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Everything posted by ooberman

  1. no - but then i'm a firm believer that what we lack is the confidence in our defence throughout the team - ok, so we need a striker to score 20/30 a season, but realistically beattie could do that up by himself if only he was supported by the midfield more often - but, as we saw last season they're often too keen to stay back and support our aged defence we played best last year in my opinion when mcfadden was playing off beattie, and i stand by that being our best ploy next season - NOT getting someone like Johnson playing alongside Beatts. I'm probably wrong though, and if we get AJ i'll be chuffed to bits. but i can't help but feel it aint gonna happen, so we may as well spend a couple of mil on youthful talent like Nugent.....
  2. for me, we have to (or at least try bloody hard to) sign: - Nugent - good young striker, and supposedly a toffee - makes sense Lescott - quality young defender, could make as much impact as dawson did at spurs Arca - as a left winger - otherwise it's Killa on his own fighting for that place as seen as VDM looks like he might be off if media rumours are true We could sign all those for 10 mil probably, if we've anything left, then go after Johnson - but these 3 are my priorities!
  3. i'd like to see him join - but i want this to be the last time we go for him - any later than this and we'll of missed the boat with him and he'll be approaching "past it" status...
  4. it could....it won't though, we'll sign someone shite....if anyone at all.... MUST START TO BE MORE POSITIVE BUT FINDING IT REALLY HARD....! still, signing Timmy Tourettes should at least give us some comedy chants for next season!
  5. that was the deal of the century though....
  6. can see vaughan valued at 4 mil!! he's a kid and he's scored once for us....
  7. from nsno.co.uk "So far Everton have completed two moves on the last day of the transfer window for English Premiership clubs, with Johann Davidsen going to NSI and signing a young Icelandic keeper. "
  8. i'm just hoping we get someone so goldfishbowl's gotta go to a meeting with Reg!!
  9. best thing i've read in ages! and i'm not quite sure why.....!! i'm gonna introduce myself!! I'm ooberman (Mark) - i live just oustide London and have done all my life. My bro is a Red Shite and when i was a kid it seemed the logical choice to support the blue team on the telly when he's cheering on the reds..... and it kinda stuck.... so, 19 years on i'm still a fan and i get up to Goodison when i can, and i occasionally (though haven't for a while) write articles for borntobeblue this forum is my saviour - it gets me through the days of working at one of the worst national newspapers in the country (where i work as a researcher) on monday i start a new job at one of the better national newspapers and i fear i may not be able to visit this fantastic site as much as i do now.... so i'm making the most of this week!
  10. http://www.Everton-mad.co.uk/news/loadnews...=TMNW&id=265041
  11. http://www.soccer365.com/EUROPEAN_NEWS/Res...09_114167.shtml
  12. well at least we've got something to smile about on this most dreary of deadline days!!
  13. Goldfish says he'll go along with Reg if we sign anyone - i say we all put our savings in and buy Earl Barrett or something!!!
  14. hahahaha couldn't resist! and i'm still p1ssed from my birthday, so there's my excuse!!
  15. has signed for Hearts..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ian/4658852.stm
  16. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/index.php?page_id=8973
  17. hopefully this is true http://www.fansfc.com/frontpage/frontpagen...p?newsid=149217
  18. http://1878club.com/forum/showthread.php?p=19649#post19649
  19. http://home.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=35...CK+TO+LIVERPOOL
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