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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. TrueBlue

    An Easy Mistake.

    lol, Was going to say something but think I'll leave it for someone else to say it
  2. In my opinion I think it is tradition, you associate that stadium to your club. As Goodison, its steeped in history. I don't think it would have the same credentials if it was called Pizza Hut Park (FC Dallas home ground). Also I think sponsors come and go, but the building will always be there, will always represent some history of the respective club. Personally I'd like the stadium to be called something that is synonymous with the club as corporate companies get bought and what happens then? Does the stadium change name to the new company? Stadiums represent the club I feel and if the stadium is named by someone not connected with the club I think it doesn't represent the club to its full. Hmm not sure that makes sense but sod it Its hard to explain but will end with... Every Englishman's home is his Castle.
  3. When I was younger my dad had this pellet rifle (a big thing that was pretty useless as it fired one little pellet but I thought it was great had a scope on it too lol). I loved it, sometimes my dad would put up some old foam cans we'd shoot at in the back garden but it was in front of his shed. Also I'd fire bits of paper through it at my mates and sisters (before anyone says that was dangerous, firing paper with a elasticband hurt more, or those dolly sweets on that elastic string) I'd love to go to a shooting range and fire a proper gun though, a tenner I'd defo do it. Mike, I remember when I was on a school trip at a PGL Camp, and one of the activities was archery. I loved it as much as firing that crappy rifle and I had a talent for it (was best in my group but nothing special I suppose). Bags of fun and I'm sure you'd enjoy it too I don't think there is any difference in firing an arrow or a gun and I don't have a problem with it as long as its done in a safe environment like a range would be.
  4. Mario... Shoot - you can shoot balls of fire. Drive - a turtles shell / mario cart as well. Rob - a turtles shell / a star of a rabbit (twice) Fly - you can get a winged hat where you can fly. Other cool shit - you can turn into iron and you can also go invisible.
  5. we've had our fair share of odd referring decision (or no decision in some cases). So its not just the English leagues where refs favour the big clubs. Good luck in the Final though I feel you may need it if you've got that ref
  6. What about Mario 64? You can wonder about in that
  7. ohh stevie wonder - superstition love this song...
  8. lol, what makes me laugh is someone actually filmed that thinking he was the director with all the zooming in and out...
  9. Not that catchy tbh, well the thread didn't specify whether it has to be music Wish I could, absolute tosser he is. Anyway, today I have mostly been listening too John Legend - Once Again
  10. My mate at Uni who is a Blackburn fan. He goes a lot of the games and he commented that the atmosphere at Goodison wasn't up to the usual standard. That could have been him being bias tho
  11. LOL, well I've always liked the Argie tops, can't remember one being bad. I would have loved to get the Germany one but couldn't find anywhere that sold it here and I didn't really go shopping when I was there. Do regret not getting on now though
  12. Deinitely agree Louis, I love the addida tops (rs one aint that good) I hate Umbro shirts with a passion. Didn't mind them that much but since we went back to them from Puma I think I've only bought one or two shirts since then. Just can't stand the designs. Even the England one, had to buy it obviously but I think I had my Argintina ( :| ) one on more than my England. Also, this think about selected stores it utter nonsense. When I was up in Darlo the JJB there had about 3 shirts there, 2 smalls and a medium. Tried the medium and jeesh, skin tight lol. I couldn't get back home as I worked every Weekend. I finally got back at Christmas and bought one but already missed a load of Everton matches I wanted to watch with an Everton shirt on Also about the different versions, that aint gonna make that much of a difference. I'd buy the 40 quid one, and I'm sure all the kids would want the most expensive one as well.
  13. Hey Sam, welcome to the board
  14. Goo goo Dolls - Dizzy up the girl album
  15. I thought Kanchelskis was currently a free agent as he recenly left his former club (can't remember who they were though)
  16. She also did a couple of films (not those type) such as Naked Gun (think the 2nd one). Also she hosted her own show too She is more famous though for being married to a very rich 89 year old who only lived for a year after their marriage.
  17. Can see your point but didn't Alex Ferguson and Arsne Wenger start out their (small) playin careers as defenders?
  18. I know but couldn't remember if he'd actually won it . I know his last season with Ranger he didn't win anything with them.
  19. LOL, so he plays for Man Utd now One word, idiot
  20. What about Giovanni Bronkhorst - don't think hes won the Scottish League tho Been told he has, so he fits the criteria right? Can't take any credit for it though as a workmate told me it could be him.
  21. Work placement boss having a go at everybody in the office, feels very awkward :thumbsdown_still: :whistle:
  22. TrueBlue

    Dead Pool

    Is that safe for work?
  23. As apposed to where? Do agree with a lot there Licker, but we did play some good football a few times during the 1995 season But we had some good wingers then. And as you said (I read between the lines) that wingers are not the only solution. We need to get a right system and set up off players. I don't think Moyes is capable of that but I'm more than happy to eat my words if he does. He is young and still learning though. Still not joining the Wagon though as I'd like to see him try and we owe him that much for the joy (we have had some) and the expectations which he has raised. Hes done a good job and I'd like to see him move us on from where we are now.
  24. Well I got no clue on finances but didn't think buildin a stadium and buying BK share would be that much. Also the interest earnt wouldn't be bad. Could ask him for £1bil but thats a little cheeky imo
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