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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. Aye, I'm not that too fussed on chocolate but crisps are very nice. Love crisp butties as well
  2. Lol How come cadbury's caramel chocolate bar is horrible when its in single packs form Cadburys Hereos? Just had one then and had to spit it out, really weird taste. Its not the first one that has tasted dodgy, everytime i've had one they taste well different to the normal bars from the shop. Anyone else notice this or just me?
  3. Well hes not done a good job then has he lol. Think any one of us could have done a better job. He probably meant he was lookin for investment 24/7 in his gay theatre productions
  4. Now there's a name I never thought I'd see its been a while. I'm not really fussed where it is as long as its in Liverpool. Seems a good idea as its land we don't have to buy but the stumbling block would be, will the council give us planning permission...
  5. Well isn't the giant squid dinner for a sperm whale? So not surprised he was fighting
  6. Was that copy and pasted from wikipedia?
  7. Agree Mark and Steveo, hope he does go public as hat fat actor hasn't told us anything straight since he came in. My memory isn't great but didn't he say he was actively lookin for investment when he first came in charge?
  8. Saw this in Nuts or Zoo and had a look on here couldn't see anything. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle1295083.ece I knew there were still disturbances linked with the mafia but this has gone too far and if the theory is correct how can a uncle do that to his nephew. very sad.
  9. lol mike, the thing is, isn't there a type of squid bigger than a giant squid? Its called the colossal squid. Its not the same diagram I saw but its similiar... I definately think theres loads of other big(ger) species than these in the depths. We put so much effort into exploring space yet there are loads of places in the oceans that have and will remain unexplored for ages. Not sure whats the deepest we've explored but I'm sure the rift in the Pacific ocean (the deepest one in the world) would be a hell of a lot deeper than we can explore. We haven't even explored all the rivers yet, sure I watched a programme about new creatures being found in the Amazon which included a different type of cat fish never seen before. And that was a few metres below the Amazon river, never mind the massive openess of the ocean.
  10. Saw Blood Diamond a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was very good, I'm no expert but I thought Leo did a good accent as well. I watched that The Good Shepherd, you know the one Bobby de Niro did with Matt Damon. I thought it was absolutly crap, I WANT MY 2 HOURS BACK!! Talking of South African films Pat, u ever seen Hotel Rwanda, came out a couple of years ago. Another top film
  11. TrueBlue


    If we get a good support down there can see us winning 4-0 (yep I said 4, FOUR )
  12. lol, Well don't know the whole history but in 1740/1750's the word baseball was mentioned in a book or newspaper thing and then 20-40 years later its first mentioned in America. After checking the dates I found this on wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseball#Origins_of_baseball The earliest known mention of the sport is in a 1744 British publication, A Little Pretty Pocket-Book, by John Newbery. It contains a wood-cut illustration of boys playing "base-ball," showing a set-up roughly similar to the modern game, and a rhymed description of the sport. The earliest known American reference to the game was published in a 1791 Pittsfield, Massachusetts, statute that prohibited the playing of baseball within 80 yards of the town's new meeting house. The English novelist Jane Austen made a reference to children playing "base-ball" on a village green in her book Northanger Abbey, which was written between 1798 and 1803 (though not published until 1818).
  13. Yeah there is a Blade series. Tried watching it but the guy playing Blade does me nut in. Heroes is good like. Watched up to episode 15 and I'm hooked. Its not as mindnumbingly confusing as Lost though and it does have little sub plots for each character as well, but the producers of the two shows are friends. A good cast but the person playing Mohinda (sp??) makes me laugh as he just can't act. Not saying I could do a better job though.
  14. Did you know baseball is actually a English game
  15. Erm if its anything in place like FM07 Italy League (I know a game but should be real rules) then I think they have to be at the club for three seasons before their 21st birthday. So yeah Arsenal would get away with it. If its not anything like that then sorry I wasted 30seconds of your life reading this. Good rule imo tho.
  16. I can't stand Lost either, watched 2 episodes and didn't know what the fuss once. Just seemed to me people were very fickle as in being told its really good so thinking that... Watching Heroes and Lost Room, they were pretty good. American shows though and not sure when theyre showing here although I heard Lost Room is on SkyOne soon. Well worth a watch.
  17. It is but think its going to be bought soon, can't remember who or where I read that and I also can't remem who by. Sure Louis will know tho
  18. Congrats mate Sounds like an excellent plan to spend the rest of the day jammy bugger.
  19. Nah if its not too fancy for Marseille it not too fancy for us. Can just imagine the cross replaced with the beacon or somethin similiar but on an angle and less prodominant as in more in the background but still visible.
  20. Deal or No Deal?!? :thumbsdown_still: Also want to add to Dunny's comment on the 'comedies', where have they all gone? I can't stand this new trend of quirky comedy like man stroke woman. Its just not funny imo, and theres a few I've stumbled across and though wtf is this? I could do a better sitcom. Think Exras was the last comedy sitcom I remember really enjoying. FFS get some genuinely funny people in rather than these, what looks like, public videos what people have sent in.
  21. lol unlucky, you payed for a TV license?
  22. So whats your American sport? I got to admit mines the Ice Hockey, go FLYERS!! (I know they're bottom this year though)
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