people putting there feet up <_<
  2. Begs the question, was he really able to play on Saturday? And should he have?
  3. Well can't say much about British Indians playing football as where I am in uni, our 6-a-side team play against many Indian and other Asian players. Some of whom are the best in the league. However, its also a culture thing as well. There are some really good cricketers and even some excellent hockey players in Britain who are from an Asian family. What strikes me more is that only now are we seeing the emergance of British Asians in sports like cricket. Not sure why that is but a uni mate of mine is from India and he says that there is pressure from Asian relatives for British Asians not to represent England although a lot of British Asians feel more British than they do Asian Also, criket is becoming a sport on its last legs with some nations. Take Sri Lanka for example, the young people are taking up basketball more due to the American influences as don't forgot they only played cricket because of the old British Empire and Commonwealth and with that British influence now, rightfully, gone they are getting it else where. It believed that not many people in the old Commonwealth will still be playing cricket 20 years on but will have some formidable basketball team nations. Its all about trend and at the moment cricket is on a downfall (well ok apart from in some countries like Australia) but soon there won't be many countries to play against. Back to India and the football thing, they just need to promote it more. Could be a money issue or a fascilities thing but with the population available to them and as I've mentioned they can excell at sports if they want too. I think its a culture thing though and to get them playing football they are going to need to be encouraged to play football and that hopefuly would make it more popular there. It's the same with China though isn't it, all depend on trend and culture. Just a thought.
  4. It normally is I think. I know a couple of years back it was on BBC2 but not sure what channel it'll be on this year. Love some of the Goalkeeping in that tournament, eccentric is an understatement
  5. Haha, cos I wrote Liverpool too many times in the sentence. Knew you'd have quote me
  6. Even an ex-Liverpool player mentioned that blues came up to him and even shock his hand when he played for Liverpool. Went on to say that majority of people he met in Liverpool were Blues. Can't remember who tho but it weren't that long ago. edit* got lost half way through that sentance then and made a school boy error lol
  7. Sorry, I thought that might cause a bit of an aguement so took it out hoping no one had read it. But, its kidding yourselves to be fair. Ever since 2000 all I've heard is "We'll win this season" and every year you fail.
  8. Most definately. Always thought it was blown way out of proportian (no jokes please from Liverpool fans) and it didn't help with the media whipping it up into nothing. Also didn't help the majority of Liverpool fans making a stance and implying he meant it and they completely agree then posting there opinion on the matter everywhere. (Although it could also have been a mind game by Rafa, so if thats the case most definately drop the whole small club thing. We know the truth and if Liverpool fans want to kid themselves, fine by me.)
  9. "Fowler was a blue" So was Mcmanaman, so was Carragher, so was Gerrerd (so they say). All from Liverpool, all support Everton, peoples club anyone? Sure someone with a better memory would probably know more and help me out Also Owen and Rush were blues as well
  10. edit* lol, no chance that happening. I was frigged at 2am, far too much alcohol consumed to even think about staying up
  11. Should have named it the playground as thats where most of them should be, they then can argue with people a similiar mental age. Think you should just delete the posts, may be a hard shift as these are kids who are here for a reaction and as soon as you delete, they'll just repost. Then ban them
  12. Oh right, didn't know that. Was else where on Saturday night to watch motd, was meant to record it but totally forgot. Then thought I'd get up early and watch it. No chance that was happening with the state I was in
  13. 2-1 to us, Yobo and Victor. Derbyshire for them.
  14. Why oh why do people argue with these people? Its obvious to us all that they're so pissed off and bitter that they didn't win that they come on an opposition forum and instead of having a little banter, like you won't be so lucky next time they try and make a childish argument. I also recall that Liverpool fans, as well as Everton fans sing, who's that dying in the runway. So calling us bitter, trying to shame us in singing about Stevie G's baby. Also about the defensive thing, do you recall watchin numerous of games where Liverpool played a similiar formation but sometimes a 10-0-0 formation, CL final anyone? Now this isn't a argument, what I'm saying is fact so don't bother and its pretty much likely I won't reply again at your woeful attempts to bring us down to your level. All the best Matt
  15. I'll be watchin it, a load of us on our course do a all nighter at one of the lads house and play a few drinking games, end up being a good laugh.
  16. And me <_< Think I'll take my services elsewhere as I was looking for a regular first team place *tells agent to find a better suited club*
  17. Well I think it was the ultras, and police are renowned in Italy as not wanting to confront the ultras just in case it cases a riot. I know, very baffling thinking byt the police.
  18. Itsn not the first time people have lost lives in Italy. Its full of nutters, especially all those 'ultras', just crazy. remeber a couple of years ago Inter fans got a a little styupid and somehow got a scooter in the stadium and tried to throw it off one of the tiers. They ended up getting suspended from playin at San Siro (Guiseepe Meazza)
  19. Do remember reading an interview with Steve Watson (I think) shortly after he'd left. One of the questions was who was the fastest player at Everton. He said something like, over 80 metres it was Raszshitski and 100 metres it was Yobo. Fast little bugger, needed him against Bellend tho.
  20. Some of my mates are Liverpool fans and were generally agreed with you what you have said. I do realise that every club as its minority of 'extreme' blind supporting, where everything that their team does is right and can't do no wrong. We've had some in the past and as you said you can't discredit a team with no real justification. I'd like to say thanks for being unbias and actually taking the time to post what you thought of the match. I'd say its a very fair comment and shows a good character from you to make the effort to (re)posting that from a Liverpools point. Its a real credit to yourself to post a different opinion than those shown on RAWK and even admit that some of those people there were appearing to not know what some people are talking about. Anyway, I'm going to bed, not lookin forward to waking up tomorrow with a hangover but sod it. Thanks for the unbias and fair few. (edit* I've had to paste this from Microsoft Word too sort out all the typo errors lol)
  21. LOL, I actually take it as a 'weird' compliment. To be that frustrated at another teams tactics, it was a bit like there own medicine, and then to try 'put' down the other team with an insult is very unprofessional. As a result, I don't mind him saying that as if thats the only way they can get back at us for not being able to score against us is very childish. The response on the forum is even funnier, they talk about Everton getting bitter every year but its obvious that they're the ones that are bitter. A good day, I'm not going to get all worked up about it
  22. I'd defo say Lescott is better than Carra. But, there are some good defenders who are there, Woodgate has been playing pretty well at the moment and as well is Dawson so its a difficult decision by McLaren (don't like him tho). But saying that it is a friendly so its an ideal time to experiment. Maybe in the next friendly he'll be callled up. He better be.
  23. Who are the defenders in the squad? If any are worse than Lescott then I won't be happy.
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