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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Impressive sight, even though they were late (and I got in position early so as not to miss them ) so I was bloody cold when they turned up. Twelve man breakaway when they came past me.
  2. I'd noticed that Bill (when looking at Davey's odds)....he's second behind Gus Poyet in the betting, 7-1 with Skybet. Must look like I have a serious gambling habit quoting odds all the time . Actually I only look at them to get an idea of unbiased opinion....I don't bet at all, only done so probably ten times in my life (only one of which was a winner ).
  3. "Newcastle fans angry at the way the club is been run want to ban owner Mike Ashley from sitting amongst supporters and from wearing his black and white replica shirt at games." And how are they planning to enforce that exactly ?
  4. There was going to be an auction of cycling memorabilia before the start but there was a problem because some anique handlebars got accidentally bent. They were due to be the first item sold so there was a slight delay so they could reshape lot one .
  5. Had to wipe a lot of dust off that joke before posting it .
  6. I used to be apathetic but I can't be arsed any more .
  7. I think I can say without undue modesty that I'm good enough to sit on the bench Bill . The problems would begin if they ever needed me on the pitch though if I'm honest . I'm in the "We didn't need another keeper" camp also btw.
  8. Got no problem with them not singing the anthem, it's an embarrassing dirge that needs changing (Becky Adlington made me laugh when she was getting her first gold you could clearly lip-read her saying to the lass that got bronze, "I'm not going to sing, I don't know the words.") What bothers me is that we have fourteen year old synchronised swimmers with bigger bollocks than all of the England team put together . Can you imagine any of them going through the training regime of even the laziest British rower? Or cyclist? Or even the canoeist who got gold fitting his training around shifts as an A&E doctor? And a glance at the paralympics would do them no harm! Much too deeply entrenched in the comfort zone our boys, which is why we're underdogs (seriously...check the bookies) against Croatia ffs. Sad state of affairs.
  9. Would judge any proposal individually I think....the Lerner model would be OK but Shinawatra No. Macca could possibly scrape together a billion if pushed....anyone got his number? He knew my dad forty plus years ago so I could give him a call (for old times sake ) and just drop it into the conversation I suppose .
  10. Good points Bill, was going to say something similar but I didn't want to be saddled with the accusation that I'd spoken too soon .
  11. Quality Jim....we get into some serious pun exchanges from time to time on here.....shows great promise ! On a side note I just realised that it's actually Tuesday it goes past me, good job I noticed....I'd have looked pretty daft standing by the side of the road tomorrow with a suitcase full of syringes and no customers !
  12. Anyone worried about DM leaving get down the bookies... With Skybet you can get 25-1 that he'll go to Newcastle and 100-1 that he'll go to Wham. Would help drown the sorrows a little .
  13. Blueboy, read the pass [sic] threads mate :angel: . Cracking assist from Marouane there....love to see a few of those at Goodison!
  14. I see the cycling Tour of Britain is finishing in Liverpool next Sunday, a few Olympic medallists in it. It's going past the end of my road at about 11.00 tomorrow morning....I'm busy today setting up my drive in anabolic steroid pit stop shop© . Gonna be minted come lunchtime .
  15. Loved the first hour of it....was the first game after Bally died and it was a really moving occasion. Then Turner/defence imploded . But it was a cracker from Manny.
  16. Only picking what I've seen live... In recent times the Faddy goal against Charlton takes some beating, because of the situation we were in at that precise moment (minutes away from chucking away UEFA qualification), the quality of the goal, and the swing of emotions (up, down, up ) summing up being an Evertonian in those last ten odd minutes . Going back....the two cup final goals in '84 were pretty memorable, and for sheer quality a Trevor Steven special in a 3-2 win at The Dell in 1985 .
  17. 2004: GOAL Andorra 0-1 England Joe Cole smashes the ball into the net from six yards after Frank Lampard's long free-kick into the box hits Joleon Lescott and ricochets up for Cole. That's an assist then .
  18. http://msn.football365.com/story/0,17033,8...4098958,00.html In conversation with reporters, he remarked: "On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted." "You mean Manchester, right?" queried a reporter. "Yeah, Manchester, sorry!" answered a bashful Robinho. Real commitment to the cause .
  19. Yeah I watched it. Life is so cheap for those guys....unreal. There must be some serious security around for Kemp but it still takes a lot of cojones! They were originally advertising that the first episode of the new series was in Liverpool....but then changed it. Must've been some sort of legal problem with it I'd have thought...to do with Rhys maybe?
  20. A very carefully constructed and well thought out exercise in irony Ducado, I wonder why you feel the need to post it on here? And how many other forums have you put it on? Classic psychological reaction, you're feeling so uncomfortable with it that you need to go and tell everyone (even complete strangers) how happy you are . Just hope that (as I posted elsewhere) that you can afford to keep going to games when "Abu Dhabi United" (how did it feel to see a City shirt with "United" on it last week btw ?) relocate to downtown أبو ظبي‎ in ten years time. It'll end in tears I tell ya, enjoy it while you can .
  21. I knew he was a blue but I didn't realise quite how much.... http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-f...00252-21682174/
  22. Truth is completely the reverse....if he's got ambition he'll stay....if he's just after money (which he's not) he might take it. Clueless geordie is polite.
  23. Newcastle have begun their search for a sixth manager in four years after the resignation of Kevin Keegan. Everton boss David Moyes and former Juventus coach Didier Deschamps are among the names being considered, BBC 5 Live's Jonathan Legard understands. Moyes was previously mentioned as a possible successor to Sam Allardyce when he left Newcastle in January..... ...Moyes, who has yet to sign a new contract with Everton, was among those considered before Keegan returned to St James' Park in January. Legard said: "Sources in the North-East claim Moyes' name is again in the frame, particularly as his new Everton contract remains unsigned, although I am told that is set to change imminently. "Whether Moyes would want to work in tandem with Newcastle's director of football Dennis Wise is another matter. "And whatever his frustrations with Everton's transfer budget, he'll have seen that Newcastle's recent spending power has been flyweight by comparison." Big of them to consider him....arrogant bastards.
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