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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. That's probably the saddest thing I've ever read Craccer.....I'm welling up here :crying_anim: !
  2. Dixie your mother's Godfather ....how cool is that? Makes you very nearly Blue royalty mate! If you're not an Evertonian then you've made a truly tragic mistake somewhere in a previous life .
  3. Doubted Pienaar, delighted to be proved wrong and I hope he keeps stuffing it back down my throat for many years to come .
  4. Feel free to join in Craccer...it's a healing process .
  5. I'd rather Hamilton didn't win it personally, he's phenomenal and has had far and away the best début season by any F1 driver ever....but he did make mistakes that cost him the championship. Also no sportsman who thanks God in interviews should ever win anything in my book. It's so fucking annoying. Paula Ratcliffe put herself in the running yesterday but (even though I'm not a big boxing fan) I think Hatton or Calzaghe deserve it. Will certainly vote for McFadden though....as many times as I can .
  6. Ah Rotterdam...special place for Evertonians, even if (like me) you only saw it on the TV. Welkom Nik!
  7. Like this... vEc4YWICeXk ....and a more cultured version. Clever stuff. nUDIoN-_Hxs
  8. Slander! Here's the thread..(link)..and I said nothing about it (never even seen it). You'll be hearing from my "no win no fee" lawyers in the morning Louis . What's Oceans 13 like? Anyone?
  9. Wtf are you all talking about? Thought this was a thread about a radio station . All sounds a bit serious to me...what's the game on?
  10. We managed to get him goal of the season (not just us I know but Blues in general), can we team up with Scotland and go one better and give him the big one? From the BBC... JAMES MCFADDEN 40-1 (24, Scottish, Football) The Scotland striker is being backed by his countrymen to gatecrash the Personality party after scoring the spectacular goal that sunk the French in Paris. The Everton star bagged another in the 3-1 defeat of Ukraine, taking the Scots to the brink of Euro 2008 qualification. A 2-0 defeat in Georgia has left their hopes hanging by a thread, leaving a must-win showdown against Italy on 17 November. McFadden was down to 12-1 with a leading bookmaker at one stage after a patriotic plunge. Don't actually know how or when the voting takes place....keep an eye out for it. Yes I know Lewis Hamilton's going to win but it'd be great to get Jimmy the highest footballer or a place on the short list!
  11. Perfectly clear Dutch, sadly the answer is that you won't get one because they'll be sold out to season ticket holders/Evertonia members etc before they get close to general sale. I share your pain.
  12. Interesting stuff Pat, looking at that team we should be OK but I think it's more likely they'll start with eleven players .
  13. Just as a matter of interest Metalist won at Dinamo Kiev yesterday (keeping a clean sheet, which is more than Manure could do) to go equal on points with them in third place behind Shakhtar and Dnipro. In hindsight we did really well to get past them.
  14. Shouldn't think so....they're fucking useless at stock control. Either run out of things far too quick or end up selling them for £2.50 'cos they've got shitloads of stuff no-one likes at the end of the season (they were selling last years "mustard" third kit up to a couple of weeks ago....all sizes and racks of the things in the shop). Checked JJB site and they've only got medium boys in stock....hopeless.....good luck.
  15. Derick Allsop, Daily Telegraph... ....This is why they keep coming back, even when the football is awful and they know their team can never hope to get near the pace, control and technical excellence of Arsenal or Manchester United. Another mundane offering from the Premier League proper – the sub-culture that represents everything below the big four – appeared to be stumbling towards a draw.... ...wanker. Poor man gets paid to watch football matches, such a chore for him when he has to watch any of us "little " teams. Get a grip man.
  16. Not read that anywhere else but it's a disgrace if it's true. Is it just tickets sold to the UK? And why did they sell them in the first place? I'd sue them to get my air-fare back if it was me .
  17. MikeO

    Fc Nürnberg

    Lost at home yesterday to Stuttgart to keep themselves in fifteenth (of eighteen) in the German league with nine points from twelve games. Should be looking to win this, though a draw would keep us well on track. Advantage of winning though would be (as Licker's pointed out elsewhere) that it would virtually assure qualification and take a lot of pressure off the two UEFA games in a very crowded December. We're on a roll...3-1 win. Yak x2 and JV off the bench.
  18. Approaching a third of the way into the season I got to thinking how's it going to end up? My prediction... 1...Arsenal 2...ManU 3...Chelsea 4...Blackburn (impressive against the top teams and no Euro distraction) 5...Liverpool (but only just, two man team this year instead of one) 6...Everton 7...Portsmouth (won't quite sustain their form for the whole season) 8...Man City (let down by away form) 9...West Ham 10..Villa 11..Spurs (have to start performing at some point) 12..Newcastle (no defence, nothing changes) 13..Reading (have enough at home) 14..Middlesbrough 15..Fulham 16..Sunderland 17..Bolton 18..Wigan 19..Birmingham 20..Derby Whattaya think? Have a go and there'll be a major prize for whoever gets the most correct....or more likely there won't .
  19. According to the Official site it's going to be played 11th/12th Dec, then we're back at Upton Park on the 15th for a league game. The BBC fixtures have got us playing Sat, Tues, Thurs (fitting in the trip to Holland) and Sunday starting at Wham on the 15th but that can't be right. Either way nine games in December. By the end of that we're going to have a good idea of how we're going to cope. Great to have these problems though like JD said.
  20. Amazed you still have any the amount of years you've been subjecting yourself to this Bill, we're mostly bald as a snooker ball by thirty-five .
  21. I love Everton!!! But I'm heading for an early grave.
  22. Fookin' hate being only 1-0 up in games like this, pass me a valium . "Strictly damage limitation from Birmingham" (BBC reporter) makes me even more nervous .
  23. Just noticed a lad (attacking wide midfielder according to their site) called Graeme Sharp scored for Peterhead this afternoon. Sign him !!!!!
  24. 75% posession so far according to the beeb....not too shabby .
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